Death of a grandchild in car accident

Home Forums Dream Interpretation Death of a grandchild in car accident

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    • #45717 Reply
      Fay Anderson

      I dreamt my Grandson was killed in his car there was the smash and then there was the
      coffin and funeral service, but His parents eete sitting up the back of the church. It
      It was so real.

    • #51741 Reply

      Hi Fay,

      I hope you are not a literal dreamer, if you are you should start praying fervently against that. However very few people are literal dreamers.

      Now let’s look at this spiritually. Who was driving the car? That’s who will lead to this crash. It is basically something that will happen because of bad actions and choices on his part. That will lead to grave consequences.

      Pray about his decisions, the friends he’s hanging out with and the choices he will make. Pray that God will give him a dream that will deter him from taking any course of action that can lead to these detrimental consequences.

      The death is not a physical death but something that could kill an opportunity for him or end God’s perfect will for his life. God will still have a purpose and a plan for him but his main purpose will suffer because of these decisions or just being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

      Either way, you need to pray that God will send angels to just protect and guard him along the way and that God will speak directly to him.

      Is he a Christian? I also hope it doesn’t mean that he is going to get himself mixed up in something occult.

      You need to pray. Please do less talking and more praying. Less chastising and more praying that is the only way you are going to keep him out of this.

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