This is part 2 of the Prophetic Word for 5782 and 2022. This one is titled the New Church. This prophetic word is actually bigger than just one year and it is something I believe we all need to grown into.
I’m sure you’re already thinking about what the church will look like after what we’ve experienced over the last year and a half and are still facing today. I’ve asked the Lord this question and this is what I want to share with you in this word.
The New Church
I’m going to outline a few things to you and it may seem like a tall order but, if you just take this one step at a time, you are going to notice that you will get there. One foot in front of the other. If you spot weaknesses within yourself then you need to stop and go to the Lord about it, ask Him to show you how you can step into this. This will take you awhile to accomplish but with the Holy Spirit, anything is possible.
The New Church is the Old Church
I feel like most of us don’t even know what the new church should look like so the Lord saying “Look at the Old Church”. As in, the book of Acts. He wants us to read Acts 2 – 10.
When He said read Acts 2-10, I was taken into a vision and I saw a house on stilts. There are foundational pillars that hold the house up. You are the house.
(1 Peter 2:4-6 NLT) “ You are coming to Christ, who is the living cornerstone of God’s temple. He was rejected by people, but he was chosen by God for great honor. And you are living stones that God is building into his spiritual temple. What’s more, you are his holy priests. Through the mediation of Jesus Christ, you offer spiritual sacrifices that please God. As the Scriptures say,
“I am placing a cornerstone in Jerusalem,
chosen for great honor,
and anyone who trusts in him
will never be disgraced.”
You are the temple of the Holy Spirit, so this house which I was looking at, which is you, is where the Holy Spirit lives.
The Pillars/Stilts under the house went around the perimeter of the house. In the center there was only one pillar. Each pillar meant something different. Each of these pillars holds up the house, you, and while I couldn’t really tell how many pillars there were I knew for sure that the center pillar was love.
I was aware that while each pillar was important, there was a possibility the house could remain standing, though not optimal, if one of the pillars was removed. Except the center one. If you remove the love pillar the entire house would cave in. This one was the main supporting beam that could not be removed.
Now, in the vision I zoomed out on the house and realized that the house was inside a brick. So this house is actually inside a single brick. Then I see the hand of the Father (big giant hand come out of heaven) and He takes that single brick and He places it inside a designated slot. All the other bricks were in place but there was a space where one brick was missing so He placed the missing brick inside the slot.
After He did that the vision zoomed out again and I realized that the brick was a part of a pillar. Then we zoomed out on the pillar and I see that it is a pillar of a house that looked just like the house that’s inside the brick. Hope that makes sense so I am going to explain this in simple terms.
1 You are the church. All by yourself.
2. If you are a parent, in your home you are actually functioning as pastor, teacher, prophet, evangelist, apostle (discipling, replicating) to your children. If you have no children, you are mentoring or caring for someone so you alone are functioning as the church to another person. All of us are doing this, even to our next door neighbor.
3 Even though you are functioning as the church by yourself, you are a brick that belongs to a larger church
4 The larger church is the body of Christ corporately as a group that ministers to the community and world
5 When we get together as the body the ones that show an aptitude for a particular gift step into that role. You are no longer a one man show at that point but now a part of a larger building. So you are a pastor at your home to your children, but when you get into the larger body of Christ you step aside from that role and your pastor now steps into his or her role as the pastor.
Hope you are crystal clear on this.
You are the temple within the temple. A brick that makes up the temple. A part of the supporting pillar of the church without which the church is missing part of its structure and won’t function at its optimal potential. Your spot is designated just for you. They are waiting for you.
Prayer: Lord show me where I belong. Lead me to the spot you have designated for me, in Jesus name, Amen.
I’m going to briefly go into some details on each pillar but the truth is each one of these could have its own teaching. You’ll have to let me know if you want me to do that later on in the comments.
This was as best as I could get with the understanding of the pillars. I was looking at them on a diagonal and so I was only able to see clearly the ones that were right in front of me so the ones that were on the opposite side I couldn’t see them. So this list is not exhaustive. After you read Acts, you will be able to pick up on the other pillars by yourself. You are going to complete this word with the help of the Holy Spirit. I’m just starting it, you need to finish it.
