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- This topic has 3 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 6 years, 10 months ago by
Calvin Cornelius.
Email: gospel2muslims@gmail.com / muslimsfoundjesus@gmail.com
Sub: please pray for God’s help to plant more Churches among Muslims
Dear Director / Pastor / Brother / Sister in Christ,
Greetings to you in the most precious name of our Lord Jesus Christ from India!
We are very glad to share with you that our Living God has filled our hearts with His burden & vision in our lives to reach specifically to The MUSLIMS by The Gospel of Jesus Christ & plant House Churches inside Muslim community. While Muslim terrorist groups such as Islamic state , Taliban, Al Qaeda and Boko Haram are killing Christians in different countries, He is leading us to reach out to the Muslims for His own glory and help them to know that Jesus Christ is The Only Living God and Saviour.
Our Lord Jesus is using us to fulfill His plan & will in and through our lives. Already Several Muslims men & women surrendered their lives to Jesus and they are following His teachings. They are witnessing about Jesus and their testimonies to their relatives & neighbors. God is adding more men & women to our worship services almost every week for His own glory.
Militant Muslims are often torturing physically and trying to kill us and the believers from Muslim background for their new faith in Jesus. Even though we are facing heavy persecutions & threats by the Militant Muslims, but our Lord Jesus is using our lives for the extension of His Kingdom and He has protected us for His own glory. Militant Muslims are constantly trying to murder us. Our lives are in danger at this moment.
We are in great need of your kind prayers in our own lives and for the persecuted believers. Humbly, we request you kindly pray for God’s protection from the hands of Militant Muslims. Please also pray that we might be always faithful to His call in our lives and grow in Him.
It would be very nice if you kindly write few words for us.
With regards,
Bashir & Ayeasha -
KeymasterBashir & Ayesha, this is a very much needed ministry and we will be praying for you to accomplish it all in the Name of Jesus – by His power, in His strength, with His boldness and may all the resources flow into your ministry to accomplish it in. May the Lord establish the work of your hands, Jesus name, Amen
GuestDear Bashir & Ayeasha,
May God bless you richly with His spirit full of power, love and a sound mind, surround you with a hedge of protection and His fantastic favour/grace like a shield. May He open the doors He wants you to walk through and close the doors you are to walk past. May you witness His miracles every day as you walk in His path of glory.
May He pour out His goodnesses and tender mercies onto everyone you come across so that they see, accept and be embraced into the precious and forever love of His one and only beloved Son, Yeshua Ha Mashiach, Jesus the Christ, our Lord, Redeemer, Justifier – the Shekinah Glory of God our Father.
Do not fear, for He has redeemed you and summoned you by name; you belong to Him. You are precious and honoured in His sight and He loves you. Do not be afraid, for He is with you; He created you for His glory … His witnesses; His chosen … so others will know and say, “It is true.” (Is 43)
You are not forgotten but loved deeply and brought to remembrance before the throne of the Master of the Universe, the Almighty God, every day by many of your brothers and sisters – and by our elder brother, Yeshuah Ha Mashiach. He presents you faultless and blameless in the presence of our heavenly Father God with exceeding joy! Your names have been written in the Lamb’s Book of Life – so says God and He is not a man that he can lie: His Word is true – the rock of ages, the stone the builders rejected which has become the stone securing the corner, thus the entire building structure.
It is in Him that we move and breathe and have our being, because in Him all things consist! In His holy and righteous Name – the Name above all names – we pray.
May you and yours rest each moment of each day in the supernatural SHALOM peace of Christ, the very rich Anointing of God our Father. Glory to God!
Yes and amen (all His promises are).
xo (kiss and hug)
Calvin Cornelius
GuestAs we humble ourselves God Almighty will Exalt us and give us POWER over the Enemy let make a prayer team and preaching team and we should take this world for our LORD JESUS.Matthews 7:7 Thanks