It is said the emotional, verbal and mental abuse is worse than physical abuse. With physical abuse the scars heal but when someone is emotionally wounded these scars can last a lifetime if they are not properly addressed.
Wounded people wound people and so when someone has not healed from their own verbal abuse they continue the cycle by abusing others around them. Parents can wound their children emotionally and then the children go on to would their siblings and their own spouse.
Emotional abuse is not only limited to women. Men can be emotionally abused as well. Especially when it is a male looking for approval from their father and the father is an emotionally abusive person.
The first step to healing is forgiving the abuser and removing yourself from the situation. If you are in a marriage you need to seek Christian counseling as soon as possible. The sooner you can get others involved to establish some kind of accountability, the better.
How do you find spiritual healing for emotional wounds?
First you need to know that these wounds reside in your soul. It is your soul that is wounded and your spirit that is crushed. Just as the words of a person wounded you then the word of God can heal you.
You must meditate on God’s word. This is the key to your recovery. We will give you a list of scriptures to meditate on and then you can use these tips on Meditation to get the scriptures into your soul.
- Degrading and Debasing
- Ridiculing
- Humiliating
- Judging and criticizing
- Isolating
- Dismissing
- Trivializing and undermining
- Withholding emotional support, financial support, spiritual support
- Withholding sex
- Derisive
- Mocking and hurtful jokes
- Condescending looks and comments
- Negative comments on your character and abilities
- Threats of physical abuse, or damage to property, children or pets.
- Name calling
- Manipulative and controlling
At some point we all face these points from our parents, spouse or boss but it becomes abusive when it is a daily or weekly occurrence and it is a combination or one two punch of any of these points over a prolonged period. It is a slow insidious drip over a period of time. And, generally when you are happy about something or making advancement in your spiritual, personal or professional life.
This is an anti progress, anti growth spirit. And, if you do make it to your next level you will be so wounded that you won’t be able to properly perform because of your emotional or self esteem issues.
Actually, if the abuser saw the points above they would deny they are abusive. They would then begin to show you that they are only telling you the truth for your own good. Completely justifying their actions and behavior.
Verbal Abusers like to make the abusee feel that they will never get better treatment elsewhere because they deserve the abuse, after all it is true. If they can get you to believe this lie you will never leave and then you become the lie. (Proverbs 23:7 New King James Version) “For as he thinks in his heart, so is he.”
Again, the first thing is to forgive them and get yourself out of the situation and then seek Christian counseling. If you are married ask your spouse to go to counseling with you. If they refuse then you need to go alone. Just get help. If only to get agreement from the counselor and advise on how to move forward and get healing. This is biblical.
If you can’t afford the counseling, talk to the pastor. In some churches they may have support groups that may also help.
Matthew 18:15-20 New International Version (NIV)
15 “If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. 16 But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ 17 If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector.
18 “Truly I tell you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.
19 “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.”
Here are some scriptures for meditation:
Psalm 34:18 (NKJV) “The Lord is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit.”
Psalm 51:6 (NKJV) “Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, And in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.”
Psalm 139:14 (NKJV) “I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well.”
2 Corinthians 3:17 New International Version (NIV) “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
1 John 4:18 “Love will never invoke fear. Perfect love expels fear, particularly the fear of punishment. The one who fears punishment has not been completed through love.”
Psalm 63:3 “Your steadfast love is better than life itself, so my lips will give You all my praise.”
Romans 8:37-39 “But no matter what comes, we will always taste victory through Him who loved us. For I have every confidence that nothing—not death, life, heavenly messengers, dark spirits, the present, the future, spiritual powers, height, depth, nor any created thing—can come between us and the love of God revealed in the Anointed, Jesus our Lord.”
Isaiah 61:1-3 (NIV) “He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, and provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.”
Jeremiah 31:3 “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.”
The important thing for you to know is that God LOVES you. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of Jesus Christ. When you truly see yourself as created, accepted, approved and loved by God you will not allow anyone to devalue you or treat you any less than what you are ….a child of the Most High God…a King and Queen in the Kingdom.
Here are the tips for biblical meditation. You will use these tips with the scriptures above to heal your soul.