Love: I believe most Christians struggle with this. Or we reserve it for only the people we like and for those who are our enemies or the people we disagree with we have other rules. The Lord says we have to get a deeper revelation of love. Did you know that it is love that casts out fear? It is not faith. So if you are struggling with fear, somewhere in your heart you need a deeper revelation of God’s love. Ask Him for a revelation of LOVE.
John 13:35 KJV “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.”
The Gospel of Jesus Christ: Whatever happened to the Gospel of Jesus Christ? You can’t build up the church, the Bride of Christ, without the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So what is Gospel? You are a sinner, you were born in sin. Therefore, you are disconnected from a Holy God and have no path to heaven unless that sin is atoned for. Knowing that you are unable to make atonement for your sins, God Himself came to earth in the form of a man named Jesus Christ. Jesus went to the cross and died for your sins in your place. When He made payment in full for your sins He resurrected into the heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. For those of us who are repentant of our sins and receive Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior the Holy Spirit is sent as a deposit and seal upon us to restore that communion with God the Father and give us a path to heaven. It is only through Jesus that you can get to heaven and your salvation is made possible by the Trinity – The Father sends the Son, the Son after you accept Him, deposits the Holy Spirit within you. All three are a part of your salvation. Many stop short at only 2 – The Father and The Son but when you don’t receive the Holy Spirit and open your heart to receive Him you are still missing the Spirit of the Lord within you and may not have that communication or connection. You will also not be able to walk in the supernatural things of God because the presence of the Holy Spirit is not there. We need all Three. (1 Corinthians 15) In other words, a house on pillars with no Holy Spirit living in the house. Yikes!
Integrity: This is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. The state of being whole and undivided. Simply put, you are the same person behind closed doors as when you are in the public. There’s no duplicity. Consistent in righteousness.
Proverbs 11:3 NIV “The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.”
Character: This is the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual. This may sound similar to integrity and integrity is a part of Christian Character but I believe your character is more marked by your display of the Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). This is a process but the truth is if you just work on Love, the rest of them fall right into place. You don’t develop character overnight, this comes through years of struggle and challenges. The decisions we make when our backs are up against the wall develops character. It was character that stopped David from killing Saul, his enemy, when he had the chance to do it. I have so much more to share about this one later.
1 Samuel 16:7 Voice ” Take no notice of his looks or his height. He is not the one, for the Eternal One does not pay attention to what humans value. Humans only care about the external appearance, but the Eternal considers the inner character.“
Purity: Most of the time when we think of purity we think outward appearances. Is she wearing too much makeup? Is that skirt too short? While your outer appearance is important, I would propose to you that if you become pure in your heart and mind the external will follow. We can easily change our clothes to look modest on the outside and still be rotten on the inside. You can watch a young woman come to church dressed a certain way in the beginning but the minute she comes to know Jesus, spends time in His word and seeking His Presence, her clothes will start to change. Without anyone saying a word to her. Because it is impossible for someone to encounter the presence of the Lord on a regular basis and not be changed.
Do you want to encounter Jesus Christ? Pursue Purity in your heart and mind. Focus on your heart and mind, and the external stuff will follow.
Matthew 5:8 “ Blessed are those who are pure in heart—they will see God.“
MSG – “You’re blessed when you get your inside world—your mind and heart—put right. Then you can see God in the outside world.”
Psalm 24:3-4 “Who may ascend onto the mountain of the Lord? And who may stand in His holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart, Who has not lifted up his soul to what is false, Nor has sworn [oaths] deceitfully.”
Holiness: the Greek is Hagiasmos which means the process of making or becoming holy, set apart, sanctification, holiness, consecration. To set yourself apart from the things of this world and the things that would pollute you and prevent you from being transformed into the image of Christ. This goes hand in hand with purity but I believe there is a difference because you can be pure and still not cut yourself off from some things that you should. So you should move from purity into holiness.
2 Corinthians 7:1 ” Therefore, since we have these promises, dear friends, let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit, perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.”
Boldness/Conviction: Being totally unashamed or having the fear of man when it comes to sharing to Gospel of Jesus Christ and the love of God with others. When persecution comes we have to be bold in the face of it. Are you ready and willing to die for your faith? Afghanistan has the 2nd fastest growing church in the world and they are just now taken over by a terrorist organization. They’ve already been sent letters saying they are coming for them. What would you do in a situation like that?
Psalm 27:1 ESV “The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”
Matthew 10:33 PTP “But if you publicly deny that you know me, I will also deny you before my heavenly Father.”
