Testimony on the promise of God

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    • #217130 Reply
      Traceylee da Silva

      Dear Missionaries of Prayer

      On the 11th July 2021 23:00 pm here in Kwazulu Natal (KZN) South Africa, the rioting and looting started. There were gun shots, chanting and explosions right up until the early morning. My family and I hardly slept for two days.I remembered the anointed oil from the 7 day fast I did in January this year and with my family anointed the entrance of our property and all the doors and windows. While my husband was on neighborhood watch duty my kids and I prayed from 8-9 pm declaring scriptures of protection.On the second day of the looting we were able to get fuel and a few essential items- God made a way.Our neighborhood was kept 100% safe no harm came near us. That is the POWER of prayer and what a MIGHTY GOD we serve. Thank you Jesus for the plans you have for South Africa, for the restoration, renewal, reconstruction and rebuilding that is taking place- Isaiah 43:18-19
      Thank you Nicole for your teachings and enabling me to grow in my faith.

    • #217213 Reply

      Praise God Tracey!! I am praying for your nation. Continue to cover yourself under the blood of Jesus. The Lord will watch over you and your entire family, in Jesus name.


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