Prayer for the Abuser
Father God, thank you for leading me to find the help that I need. I first forgive __________ for wounding me emotionally, verbally and mentally. I release ____________ as my first step of faith towards healing. I know that forgiving this person releases me. I ask you Lord to show ___________the error of their ways. Show them how much you love them and heal their wounds so that they will no longer wound others. I pray for everyone that is involved in this abuse ____________________, ______________________, ______________ that you will heal all of them and give wisdom and guidance to each. Send your Holy Spirit to comfort and bring healing. I pray that ________ will be open to going to counseling with me. Speak to their heart and grant them the grace to do the right thing and seek help and healing, in Jesus Name, Amen
Prayer for Emotional Abuse
Abba Father, I acknowledge that I am your child. You made me in your image and I am beautiful. I am accepted, approved and loved by You. Give me the mind of Christ so that I can see myself as You see me. Lead me to all the scriptures in your word that will renew my mind and heal my soul. Bind up my wounds Lord. Renew me. Wash my mind clean of the words and thoughts that are a lie from the enemy. Put a filter on my mind so that I am aware of the things I reflect on. I give myself over to the Holy Spirit to stop me when I’ve given my mind and thoughts over to the enemy. Teach me how to stop the thought process and get renewed and healed. Pour out your balm of Gilead on my wounds and heal me. Heal the deepest hurt in my soul. Even the things that I don’t know needs to be healed. Put every shattered piece of my broken heart back together and heal every scar left from this trauma. In the end may there be no sign of the scars. No scar tissue in the soulish realm. Make my healing complete. Lead me to the right counselor, pastor or church that will help me in the process of restoration. You are a God who brings restoration and healing. Restore me to the joy of Your salvation. Renew a right spirit in me. Make me a new creation in Christ. Thank you for guiding me through this process. I ask that the memories associated with this wounding and trauma be erased. I bind the PTSD associated with these wounds and loose healing. I yield myself to you, in Jesus Name, Amen.
If you feel that you need additional prayer for healing your emotions write it in the comments below. Also, if you have other scriptures that you have used in your healing process, please feel free to share them so that others can be blessed by them.
Remember, you are LOVED with an EVERLASTING love.
Here are some other prayers and bible verses:
Please pray for me that I will be healed from my anger and resentment at the severe emotional abuse I suffered from by my narcissistic mother. She always claimed that she was a wonderful mother, yet all three of her daughters grew up to have major problems: one became anorexic, one got involved with a 30 year old man when she was 16, one became addicted to crack cocaine and became a prostitute to support her habit, and ended up getting AIDS and dying at age 40, two of them dropped out of the tenth grade and moved out when they were 16, and one attempted suicide and had mental health issues and was in a psychiatric hospital. But she told me, “I don’t blame myself.” She denies any abuse, even though she withheld food and refused to provide necessities for us, while buying things for herself. She would heat her own room and leave the rest of the house cold. She would wait until we went to bed and then order pizza for herself. She was obese. (We went without dinner). Her needs were all that mattered. I’m still so angry because the emotional abuse continued into my adult years. The lying, gaslighting, reinventing history, etc. I find myself wanting her to experience God’s justice because of my suffering. Is that really wrong? I really need prayer because I am so full of anger. Please pray for me…
please prayer for me for healing and freedom for being abused emotionlly, verbally being treated like a child, yelled at and controlling my like that this will stop. Since I got out of the hospital back in November of this year,I have being staying out in country with my son and his wife his father in law. I would like my son’s eye to be open to the truth and to allow me to go home.
But help me to forgive.
Please pray for me and my children who are victims of emotional, verbal, mental and physical abuse from my partner.
Please pray for us, my children are being traumatized with those abuse.
I pray for me and my husband who is very degrading at times and always says everything is my fault. It is so tiring. Thank you for this post and for your prayers. God bless and thank you ❤️🙏
I have been married to my husband for 13 years. He became emotionally, mentally and verbally abusive after his last deployment. It’s toned down over the years, but when he’s in a mood it’s still so hard and so stressful. He’s received help but he also never really sees himself as wrong. Apologies are either him blaming me in apology forn or him seeming sincere then later bringing it up as something I did wrong and never remembering what he did. There are so many times I just want to leave, but we have 3 children and I’m worried he might receive custody because I’ve been a stay at home mom all these years.
