Are you excited to reunite with your family for Christmas dinner?
We want to take this time to talk about the meaning of Christmas and help you to get in the right frame of mind and give you some perspective as you prepare to be with your friends and family this Christmas season.
Christmas is now days away. Almost everyone everywhere is excited to remember and celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world.
Christmas is a special moment when families gather together and reminisce about the birth of Jesus. It is more than just a simple birthday. It is unlike any other birthdays in the past, present, and future.
Even before heaven and earth was conceived and created, the coming of Jesus is already originally planned and intended by Father God. During the creation in the Genesis account, God already knew that man will sin and thereby need a Savior.
In the Old Testament, the Law and the Prophets foretold the coming of a Savior, a ruler, and the King of kings. It happened just what was foretold and expected (Micah 5:2).
He was born of a virgin through the power of the Holy Spirit. This means that Jesus was not only fully God but He was also a man. Jesus grew up in full stature in wisdom and favor with God and men. He lived a perfectly sinless, blameless, and blessed life.
Jesus taught His people about the kingdom of God and healed the sick, cleansed the lepers, set free the oppressed and demon-possessed and raised the dead. He lived a supernatural selfless life.
At 33, Jesus was arrested, tortured, and crucified to the Cross of Calvary. This is His purpose and destiny– to give up His life and shed blood on the Cross to pay the penalty of all our si

ns and give us in exchange eternal life so that we will not die in hell but live with Him for all eternity.
The true meaning of Christmas is that it is the birth of the Savior of the world who came to die so that we could spend eternity with God. It’s not just a regular birthday it is the salvation of men!
Have you received Jesus into your heart and life? Do you want to receive now the gift of eternal life and live a life fully committed to God and His purpose?
Say this prayer:
“Heavenly God, I worship and thank You for sending Your Son, Jesus Christ to suffer and die and pay for all my sins. Forgive me from all my sins and cleanse me completely with His blood. I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that He is Savior. I turn away from all my sins and wicked ways. I pray that Jesus come into my heart and change my life. I believe that my name is now written in the Book of Life and You have given me the Holy Spirit to bring life to me in all areas. Reign in my life now. Thank you for the Holy Spirit who will guide and direct my steps and help me to live a life that is pleasing to God, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”
If you have prayed the prayer of salvation, be assured that you are now a child of God and Jesus is now living in your heart and will begin to manifest in your life. This is the best gift that you have received this Christmas. The best gift that you can give to God is to love Him back and others and share this Good News to your family and friends. This would be your first Christmas where you completely grasp it’s true meaning.
How should we best celebrate Christmas?
For those of you who are already Christians, if you have family members who have not heard of the gospel of Jesus Christ, this is the best time to share to them. Prepare your heart and spirit for this by soaking in the presence of God for some days and meditating on the Scriptures. Ask God to reveal and teach you what to share and how to do so. Also, pray that the Holy Spirit will cause their hearts to be open to the gospel.
The best evangelism tool is to demonstrate the life of Jesus through your words and actions before your family, relatives, and friends. This way, you do not need to even open your mouth but they will be convinced with your life that Jesus is your God and Savior.
Let’s face it, at Christmas time you may also see people that you really don’t want to see but you have to because of this holiday. Well, use it as an opportunity to forgive, to reconcile relationships and pray for God to show you how to handle the difficult people in your life.
We know you are here for the Christmas Dinner Prayer, so here it is!
“Heavenly Father, we worship and praise You for this Christmas time. Thank You for the gift of life and the gift of salvation to our souls. We receive Jesus Christ right now in our lives. We confess that Jesus is Lord and our Savior. That He was born and that He lived and died for us to be reunited with You for eternity.
Happy Birthday to You, Jesus! We do not know the exact date of your birthday but we celebrate it now in faith just
the same. Thank You for your life, sacrifice, and love for us. Revive our hearts to the true meaning to this Christmas season. Teach us how to live according to Your will. Heal us, bind all our wounds and reconcile our relationships.
Holy Spirit, be with us now to teach, comfort, minister, strengthen, and encourage us. When there is war, bring peace. When there is sickness, bring healing. When there is confusion, bring divine order. When there is pain, bring relief. When there is darkness, bring light. When there is emptiness, bring love.
Bless each member of this family and household. (You may mention each person and declare a prayer of blessing or Bible verse or prophetic word for each one even those in absence).
We declare that this family will serve the Lord all the days of our lives. We dedicate to you, Lord our family and this house and everything concerning us. Make your power and presence manifest in this home and in our lives.
Overflow our hearts with Your grace so that we may extend grace to each other. Give us grace so that we may forgive those who’ve wrong us and teach us how to love the way You’ve loved us.
We celebrate Christmas now with You, God and we honor You today. Bless this Christmas dinner which we are so grateful to partake in because we know that there are many who don’t have food today. Take care of them Lord and provide for their needs. Sanctify our food and bless each person here joining us. May faith, hope, and love spring forth tonight and in everyday of our lives.
We love You, Lord. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.”
We give you permission to print this prayer and use it at your Christmas dinner this year. We know you will experience the presence and love of God.
Feel free to come back to this site for more articles and prayers to meet your needs.
Have a blessed and Holy Christmas!