If Jesus is the only way to heaven and you deny Him in your final moment, He denies you. It is that simple. So then our focus shouldn’t be on the temporary but the eternal which is forever. And, forever is a long time compared to getting your head cut off once. I’m sorry to be so graphic but this is the truth. And we should all mentally prepare ourselves when we have to take a stand one day that our focus should be eternity.
The Supernatural: This can scare some people because let’s face it this involves doing and seeing something that is impossible. Churches shun the supernatural and mislabel it as demonic sometimes. Remember, the enemy is not very creative so generally what he does is mimic and copy what the Lord is doing. Just like Moses and the magicians in front of the Pharaoh. We’re going to need these supernatural abilities in the new church. We just need to be discerning to know the difference when the real and the counterfeit presents itself in front of us. You may think, what are some of these supernatural abilities? Signs, wonders & miracles
Traveling in the Spirit (Acts 8:26-40) the Holy Spirit moving you from one location to another. How else are you going to get into those places if you don’t have a vaccine passport? How are you going to get to those far reached places, tribes, how do you get past the gatekeepers if God doesn’t just pick you up and put your on the inside? I didn’t say astral projection which is initiated by man, not God.
Moving things from the realm of the spirit into the natural (Acts 10:9-15)
And so many other things that the Holy Spirit will do through us if we surrender and trust Him.
Authenticity: The bible says that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in His image. With that comes our uniqueness. Don’t try to be someone else. Remain true to you. How you look. How you dress. Your personality. The way in which you present yourself. The world is always trying to fit everyone into the same mold or the look of the day but I believe God wants us to celebrate the different way in which He expresses Himself through us. You’re not going to be everybody’s “cup of tea” but that is OK. You need to be authentically you. Everybody else is taken, be yourself. Have you ever read anything written by AW Tozer? He’s got some of the most solid, timeless Christian writings and the man was self taught. Didn’t even go to high school or college. God can use anybody. So you are never too young, ever too old, never not educated enough, whatever it may be. When God tells you to go, just go and be authentic when you go.
(1 Corinthians 2:1-5) “And I, when I came to you, brothers, did not come proclaiming to you the testimony of God with lofty speech or wisdom. For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified. And I was with you in weakness and in fear and much trembling, and my speech and my message were not in plausible words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men but in the power of God.”
The complete word of God – Genesis to Revelation: We can’t just pick and choose the part of the word that we like or that fits our agenda as a church. We have to teach the whole word of God. God still heals right? So just because you prayed for one person, 2 persons, 3 persons, 4 persons to be healed and they didn’t get healed doesn’t mean that God doesn’t heal. There are denominations that won’t even talk about healing because they don’t want to explain to people why someone wasn’t healed. So they create something called cessationism which means He doesn’t do that anymore. But to do that, is to remove one of God’s Name. Jehovah Rophe, the God who heals! Should we just erase that Name from the bible because we don’t see it? No. It’s HIS NAME! We can’t eliminate the parts that we don’t see happening in our lives. If you don’t see any manifestation of it, sit with the Lord and ask Him why. But what you should never do is say that that part needs to be eliminated because you don’t see it.
The entire bible is given to us to take us through the seasons of life. Whether we are on the mountain top or the valley. And I believe that at some point in our lives we all need a specific part of it, so when we eliminate portions we short circuit our walk. We handicap ourselves when the season comes when we need to pull on a certain scripture. Yes, some topics will fill more seats in the church. Some of it will bring in more donations. But we can’t be lopsided in how we preach and teach and then expect people to survive through bad seasons. It will not work. We are doing a disservice to the body of Christ when we “cherry pick” the scriptures. Then the body grows malnourished and anemic.
(2 Timothy 3:16-17 Voice) “All of Scripture is God-breathed; in its inspired voice, we hear useful teaching, rebuke, correction, instruction, and training for a life that is right so that God’s people may be up to the task ahead and have all they need to accomplish every good work.”
Discipline: We have to be disciplined people. Prayer requires discipline. Fasting requires discipline. Obedience requires discipline. We will never be able to get to the fullness of our calling and purpose without discipline. We need to be disciplined to see our promises.
These are pillars….that I saw. These words were written on the side of each pillar. But remember now, I didn’t see all of them just one side. Acts will reveal the rest to you.
