Prayer for the Prodigal Son or Daughter

We know that having a prodigal son or daughter can be a heartbreaking experience.  Especially when you know that you did everything possible to lead that child in the right path.

You are not alone in this journey because there are many parents that are going through the same situation as you are right now.

The bible tells a well known story called the Prodigal Son

Luke 15:11-24

“11 Then He said: “A certain man had two sons. 12 And the younger of them said to his father, ‘Father, give me the portion of goods that falls to me.’ So he divided to them his livelihood. 13 And not many days after, the younger son gathered all together, journeyed to a far country, and there wasted his possessions with prodigal living. 14 But when he had spent all, there arose a severe famine in that land, and he began to be in want. 15 Then he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country, and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. 16 And he would gladly have filled his stomach with the pods that the swine ate, and no one gave him anything.

17 “But when he came to himself, he said, ‘How many of my father’s hired servants have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! 18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say to him, “Father, I have sinned against heaven and before you, 19 and I am no longer worthy to be called your son. Make me like one of your hired servants.”’

20 “And he arose and came to his father. But when he was still a great way off, his father saw him and had compassion, and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. 21 And the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your sight, and am no longer worthy to be called your son.’

22 “But the father said to his servants, ‘Bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. 23 And bring the fatted calf here and kill it, and let us eat and be merry; 24 for this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’ And they began to be merry.”

You must consider that even you were a prodigal at one point to your Heavenly Father before you came to know the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  You wanted to do things your own way.  Still God was patient with you, never stopped loving you, until you came to the place of repentance and accepting that God’s way is the right way and your turned to him. (Romans 3:23) “…for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,”

Your prodigal child is going through the same thing.  There is a process: The prodigal child has to get to the end of themself before they will accept the fact that their way may not be the best way. Sometimes it will get worse before it gets better. There has to be some repentance and then change happens.  If you look at the story in the bible you see that the son ended up eating with swines before he came to his senses.  He had to go through this process.

What do you do in the meantime?  You PRAY.  Get as much support as you possible can.  Don’t interfere in what God may be doing in your son or daughter’s life.  Don’t try to control or manipulate the situation.  Be patient and pray.  Put your son or daughter’s name on every possible prayer list you can think of.  Get 1 or 2 faithful intercessors to pray with your consistently over your child.

Here are some things you want to consider when Praying for your Prodigal Adult Child.

  1. You should acknowledge if you have any responsibility in your adult child moving away from God.  If you do you will need to repent for this.  Ask God to show you, repent and accept His forgiveness. This will help you in not repeating the same mistake when your child returns. (1 John 1:8) “If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.”
  2. Your job is not to enable that adult child or interfere in the process.  The father of the prodigal son didn’t go chasing after him to coerce him to come back.  Instead the son came back of his own volition when he recognized that the servants in his father’s care were living a better life than he did, and he’s a son!
  3. In your moments of anger don’t say mean or nasty things that you will regret later as your child may not feel comfortable coming back to you or the church.  Remember that the Prodigal son went back home to his father and focus on the reception he received. If you sever all ties with your child then even if they want to come back they may not because they may be unsure of your reaction.
  4. Remember that you are to solicit prayer for your child from faithful prayer partners at church, not gossip about your child. Again, when your child returns he or she may not want to go to that church because everyone knows every detail about their situation. Use wisdom in what you share and with whom you share it.
  5. There may be demonic interference involved that may cause your prodigal child not see that the path they are taking is a wrong path.
  6. You’re going to need to remain faithful in prayer and declaring scripture.  You may even need to fast.

Prayer for the prodigal son or daughter

Here is a Prayer for your Prodigal Child

Father, I come to you in Jesus Name first asking that you would forgive me of all my sins.  Forgive me for any responsibility I may have in sending _________ astray.  I ask that You would give me wisdom to know how to pray specifically for my child.  Show me the areas that need to prayed and lead

me to the right prayer group or intercessors that can stand with me until ________returns to you.  Give me wisdom to know what to say and when to speak. I pray that you would bind the hand of the enemy from interfering in _________  return to You. Surround my child with Christians at work, in their circle of friends even on the street.  Send angels to minister to him/her.  Show them that they are loved by You and their family.  Cut off the speech of the enemy from speaking lies to him/her.  Create distance between him/her and the friends or family members that continually draw him/her away from you.  Most importantly Lord, protect _______.  Surround ______ with your angels.  Use even this for your glory and build a powerful testimony in his/her life through this experience.  We will be careful to give you all the glory for their miraculous transformation, in Jesus Name, Amen.

Here are some scriptures that you can declare and pray over for your child:

Philippians 1:6, Psalm 121, Psalm 91. 

