Prayer to Cut Soul Ties

What is a Soul Tie?

It’s basically the soul of two people being joined together.  Therefore you can have good soul ties and you can have bad ones.  Think of it as a covenant relationship – there are marriage covenants between a husband and wife and then you can also have covenants with your sisters and brothers in Christ which are also godly.  For example, the story of David and Jonathan in the bible would be two people that are in a covenant relationship that is non sexual and based on Christians value (1 Samuel 20).  A simple way to tell if your soul tie with that person is good or bad is to ask yourself these questions:

Does this person draw me into a deeper relationship with the Lord or do they draw me away from the Lord?

Can I trust this person to keep me accountable if and when I am going off track?

Can I share openly with this person on my weaknesses or faults and they encourage me but at the same time correct me when needed?

We all need people that we are accountable to, so having godly covenant relationships are very important.

The purpose of this post is to address the bad soul ties.  God’s people sometimes perish for a lack of knowledge.  We end up in a cycle in our lives because weSoul Tie Prayer do not have the information that we need to be free from bondage and traps that the enemy has set for us.

Many are trapped in their past and are unable to move on even after coming to know the Lord.  Christ died for our sins – past, present and future.  It is our responsibility to continually seek Him and to do the things that will keep us free from sins of the past.

One such sin is ungodly soul ties.  Soul ties can be dangerous to our future.

Let’s illustrate what we mean by the phrase “Soul Ties”.  A man was created to by joined with one woman.  The two shall become one  Genesis 2:24
“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.”

Centuries ago there were no marriage contract, courthouse or judge to perform ceremonies so the act of two become one flesh is that of a sexual relationship.  This is in essence what the marriage contract is – a sexual relationship.  Therefore, everyone that has sex with another individual has joined themself to that person.

What happens when there is a divorce and then remarriage? Well, unless the soul tie is cut each of those individuals now enters a new relationship with their soul tied to someone else from the past.  This goes on for generations and through several people.

There can be no wholeness in your marriage if you are still tied to others through past sexual relationships. This can cause an end to their new marriage.

This is just one example of a bad soul tie. They are not healthy and prevent us from living in the fullness of Christ and having healthy relationships.  Soul Ties need to be broken in order for true healing and wholeness to take place.  Prayer is a very powerful tool and when said from the heart and with sincerity the Holy Spirit will remove the ties thus freeing the person to be whole in their marriage.

Here are other examples of situations that could create bad soul ties:

* Sex sin:  Sex unites people physically, emotionally and spiritually.  If we have sex with people other than our spouse, we create soul ties that cause all kinds of problems (spiritual confusion, emotional confusion, sex addiction, compulsive behaviors, obsession, etc.).


* Looking at sex images, memories, objects, fetishes:  These activities can  establish a soul tie with an evil spirit.  An example of this is found in Hosea 4:17 when Ephraim became joined with his idols.  A tie may not be established in every instance, but it is certainly possible.  Example objects:  a favorite porn depiction, a garment worn by a former lover, pictures of former lovers,  a cherished sexual memory.


* Sexual abuse/molestation:  This can result in soul ties between the perpetrator and the victim.  If you have been involved in sexual abuse, please seek healing prayer and Christian counsel as you proceed in your journey to freedom.


*Pornography:  It’s not just an unknown person on your computer screen or your phone, you are actually creating a soul tie with a complete stranger that will now store images and experience in your memory back that will affect your future relationships.  This will result in addictive behaviors, not just pornography and a distortion of what a healthy relationship should be.


