Binding and Loosing: The keys to the Kingdom and Exercising your Spiritual Authority

This post will be about binding and loosing.  We hope to shed light on this subject in a way that you may not have thought about it before.

There are so many things that we pray for and we wait for God to respond when in fact God has already told us what to do.  He has already given us the strategies that we need in order to succeed.  God is not going to come to earth and do the things that He has already given the church the authority or ability to do.

That is what binding and loosing is all about.  Using the spiritual authority we already have to carry out the work of the Kingdom.

Before we get into this teaching let’s define what a semi-colon is.  Yes, a semi-colon (;).

A semi colon can be used in the place of a comma. It is mainly used to continue a sentence that could be finished by a full stop, but is too long to have a comma. Or not quite right to have a comma.

Why is this important?  Well, in order for us to properly understand the scripture that we will share about binding and loosing it is important to understand that a semi-colon is used to continue the same sentence.  When we understand this it is much easier to get the significance of this scripture.

Matthew 16:19 “I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

There are so many people that are still walking around searching for the “keys of the kingdom of heaven” when God already gave it to us in this scripture.  It is following the semi-colon “whatever YOU bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever YOU loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

Yes, it is so subtle but so true.  The authority has been given to the believer in Christ Jesus to bind and loose. This is the key.

You bind and You Loose.  You have this power so God has already given you the ability to take action and all you have to do is use it.

So what does binding mean?  The Greek word is deo (Stong’s concordance G1210)

definition of binding

So when you bind something you are forbidding it, prohibiting it from happening and putting it in chains.

How do we define loosing?  The Greek is Lyo (Strongs 3089)

define loosing


So, loosing is the opposite action.  You are untying something loosening it.  You are setting it free.

Now we will show you how to use this in prayer.

Imagine that you see something happening around you and you know it’s not right, it’s not godly, it’s demonic, it’s an injustice, it is a complete violation of the word of God (this is not your opinion or your feelings).  Once you identify that this is not the will of God you have the authority to bind it up and to loose the Kingdom and all of it’s righteousness in place of that!
So your prayer would sound like this “I bind up pride in the name of Jesus and I loose humility”  So you would loose the opposite of what you are binding up.  You could even pray this over yourself in whatever area you see that you may need it.

“I bind up fear and I loose the perfected love of Christ”  this would be based on the scripture (1 John 4:18) “There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.”

When you bind up something you think of the opposite to loose over the situation.

The prayer of binding and loosing is very effective if you use it as an offensive prayer.  Don’t wait until you get into a situation or things get tense before you do this.  If you know that you are about to face a confrontation or a bad situation you start binding and loosing before you even get to the scene.  This will ensure that things are in order before you show up and God has already sent his angels to take care of it before you arrive.

Here is a general binding and loosing prayer:

Jesus, according to Matthew 16:19 you said that you gave us the keys to the Kingdom and whatsoever I bind on earth is bound in heaven; therefore, I bind the enemy and every angel that was kicked out of heaven from interfering with Your blessings coming into my life. I bind every principality, every power, every might and dominion, every ruler of darkness and every spirit in high places from interfering in my life, my family, my health, my finances, my ministry, my business, my relationships with others and more importantly with you Lord. They will not be able to operate in any aspect of my life or have any influence over it, in Your Holy Name and according to your word Amen.

Lord Jesus,  You also said that whatsoever I loose  on earth will be loosed in heaven; therefore, I ask that you give the angels of heaven charge over me, according to Psalm 91.  I ask that you loose the angels to hearken the Word of God on my behalf. Loose Your blessings and favor over my life, my family, my health, my finances, my ministry, my business, my relationships in Your Holy Name, Amen

Now remember that you can make this prayer as specific as you need it to be for your situation.  If you are not sure of what you should loose for what you are binding up leave us a comment below and we’ll be happy to give you some suggestions.

**Please note, that this binding and loosing is not a permanent prayer.  What does that mean?  You may need to do this all again tomorrow.  The main reason is sin and it is the enemy’s job to get you in a sinful situation so that you lose the authority to stop him in his tracks.  You can read more about this here in a post on Spiritual Warfare.  Under the beginner and intermediate stages it explains why some prayers get undone because of sin.

Until then, God bless you and remember you have the power and authority to do this because it was given to you by Jesus himself.