Your assignment/Homework
Read Acts 2 – 10 before next week when we will have Part 3. Try to read it in different versions and also listen to it on audio bible in all the versions. As you listen, think about what you saw in the original church – write it down. God is going to show you more pillars than what I have mentioned above. That may be a pillar just for you. It will be the one that He is building in you. That will become your own personal plumb line.
Establishing Your Plumb Line
A plumb line is a weight suspended from a string used as a vertical reference line to ensure a structure is centered.
“Painters and carpenters use plumb lines to keep their work straight. It is difficult, while in the middle of a project, to determine a true horizontal or vertical line without an objective measuring tool, so a plumb line is employed. A plumb line applies the law of gravity to find right angles, to indicate the most direct route from top to bottom, and to keep things plumb. A plumb line doesn’t change or move with the whims of the carpenter. It remains true, and all work must line up with it or risk being crooked.” From
While each of us should have the pillars listed above, I believe that God establishes personal plumb lines that will keep you centered in the Lord. What you will find is that as you’re building whatever He will call you to build in this new church it will create something UNIQUE to you and your ministry or your business.
It keeps you centered and stops what you are building for Him from being crooked
Your plumb line doesn’t have to be everyone else’s plumb line. So be careful not to judge other people in the body of Christ when there’s is not the same as yours.
Do not force yourself to make one up either! You need the grace of God to actually stick to what He will show you. Therefore, the one who established the plumb line is the one who will maintain it. You’re going to know it because it will be a conviction that comes from the Holy Spirit directly to you and you will not waiver from that.
I want to share one of mine with you, you can have more than one, so that you know what it looks like. One of our plumb lines in this ministry is that we treat everyone the same. Whether you give $10,000 donation or $0 you are going to get treated the same. You do not need to sow a seed for someone to pray for you or feel like you are less than because you don’t have a donation to give. You are going to be treated the same as everyone else. This may seem simple and like it only has to do with money but really let’s take it outside of that and just look at how people treat others in general. There’s so much idolatry and idolizing of people in churches. I’m so turned off by this. When I go into churches I sit back and watch how the pastor interacts with the people. When they step off the stage do they take the time to talk to the people or are they being whisked out the back door protected by their guards? What. Is. That? Unless they are running to another speaking engagement, why can’t the people talk to them? Some of these ministers you can’t even walk up to them and have a conversation unless you are another big name person. They hold themselves on another level than the regular man. Yet, Jesus was approachable. And, He IS God. Anybody could walk up to Him. He’s accessible to everyone. Perhaps it’s because I do mission work why I see these things. I’m already pre-wired for this plumb line. He left the 99 to go get the 1, because everybody is important. People always want to create idols but it is up to the man or woman of God to stop it from happening. Stay low. Humble yourself. At some point, the same people that elevate you are the same ones that come back to kick the pedestal from under you. Stay low so there’s nowhere for you to fall cause you’re already on the ground! LOL (ok, putting away the soap box).
It’s the same plumb line – treat everybody the same. (Philippians 2:3) Do not consider yourself better than anybody else.
If every bible college and Christian online training school charged a fee to attend, how will the poor Christians attend? Perhaps you never thought about this before. The poor people need a seat at the table too. You can read more here on how this plumb line was given.
Now you may be thinking, how do you pay for anything? I’ve been doing it for 17 years and I’m still here. The same God that established the plumb line also fulfills the plumb line by sending donors that will donate to the ministry to make this possible.
You see this in the book of Acts, that people brought what they had to the apostles and it was distributed to everyone so that all of their needs met. From the richest to the poorest. They were treated the same. (Read it >>Acts 4:32-37)
This is not for everybody because there is a special grace that comes with each plumb line. That’s why I don’t expect every single ministry and church to operate like this. I just have a personal conviction about it that will not allow me to waver.
I know others who have a plumb line of living debt free. They refuse to use credit cards or take out loans to fund their ministry or businesses. So they buy everything cash – cars, house, building a business, church, ministry. All cash. Who wouldn’t like to walk in and give $420,000 cash to buy a house? But it requires a level of faith and trust in the One who gave the plumb line to maintain it. What do you think happens when their car breaks down? They have to sit and wait for God to send someone to give them a car or send enough money into the business for them to buy one. And, it happens! But it can feel like forever when you have to sit there and wait for a few weeks to see it happen when you could just walk into a car dealership and sign a piece of paper. They have a special grace for this.