*Emotional Soul Ties:  You can have an emotional soul tie with someone you’ve never had a sexual relationship with.  How does this happen?  When we are going through a difficult time and we seek help and someone comes along and assists us emotionally – through prayer, offering a listening ear, giving godly advise, there is a possibility you can get an emotional connection with that person.  This is the reason it is important if you are a man you seek prayer, counsel and advice from another man. Likewise, if you are a woman go to a woman for counseling.  This is not referring to professional counseling but more with someone you can easily call or text on the phone as a friend.  These are dangerous because you could be married and your spouse may not have the same level of comfort, support or understanding of who you are like this person of the opposite sex.  In this scenario you will actually get more attached to the person outside of your marriage than you spouse because you have an emotional soul tie.  A simple way to test this is asking yourself this question – when I am feeling down and need encouragement who do I call?  When I have something exciting to share who do I call? This could be an ex-girlfriend or ex-boyfriend that you are no longer in a sexual relationship with but the emotional connection is still there. You need to cut this or your marriage is going to suffer.


* Unhealthy” relationships:  Examples include relationships characterized by manipulation, guilt, emotional abuse, co-dependency, unnatural affection, envy and/or lust.  These are bad soul ties that can be there from past friendships. Platonic relationships that are unhealthy.


* Spiritual Soul Ties:  These are relationships with ex-pastors, church or ministry leaders that are bad.  I’m not referring to your old pastor or spiritual fathers and mothers that were great goldly relationships, counselors and teachers.  No, God wants us to have these godly healthy connections and relationships and to keep and honor them.  What I’m referring to are the people that you already know they are bad and that is why you left their church or ministry or you are planning on leaving their church.  You already know they are false teachers.  You already know they are false prophets.  You already know this person has a Jezebel spirit. But when you left their church you never cut the soul ties.  This person for whatever time you spent under their ministry had spiritual authority over you. You must understand that spirits transfer. So while you were under their teaching they transferred something to you.  Before you left or decided to leave at one point you actually agreed with or made covenant with that spirit.  That is why you stayed there or followed their teaching.  The same thing/spirit/reason why you left or are planning to leave!  You need to break that off you.  Many times you may even see them in your dreams and wonder why they are still there when you haven’t gone to their church or been to their conferences in years. You could have a familiar monitoring spirit attached to you coming from that person and this is the very reason you need to break soul ties with them.


*Soul Ties through Work Relationships: Wait, what?  Yes, there is such a thing let me explain. Think about first business mentor or trainer or manager or director that you looked up to or you greatly respected that person.  When you were under their training you learnt a lot of the skills you are now using in your current professional role and those things are good.  But what about the bad things that got attached to you through transference of spirits which are hurting your professional career today.  For example, let’s say that you had an amazing female director who was the best at the company where you worked but somehow no matter how good she was she never got paid like the other directors, who happened to be men.  She’s always told you that you will never get what the men are getting even though it has been proven that she’s better at her job than they are. So she taught you all her skills, you excelled in your career but here you are decades later with years of experience, stellar educational background, and a track record to prove you are the best but you’re still not making what your male counterparts make.  You negotiated your own salary, so you could’ve asked for what you want but you didn’t.  What is that?  It’s a spirit and you made covenant with it when you said to your boss that you empathize and understand.  You agreed with it and now you have a career of feeling not good enough, afraid to rock the boat, unworthiness and insecurity.  You may not even have these things happening in other areas of your life, just your career.  This is just one example.  Many spirits can pass through our work and business mentors – cutting corners, dishonesty, exaggerations, white lies, greed, stabbing people in the back, sleeping your way to the top, alcoholism, drug addition.  You name it!  These are spirits we pick up from those who were in authority over us in the marketplace, business or work environment. You may not have seen that mentor in decades.  You’ll probably never see them again.  You don’t dream about them.  However, when you look at how you conduct yourself in the marketplace you realize you picked up something that does match your identity in Christ.  These are soul ties made with demonic spirits that need to be broken.

You may not have had all of these things happen to you but if you have at least had one you may need to pray this prayer.  Also, some things may come to your mind now and others later.  As you remember them, come back and pray the prayer.