Please pray for my husband. In normal days he’s nice but all of a sudden he gets very moody and he would shout at me, blame me, pushes me away, calls me stupid, sarcastic and even if I just ask him something he would say something very painful to me. He seems to have two different personalities. Other days he’s the kindest man I could ever think of but there are days that I can’t stand his painful words. I’m broken, tired , I feel like I’m going crazy. Please pray for his conversion that God touch his heart.thank you and God bless
I will pray for you and your husband. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
Hi Cosette i am in the exact same boat as you are. I will pray for you and your husband.
I am sorry you experienced this. I am praying for and with you. I encourage you to grow for yourself in the Lord, regardless of your husband’s behavior. I also strongly recommend resources but Leslie Vernick.
I’m at Mercy for help and prayers for myself and my boyfriend to heal us from our emotional abuse from the past so that we may know ourselves closer to God and show this through our love for one another so that we can stop this abusive cycle. I try so hard.. I’m diagnosed with PTSD and manic depressives bipolar, severe anxiety and panic attacks.. please help me heal so I can be a better woman and me pray for him to heal so he will stop the emotional hurtful things he says to me every single day and maybe he can understand my diagnosis better and we grow closer to God and each other as we heal. Please pray for me And Steve and our families. We’re desperate. I know my mind is weak my heart is broke but I seek help and prayers every day and believe God has my hand thru this. I want to go back to church even if he won’t come with me. Help me help him.. help me help US God as we learn thru ur love. Thank u and God bless those who read this and prayers for us. In God’s name Amen
I join with you to pray against every challenge you are facing.
I have found these scriptures very helpful.
Ephesians 6:12-13 says: “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.
Matthew 15.13
Every plant that my heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted.
Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Cor 10.5
This is an anti progress, anti growth spirit. And, if you do make it to your next level you will be so wounded that you won’t be able to properly perform because of your emotional or self esteem issues.
This has happened over and over again, he will always stans in the way of my progress.
But today I break the cycle of verbal and emotional abuse over my life and my children in Jesus name. Who the Son sets free is truly free indeed. Thank you Jesus!
Thank you for the prayers for covering and protection from verbal and emotional abuse. God bless you.
Beautiful revelation Folakemi! Thank you for sharing
I need prayer and healing from verbal and emotional abuse from my husband. I’m 70 he is 73
I says I have dementia ( which has medically been proven that I don’t) he has an explosive temper. He does not believe in God and I am a Christian and I’m very tired and feel trapped financially now
I try to be invisible so that I don’t say or do something to set him off . Never physically abusive
Please pray for my situation
I join with you to pray against every challenge you are facing. I recommend resources from Leslie Vernick. She has Christian guidance on emotional abuse that has been a life saver!
I’m in desperate need right now for additional prayer for healing my emotions. I’m not ok.
LINDSY, a groan will reach the throne. The bible says when you don’t know what to pray the spirit will intervene with utterings on your behalf.
“Jesus help me” is a prayer.
The woman with the issue of blood TOUCHED the hem of his garment .She SAID WITHIN HERSELF if I could only touch something of Jesus I will be healed. She TOUCHED his compassion for THE WEAK AND SICK. People were healed when Paul’s shadow cast over them. People are healed whosit under the teaching or preaching of Gods word both now and in Jesus ministry on earth. THE WORD HEALS. JESUS SAID I AM THE BREAD OF LIFE. THE BREAD OF LIFE IS THE WORD OF GOD. READ SCRIPTURES OUT LOUD OR GET CDS DOCUMENTING HEALINGS JESUS PERFORMED IN THE BIBLE. LISTEN TO THEM AGAIN AND AGAIN. IT WILL GET INTO YOUR SPIRIT AND HEAL YOU. JESUS SAID DO NOT WORRY. HE SEES YOU AND HEARS YOU. THE BIBLE SAYS “HE SENT HIS WORD AND IT HEALED THEM”.
I am going through a divorce with a narcissist husband. We have children that he is trying to withhold from me and using them as pawns in this awful game. I know God has released me from my vows and I feel like I am fighting for my life. Please pray and help us.
Yes, I need prayer and healing, thanks for being a blessing.
I am praying for all of you. I am for certain it is spiritual in nature. Everything sounds so familiar. Same demons, different faces. I understand how you all feel and I am asking for prayer also. I am tired.