Dream of a tree and my deceased son

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    • #55040 Reply
      Jennifer Seymour

      I have two dreams. One of them came true. It was a dream about my son, Nathan, age 23, being carried out of our house on a stretcher in a body bag. My daughter was with me. We both went up to the stretcher and pulled back the covering and saw that he was dead. Two months later, my son was took his life in my house. I did not stand outside to watch him being taken out. Instead, we sat out in the back yard where there is this lovely, beautiful oak tree that Nathan used to play under. I love that tree. I believe he was looking at that tree the night that he took his life for there was cigarette ashes on the back steps where he was probably sitting. The first year after Nathan died I always liked looking at that oak tree and remembering him. I also felt there is something powerful, which I cannot explain, about that tree. Interestingly enough, we moved out of our house 1 year after Nathan went to heaven. We have been renting the house for the past 3 years. Just a month ago the renter’s son died of an overdose in our house. Crazy. No way to make sense of it. They have decided to move out so we are getting ready to sell the house. My husband and daughter and I spent a saturday cleaning the yard. I spent one hour picking up dead tree branches underneath the base of the tree (the mowers had neatly stacked them up around the entire trunk of the tree). About half way through picking them up I thought of my dream my 2nd dream and thought how odd this is that here I am standing under this tree picking up dead branches.

      Dream number two: This was about 2 years after he passed away. I had a dream that I was walking and I was carrying papers or something in my arms. I saw Nathan standing a little ways away from me, up a little embankment, under a lovely, green tree. In front of him on the ground was a tree branch that was whitish in color that was dead…like it had fallen off the tree. I knew I was seeing Nathan (he looked the same age as when he died) and I wanted to run towards him but I had to stop to think what I should do with the items in my hands. Well, I decide to drop them and ran to him and hugged him. He was smiling a huge smile and was so happy. I said, “Nathan, it is so good to see you smile”. He told me he loved me. I woke up.
      This dream occurred about 2 years ago. It has been almost 4 years (August 9) since he died. The dream never leaves me. I think of it daily. I know what the tree looks like. In fact, a month or so after the dream as I was walking at my work place outside with items in my hand, which I often do (I work at a university), crossing the street i noticed the tree just outside my building looks exactly like the tree in my dream. It is even up on a little hill.
      Nathan came to Christ at age 4 (with me praying with him) and then again at age 12 (again, with me) because he wanted to remember giving his life to Jesus. I believe in the word of God and believe that he will raise all those who have died at the rapture. A caveat in all of this is that I am a volunteer with a local suicide support group and we go on the scene of a suicide to be a support to families. We also provide suicide support groups and companionship programs. So, I am surrounded by people who have gone through the same loss as I.
      I am curious to see if anyone else comes up with the same interpretation as I!

    • #272187 Reply

      Hello Jennifer,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please accept my condolences as it pertains to your son and I hope that the pain of his loss has lessened. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      I only feel led to comment on the tree and the living environment. I think that is the main issue and perhaps some deliverance/and spiritual cleansing needs to be done for that house and tree. Perhaps, hew the tree down. Something is not right and might be buried around that tree or ungodly activities transpired there in the past.


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