There are 4 prayers below – sexual sins, spiritual soil tie, emotional soul tie and one for the workplace soul tie:

Here is a prayer for cutting soul ties – Sexual Sins:

“Father God,  I thank you for saving me from destruction.  I praise you for sending Jesus to die for my sins.  Please forgive me for my sins against you.  Specifically, I confess that I ______________(details of the sin).    I repent of those sins and renounce it now.   Lord, please purify my heart from this sin, the memory of it and any associated fantasy I have entertained in my mind regarding it.   In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of his blood shed on the cross, I cut myself free from any soul ties that may have been established with _______ (name (s) or specific objects).   I commit him/her/them to the care of Jesus Christ for him to do with as he wills.  Satan, I rebuke you in all your works and ways.  I rebuke any evil spirits that have a foothold in me.  In the name of Jesus, I command you evil spirits to leave me and go directly to Jesus Christ.   Father, please heal my soul of any wounds resulting from these soul ties.  Please reintegrate any part of me that may have been detained through this/these soul ties and restore me to wholeness.  I also ask that you will reintegrate any part of the person(s) I sinned with that has been detained in me, and restore them to wholeness.  Thank you, Lord, for your healing power and your perfect love for me.  May I glorify you with my life from this point forward.  In Jesus’  name, Amen.”


Here is a prayer of cutting Spiritual soul ties with ex leaders:

Father God,  I thank you for saving me from destruction.  I praise you for sending Jesus to die for my sins.  Please forgive me for my sins against you.  Specifically, I confess that I was involved with  ______________(name the person and/or ministry).    I repent of those sins that I participated in while I was attached and under their spiritual leadership.  I renounce and cut ties with all of these works of darkness now.   Lord, please purify my heart, mind, body, soul and spirit from this sin, and cut off any familiar or monitoring spirits associated with this person and ministry.   In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of his blood shed on the cross, I cut myself free from any soul ties that may have been established with _______ (name (s) or ministry).   I commit him/her/them to the care of Jesus Christ for Him to do with as He wills.  Satan, the Lord Jesus rebukes you in all your works and ways.  I cancel every evil assignments against me as a result of this soul tie.  In the name of Jesus, I command you evil spirits to leave me and go directly to Jesus Christ.   Father, please heal my soul of any wounds resulting from these soul ties.  Please restore any thing that may have been detained through this/these soul ties and restore me to wholeness.  Thank you, Lord, for your releasing me from this bondage.  May I glorify you with my life from this point forward.  In Jesus’  name, Amen.


Here is a prayer for cutting Emotional soul ties:

“Father God,  I thank you for saving me from destruction.  I praise you for sending Jesus to die for my sins.  Please forgive me for my sins against you.  Specifically, I confess that I have formed an unhealthy emotional soul tie with  ______________(name the person or persons).    I repent of those sins and renounce it now.   Lord, please purify my heart, soul, mind and body from this sin, the memory of it and any associated fantasy I have entertained in my mind regarding it.   In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of his blood shed on the cross, I cut myself free from the emotional soul ties that may have been established with _______ (name (s)).   I commit him/her/them to the care of Jesus Christ for him to do with as he wills.  I pray you bless this person and allow them to form bonds with others that are goldy and glorify you.  I pray for strength and self control to stay away from this person. Please reintegrate any part of me that may have been detained through this/these soul ties and restore me to wholeness.  I also ask that you will reintegrate any part of the person(s) I sinned with that has been detained in me, and restore them to wholeness.  Thank you, Lord, for your healing power and your perfect love for me.  May I glorify you with my life from this point forward.  In Jesus’  name, Amen.”