Here are some other prayers and bible verses:

The Psalm 91 Prayer for a Hedge of Protection

Bible Verses to Pray for Protection and Against Fear

Prayer for Protection

Putting on the Armor of God in Prayer

110 thoughts on “Binding and Loosing: The keys to the Kingdom and Exercising your Spiritual Authority”

  1. This website is very insightful, thank you for sharing this information with us. I have a question, if I bind up the sin of fornication and lust before marriage what do I loose?

  2. I’m a teacher in a classroom with another teacher who wants complete control of the classroom and me. She told the administration that I disrespected her because I’m trying to do my job. I need prayer to stop her from coming after me.

  3. I’m only just realising the enemy has had control of my mind my whole life.
    I imagine its these mind binding spirits have kept me there, how do I break these spirits so I an get my mind back and accept god, his love, joy peace, happiness and love back into my life

    1. Hi Sonia,

      This would be one case where I believe binding and loosing would not be enough for you. Infertility is a sign of a curse at work. I would serve you best by forwarding you to our resources on identifying curses in your life and praying through deliverance to receive the blessing of a child. This is a 4 part series so, please start here and watch the videos, pray the prayers and I am sure at the end of it all you will feel and see a big difference. Here is part 1 After you’ve gone through this process then you can read and pray this post on praying for a baby. God bless you and I will be praying for you.

  4. Hi MOP,
    I love this post and I love your responses to the people. At the ending of this post you said that we may need to bind and loose again tomorrow because it’s not a permanent prayer. You also said there would be another blog to explain this in detail. Have you posted that blog already? Or could you please give me the condensed version of the answer? Thank you.

    1. Hi Grace, thank you for the reminder!! I made an edit to the post. The reason binding and loosing is temporary is due to sin. We bind and loose based on our spiritual authority. The minute those demonic spirits realize they are bound from operating in a way they have grown accustomed to they immediately start looking for a work around or a way out of the chains you’ve used to tie them in the spirit. So, there comes along another demon whose sole purpose is to get you to fall into sin so that they can accuse you before the Lord and untie the chains you use to bound them in the first place. You can read more about that here Also, it is temporary because the goal is a complete deliverance for someone. We don’t want to walk around with band aids. Our goal should be to get complete deliverance and freedom from these spirits and not just temporarily bind them. Hope this makes sense.

  5. Could you please give me a specific example of bind and loose in my situation? My husband and I are separated as he is in an adulterous affair. I am praying for our marriage to be restored. Thank you.

    1. Hi Kim, You would bind the adulterous spirit, the spirit of pride and sexual immorality. Bind the spirit of seduction and the spirit of deception. Loose the covenant of marriage, loose faithfulness, loose forgiveness, loose truth and clarity. We have a prayer for hedge of thorns on our website which would be a good one to pray over your marriage. You can see that prayer here

  6. Tnx so much! Am brother Samuel R Obienyiachie from Nigeria I need more of bindng and loosing prayers in different areas of life endeavors tnx and God bless u for helping us through our Lord Jesus Christ!!!

  7. Hello,
    I am in need of this prayer for my relationship with my boyfriend as i want to marry with him but he wants to leave me for another woman after 7years.
    Thanks and God bless you.

    1. Hi Soneeta, I understand that you may be in pain and I will pray for you about this. However, this is not a prayer that you would pray on a boyfriend or against another woman. This would be witchcraft. I don’t think you would want to put yourself in that category because you would suffer the wrath of God as a result. I would like you to read this prayer instead and ask the God to heal your heart. If God has that relationship for you your boyfriend will come back. Otherwise, you need to hand this over to God. Also, if you were having pre marital sex with this man God would not be happy with that either and this may be the reason he is no longer in your life. We are praying for you. God bless you.

    1. Hi Billy, when you bind a spirit you must loose the opposite in its place. So before you bind the spirit you must know what you are going to loose. Also yes you can loose someone from a negative spirits which would be like loosing them from chains but you would then need to bind them to the opposite of what you loosed. Hope that makes sense.

  8. Hi, I have read hoses in the bible. And I read the (prayer of thornes ) over my husdand. Please help me to pray for him and to get to know Christ and for his salvation.

  9. Good day. I need guidance for binding and loosing in my marriage. Husband left me and kids and lives with another woman.

  10. This is the BEST website I’ve encountered yet about how to pray and explaining the bible verses. I am being set FREE from a vain and repetitious prayer life. I LOVE this site and the brothers and sisters in Christ that allowed God to use their gifts to set others such as myself FREE. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. Well done.

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