These are just examples to give you an idea of what I’m talking about. Know that when you find what yours is, it’s going to be tested. God is going to test you to see if you will stand no matter what happens. That’s why you can’t make one up.
After I received this message, this was on the news the following week. The new church is old church. The Book of Acts Church – Part 2.
God establishes these plumb lines in people as a part of their destiny and purpose. When we all embrace whatever it is that He’s showing to us individually we become a brick in that pillar and when we join together we make up the body. One is not better than the other but together we form the complete structure. So when your plumb line joins with my plumb line and we all move together with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, in Purity, Holiness, Integrity, with Character… now we have something! It’s solid and centered. And there’s absolutely no darkness that will ever overcome that Light. The gates of hell will not prevail against it.
Amos 7:7-8 AMP
Thus He showed me [a vision], and behold, the Lord was standing by a vertical wall with a plumb line in His hand [to determine if the wall was straight or if it needed to be destroyed]. The Lord said to me, “Amos, what do you see?” And I said, “A plumb line.” Then the Lord said,
“Behold, I am setting a plumb line [as a standard]
Among My people Israel [showing the defectiveness of the nation, requiring judgment].
I shall not spare them any longer. [The door of mercy is shut.]
The plumb line keeps what we are building straight and stops it from being crooked so He doesn’t need to tear it down. And, He’s rebuilding His church according to His standards.
What this will look like in the end is you, as a house, will build yourself according to His standard. It’s a process but in the end you become a gold brick. Therefore, you are not going to put yourself as a part of a structure that is made of wood. You don’t fit there. You have standards. You will no longer be able to sit in a church that doesn’t have pillars that look like Jesus. And, there is no perfect church but you will know when your personal convictions will not allow you to make yourself a part of that structure. It will be a sign of your growth.
1 Corinthians 3:10-17
“By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care. For no one can lay any foundation other than the one already laid, which is Jesus Christ. If anyone builds on this foundation using gold, silver, costly stones, wood, hay or straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work. If what has been built survives, the builder will receive a reward. If it is burned up, the builder will suffer loss but yet will be saved—even though only as one escaping through the flames.
Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst? If anyone destroys God’s temple, God will destroy that person; for God’s temple is sacred, and you together are that temple.”
Next week – Part 3 Your weapons have not changed
Amen and again Amen.
Thank you very much for coming around you . Thank for your encouragement and caring despite there are trials and challenges, you kept us going on. From scars to Stars.
May the Lord of Host will host you and grant you a channel of attention.
God bless you all.
Your Servant in Christ.
– Abraham Deniyi ANIMASAUN.
Wow!! I have been saving this and life well, honestly got really busy and I couldn’t read it. I just have and it is so true to what is happening in my life right now. Thank you for this amazing word of encouragement and teaching. Can’t wait to read the next one…next week. Got homework first.
God Bless!!
Simplicity of Heart calls out to me so much. Thank you for your guidance.
I should have re-read your blog post before my last post. I first read it when it first came out and it’s been about a week. So my last post has some pillars that you already mentioned. For some reason, I just remembered a couple you had. Now that I started reading your blog again, you already had a couple that I put in my comments. Sorry about that. Feel free to delete my comments. I’m trying to do too much at once. 🙂 Blessings
Thinking about these pillars and plumbline has been exciting to me. I want to spend more time with descriptions and what the Word has to say about these pillars but these are the ones that came to my mind the morning after I read your post. Besides, of course the love and integrity that you have mentioned. I love how you mentioned that love covers a multitude of sins. As I was making my own binding and loosing list, it seems one of the things I have been loosing, no matter the spirit I am binding, does include love…because it covers a multitude of sins. I loose other things as well, but the love always needs to be there.
So back to the pillars: 1. Humility, because within any type of leadership or even serving, pride begins to make a mess and is a cause for a fall. Our enemy got his start that way, he wanted to be bigger than God. Humility always seems to make a way for forgiveness and the good news of Jesus.
2. Worship: We were all created to worship God. We are empty without worshiping, worshiping God fills a void in us and gives praise to the correct Being. Anyone who isn’t worshiping God is worshiping something else. To God belongs the Glory and Worship. Worship can change an atmosphere and God inhabits the praises of His people. It ushers in His presence.