If you’re married pray this part >>> I pray that you will build a stronger bond between myself and my spouse.  Help me to understand them more and help them to understand me.  I ask that you restore whatever part of our relationship that was fractured as a result of this emotional soul tie.  Make our relationship stronger than ever.  Show me practical steps I can make to repairing it, in Jesus name, Amen


Here is a prayer of cutting Workplace Spiritual soul ties with exbosses and mentors:

Father God,  I thank you for saving me from destruction.  I praise you for sending Jesus to die for my sins.  Please forgive me for my sins against you.  Specifically, I confess that I made a covenant with the spirit of  ______________(name the spirits) when I worked with ___________(name the person).    I repent for this covenant and how I came in agreement with it while I was under their leadership.  I renounce and cut ties with all of these works of darkness now.   Lord, please purify my heart, mind, body, soul and spirit from this sin, and cut off any familiar or monitoring spirits associated with this person.   In the name of Jesus Christ and by the power of his blood shed on the cross, I cut myself free from any soul ties that may have been established with _______ (name (s) or ministry).   I commit him/her/them to the care of Jesus Christ for Him to do with as He wills.   I cancel every evil assignments against me as a result of these spirits and the covenant I made with them.  In the name of Jesus, I command you evil spirits to leave me and go directly to Jesus Christ.   Father, please heal my soul of any wounds resulting from these soul ties.  Please restore any thing that may have been detained through this/these soul ties and restore me to wholeness.  Thank you, Lord, for your releasing me from this bondage.  May I glorify you with my life from this point forward.  In Jesus’  name, Amen.


The ungodly soul tie is now broken.  The only way these spirits have access to you again is if you open the door to it through communication with that person.  You’re going to know this came back because your life will fall back into the same patterns before you broke ties.  This just means you have to break them again.  No contact is the best way to keep this at bay.  For those of you who have children, it can be tricky when dealing with soul ties with your ex.  You may need to still see that person because of your children but what you can do is limit contact to only when it is necessary and stay away from sharing personal information about your life.

Here is another prayer to Remove Curses and release God’s Blessings

Here is a Prayer for Deliverance

You may also find this prayer helpful Prayer against a Familiar Spirit and Monitoring Spirits


13 thoughts on “Prayer to Cut Soul Ties”

  1. 1 Cor 7:27-28- Art thou bound unto a wife?(married) seek not to be loosed (divorced) Art thou loosed from a wife? (Divorced) seek not a wife (remarriage) BUT and IF thou marry (remarry) THOU HAST NOT SINNED!
    1John 2:1-2- My little children, these things write I unto you that ye SIN NOT. And IF any man SIN, we have an ADVOCATE with the Father, Jesus Christ the Righteous. And he is the PROPITIATION for our SINS!
    1John 1:8-10- If we say that we have no SIN we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we Confess our SINS (adultery, divorce etc) he is faithful and just to FORGIVE US OUR SINS, and to CLEANSE US FROM ALL UNRIGHTEOUSNESS. If we say that we have not SINNED, we make him a liar, and his WORD IS NOT IN US!
    Mark 3:29- But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of ETERNAL DAMNATION!!

  2. Dear MOP,
    A marriage covenant cannot be broken by any Human, only the death of a spouse can break a marriage covenant [1].
    Divorcing and remarrying leaves both remarried people in continual adultery according to Jesus and Paul [2].
    Cutting the soul tie to your first spouse cannot void a covenant that is only broken by death.
    Finally, there is no exception clause permitting divorce because fornication (correct translation of Gk:PORNEIA) is seldom the sin, instead the sin is adultery.[3]

    God knows what is best for our marriages !!

    God Bless

    [1] [1Cor 7:39 NKJV] 39 A wife is bound by law as long as her husband lives; but if her husband dies, she is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord.
    [2] [Rom 7:2-3 NKJV] 2 For the woman who has a husband is bound by the law to [her] husband as long as he lives. But if the husband dies, she is released from the law of [her] husband. 3 So then if, while [her] husband lives, she marries another man, she will be called an adulteress; but if her husband dies, she is free from that law, so that she is no adulteress, though she has married another man.
    [Mar 10:11-12 NKJV] 11 So He said to them, “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery against her. 12 “And if a woman divorces her husband and marries another, she commits adultery.”
    [Luk 16:18 NKJV] 18 “Whoever divorces his wife and marries another commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is divorced from [her] husband
    [Mat 5:32 KJV] 32 But I say unto you, That whosoever shall put away his wife, saving for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery: and whosoever shall marry her that is divorced committeth adultery.

    [3]Matthew 19:9 (KJV) “And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication , and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery.”
    75% of English Bible Translations incorrectly replace the word fornication with “sexual immorality” and then Pastors teach and people assume that means adultery which it doesn’t. This is the only verse they use to justify leaving their marriage, and they use an incorrectly translated one which contradicts all the other teachings of Jesus and Paul on the topic – that should be a red flag to anybody trying to depend on that one mistranslated verse to justify a divorce.
    The true application of Matt 19:9 can be understood as applying to Jewish weddings . see here
    and here
    At the section titled “But what about ‘exception clause’ in Matthew?”

    What if I cannot name names, as in don’t remember. What about one night stands where you never even knew the names of the people you sinned with?

    1. You need to call out all of them. Even the ones where you can’t remember the name, you remember the experience, where you were and what happened then. You’re going to be amazed that after you do this you won’t remember those experiences anymore. And after you’ve finished this process if you remember one a week or even a month later immediately cut soul ties with it. You are looking for freedom. God knows your heart. There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. This will be a fresh start for you. You will be a whole person after this and ready to have a relationship with the husband or wife God has for you. God bless you

    2. God Knows! He doesn’t have to have the names… just repenting to Him with a broken heart and a contrite spirit and sinning these sins no more is enough to Him… he needs to know you are truly sorry for the sins You committed… the ones that contributed with you have to get their Own forgiveness… God knows all… Ge Knows our heart and our desires… can’t hide Anything from Hom… so just ask forgiveness and sin no more…

  4. Thank you very much for this prayer. I felt a release and a peace wash over me.

  5. Thank you for this wonderful prayer. It will certainly help me and many others to be delivered from bad soul ties.

  6. Well-done presentation and prayers! As someone who has experienced dramatic positive results from the breaking of unhealthy soul ties (for myself, and for many others I have prayed with over the years), may I add a few points that make severance prayers even more potent, all-encompassing, and with true staying power?

    May I first say why I believe it important to pray for the breaking of unhealthy soul ties rather than all soul ties. The good ones are God’s design. Between spouses, family members, friends, and so on. It’s only the bad ones we need to be freed from. That part gets clearer further down, since an analogy with AIDS shows the soul ties—good and bad—go way further than most think.

    Bona fide TRUTH exists in what we often hear about AIDS: “When you sleep with someone, you sleep with every other individual that person has slept with.” To experience the greatest freedom, unhealthy soul ties must be broken not only from between the person wanting healing and the one they have soul ties with, but also between that person and every other individual the other has slept with. Similarly of course, you want all that has been ‘taken’ to be returned to the rightful owners.

    While it sounds complicated, some carefully-worded prayers succinctly and powerfully wrap it all up. The prayers can be easily altered when you’re praying for someone else.

    “In the name of Jesus and by the power of his blood, I take the sword of the Spirit and I cut through all unhealthy soul ties between myself and ___________ (name), and between myself and all the people, places, systems, world systems, organizations, belief structures and demonic architectures that ___________ has soul ties with, and that they (all the others) have soul ties with. Please cauterize these severance points with Your Love, Lord. I pray now that You would return to me what is mine, to ___________ what is his/hers, and to all the others what is theirs. In Jesus’ mighty name, thank-you and amen.”

    I’d love to hear the results for anyone who tries this.

    1. Susanna that was awesome..and I do mean AWESOME! That prayer was felt with much more reverence and made me feel more whole in my understanding of soul ties and WHY IT NECESSARY to be as specific as ypu can in prayer. I thank you too for your input and I am grateful for you CHOOSING to share it.

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