3. Authenticity: People crave realness. Throw off the fake and welcome authentic living. I believe the more real a leader is, it opens up others to be real. Of course that has to come with…
4. Wisdom: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom. So wisdom has to come with authenticity. We don’t want to throw our pearls before swine. So within wisdom is discernment. I ask daily for wisdom, discernment and humility.
5: Mercy, Mercy triumphs over judgement. Mercy goes with love. The Lord is so merciful.
6. Boldness: This one seems so important to me. I can have all of the others but if I don’t have boldness nothing happens. Obedience goes with this one too me. Obedience to the Lord requires boldness. The church has to be bold to stand up against a changing culture. Bold to stand up for truth. But really all of these pillars are a part of love, aren’t they…..Jesus encompasses all of them. So the # 1 pillar would be Jesus. I think I just wrote myself into a circle. lol Just typing my thoughts out. lol. I love this process.
My 1st plumblines: If God gives me a ministry or I’m a part of one…..its always been on my mind how Paul did ministry. He was a tent maker. So I want to not charge for whatever I do. I have side gifts in creativity that I know God can use for income. So along the same line as yours, treat people who donate lots or nothing exactly the same. It’s so not about the money. Another one I’m thinking is that I don’t want a name, I don’t want to bring glory to myself, only the Lord. I don’t want to be tempted into pride. So whatever giftings God has given me, I want them to remain His glory. So no titles, just want to be a servant. I’ve already been tempted with the thought of a title and I don’t want that to be what I’m about. I’m sure there would be more, but that is where I am at now.
Hi C, these are good but I want to be sure that you read Acts 2 – 10 before you made this list. The pillars are in those chapters and that’s what God wants us to focus on at this time. All scripture is good but there is a timing involved with each one and this is where the prophetic comes in handy. God tells us in each season which scripture we should be focusing on. For where we are going now, He wants us to read Acts 2-10. The pillars that we will need will be found there. If after reading Acts 2-10, you find that you cannot clearly see any of the pillars you have listed here that means that pillar was attached to an old season. Not that it is not an important pillar, BUT, the Lord is moving us into a new era so we have switch gears. So some pillars are going to have a higher emphasis attached to them than others. Hope this makes sense.
Thank you! I did listen to Acts 2-10 last night but I need to read through several times in different versions and listen to what God is saying for this season. Thank you again.
It has taken me a while, but I finally dug in and this is what jumped out at me the most from Acts 1-10…. Joy
I sense that joy in His presence is a pillar for me. I’ve lived in a struggle with darkness for most of my life and I have been experiencing so much joy in His presence over the past couple of years. That joy despite circumstances draws others to the light within..which is Christ. The church needs joy, true joy that comes from His presence. I get so much joy dancing in His presence and when I read this in Acts, it made me cry and really spoke to me. Death could not hold Jesus down. He is the light in the darkness, He is the only hope and fulfills everything in every way!
Acts 2: 24-28
“But God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, because it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him. David said about him: “ ‘I saw the Lord always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices; my body also will rest in hope, because you will not abandon me to the realm of the dead, you will not let your holy one see decay. You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.’”
That is so beautiful!!! And you are correct. The church struggles with exhibiting joy. I think some people almost feel guilt to feel joy. But it is one of the biggest things we can use to attract others. Go after Joy! Blessings
The old church started by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and this was the doing of the Lord after they waited in Jerusalem as commanded ,this also apply it to us today the lord has been speaking to individuals in connection to his will and purpose. Obedience is of paramount in realizing the steadfastness of the new church in holiness suitable for the masters habitation (Ephesians 2:21,22) Being under the able workmanship of the Holy Spirit who came to accomplish the project at the time of Pentecost but was grieved by introduction of human philosophies in the project building, by a conceptualizing self-interest in the process walking away from his instructions by not adhering to the whole concept of being build up.
A good example here of this conception is displayed by Simon in (acts 8:13) he became a believer and he got baptized and continued with Philip however he was not delivered from the concept of superiority and fame, he still had some connection to that dark world of superiority and fame which became evident in verse 18,19.
This concept of priority has been a virus in the body of Christ that needs proper divine vaccination for it mutated to prosperity having materialism as a variant leading to idolatry at the expense of the gospel of Christ.
Simon may have followed the crowd and believe what was said but maybe he did not make it a personal decision in that regard. This may be so because when Peter came, there is no indication that Simon was filled with the Holy Spirit. Instead he displayed his heart disposition in acts 8:18-22.
God cannot inhabit superiority and fame centered individual but he needs obedience to the direction of the spirit willingly having insight to what is said
Acts 5:20,21.
Insight is the one of the pillars that hold the house up.
This Pillars needed to be expounded on and applied in our Christian life. Having insight and being obedient really make it easy for whatever the Lord want to accomplish get done with ease and it helps individual to grow to maturity to the stature of the Christ to a full grown man Ephesians 4:13.
We will abound with the supernatural provisions when we repent and distance ourself from the sin of idolatry and turn our focus entirely on the Lord.
(Matthew 19:21-29.
The core of our lords teachings centered on the good news of the kingdom of God other things came to hang around this.
Luke 4:18,19,43.
The prosperity and live good gospel within the church has deviated from the way. Not that they are wrong but should not be the focus because it leads to idolatry.
Jesus gave the blueprint for leaving a good life in Matthew chapter 6:33,34.
The word seek brings attention for one to focus on the kingdom then all the things the good living that the nations are pursuing will be added.
That is why Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians made it clear…” that those who live should live no longer for themselves but for Jesus”. The dominant mental inclination should be towards the interest of Jesus, him to be seen in us. Wherever we are in the business , workplace, whatever we are doing.
In the old church it was called the new life
Acts 5:20 living for God and enjoying the supernatural provisions Acts 5:15,16.
The life that the Israelites lived in the wilderness for 40 years when they were under God’s will and purpose show it all.
I can’t tell you how much your ministry has kept me a float during theses past couple of years. My eyes and spirit have been opened and nourished. “Thank you for your love and faithfulness to God.” One day I wish to share just how much God used your ministry to open my eyes and bring healing in trying times.
Much blessings & prayers!
Thank you so much for your kind words. Blessings
im so greatful for this ministry that has helped my life so much, more than I can say in this forum… is sad what alot of ministrys are doing…thank you father for another chance to grow in you….i have much to say but I will just say missionaries of prayer has helped me so much….an still is… ive had ministrys that i gave too an they took from my bank card 2x an I did not authorize that….i have let alot of these ministrys go, i went thru years of borrowing just to give..thank you missionaries of prayer for your integrity an teachings…they are very profound
Hi Sandra, thank you for your kind words. You should never feel so obligated to give that you put yourself in debt. I’m pretty sure God would not want that. Nor would He want one of His children to be in debt just to receive a blessing or an impartation. If ever you feel this way again when listening to any minister you know for sure some other spirit is behind their message. Love and Blessings
My pastor actually JUST preached a word on 8/29 at 11 a.m. CST on this very prophetic word! God is speaking! I am definitely all about integrity and authenticity!
Wow! This is so deep I had to read it over and over. I have had this feeling that we need to get back to the basics in the book of Acts and do God’s work as the Apostles did. I have been following all the proohetic words and am glad my eyes have been opened. I my part of the world the churches are still closed but I personally got a dream when the Lord was asking me to give accountability of how I have spread the gospel. I took this as an instruction to go find the lost and in just two weeks over 20 people have come to the Lord. This prophetic word has encouraged me to work on myself more in terms of character and love but I will also read the book of Acts and see what plumb line the Lord will give me. God bless you MOP.
Hi Moureen, this is exactly how the churches were formed in the book of Acts. Now imagine if you brought these people to your house once per week for a bible study and kept going with this same passion for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, then in a few short months you have 300 people in your church and then you get a larger spot to meet or outside in the parking lot since it’s covid and you keep growing. Then you train those people to share the Gospel and they start bringing in more people and by the end of this year you will have 2,000 people in your church!!! God will use you if you are willing. May He bless you and prosper you and cause His face to shine upon you. Pray He sends powerful angels to guard and protect you as your go and He releases all the finances and strategies you need to continue to grow and build. Declaring health and wholeness over your body, mind, soul and spirit, in Jesus name. Blessings
Amen amen. Your prayer is spot on and I receive the blessings in the name of Jesus. We now have 65 people who have come to Christ and I was wondering what to do with them but your reply has solved it. God provided and I got them Bibles. Let the descipleship begin. Am here Lord.