We would love to hear from you!  If you’ve struggled with a prodigal child, please leave a comment below and let us know how you made it through.

God Bless You.

Here are some other bible verses and prayers related to this topic:

Bible Verses About Love

Prayer on Bullying with Bible Verses

Bible Verses About Family

Bible Verses About Hope

Praying for God’s Favor

Proverbs 22:6 -Prayer For Students

30 thoughts on “Prayer for the Prodigal Son or Daughter”

  1. Please pray for my son K.H. It’s been a rough 5 years with Addiction to pills and marijuana of which this all started when he experienced mental and physical abuse from his first girlfriend.
    It’s been a hard battle and I have no family ..they are all estranged. Only have a brother who livesin another state and is very ill ..Please pray for me and my family as I will pray for yours..IJNIP

    1. Stacy, please Fast & Pray for your son. God will answer you! You may also want to see a few YouTube videos on Fasting, by Jentezen Franklin.
      Praying for you & your son!!! Fasting is the greatest weapon against the enemy, addictions, bondage, etc. The enemy has blinded people to not see this mighty weapon!!!

      God bless you,

    I ask you all to decree & declare with me for my 27 yr old Prodigal, Justyn & 19 yr Prodigal Jamaal. Both were raised & served in the Church, I kept my Vow to our Lord & made sure they read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation repeatedly until they went to college. They both were used mightily By Abba Father in His gifts & the Fruit of the Spirit. Jamaal’s 2nd sermon, he was 10, he preached on The Fruit, explaining each one fervently! I served in 12 Ministries & they served with me as much as possible (Intercessory Prayer/Gardening/Outreach to neighborhood kids/Nursing Home visitation/Door to Door Ministry. My family wasn’t served so we were a 3 fold cord from Jamaal’s birth & Justyn was 8, The Holy Spirit taught us so much about warfare, Jamaal saw Jesus, angels & demons, demons after Jesus said lead him to Me, on Tues nite prayer mtg & he was 2, after that God allowed him to see demons, 2 fear,unbelief. They both had gift of dreams & visions. Justyn 2nd yr of college, he was targeted by a girl from church, I believe God told me not to let them date. she changed universities, the year after they moved into apt together. Three years later she wanted to date other people & broke his heart. he then experienced with homosexuality. When he had his masters, he moved out of state, yr later he texted me that he was dating another man. Jamaal was influenced to drink by a trusted Christian Family, which led to drunkenness & sex during house party, all under aged & so called parents/so called Christians were asleep. by 19 he has experienced with marijuana. My prayer is for Jehovah God/Captain of the Host bring them both back on fire serving You!!! In the Mighty Name of Jesus……..Thank you!!! Amen……..Selah

  3. Thank you for this resource of encouragement in interceding for our alcoholic prodigal son. My wife and I have dealt with this for years now, and your encouragement is helpful for us staying in the fight pushing back the darkness.

    The Lord bless you and keep you
    John in Kansas City, Ks

  4. Please pray for daughter. She ran away and married a young man that has pulled her away from her family and God. She was raised in church. I pray that she will come back to God and her family.

  5. Please please pray for my daughter who is destroying her body with hormones and binders bc she believes the lie she is a mistake as a woman. She has scheduled a mastectomy for next week and I ask for intercession to prevent this and for her to turn back to the Lord and face her deep wounds bravely. Our relationship is damaged and I know she feels rejected by me. I cannot condone her actions and she feels this as rejection.
    And I am overwhelmed by grief and shock and find it the toughest thing ever bc I don’t want to hurt her soul in any way. I am at a loss with no influence in her life besides my faith in God loving her more than I can imagine and hearing prayers for her.
    Please please pray as you feel led…
    Thank you

  6. Please pray for my son who has strayed from the church ever since he met this young lady who is very disrespectful to me. She is very codependent and controlling.
    Praying for a restoration of my relationship with my son and a pruning of this very unhealthy relationship.

    1. In the name of Jesus! I bind every Jezebel and Baal spirit that is seducing your son! I command, by the authority found in the name of Jesus, you demons to go to dry places–right now in the mighty name of Jesus! Get out! I loose the seven (7) spirits of the Holy Spirit upon her and her son in the mighty name of Jesus! Father God, I present your Word to You according to Matthew 18:18 in the name of Jesus! It is well! Amen!

      God bless you and I will continue praying for your family!

  7. Please pray for my son Tim who came into salvation in his teens and backslided, started drinking with church friends and is now an alcoholic for 22 years. His wife of 2 years Sheeba does not have God in her life, self centered with love of money hurting and hurting others. Both need to come to salvation and Tim to be delivered from alcoholism and Steve the Lord. He is an Attorney by profession. Thank you for sharing my burden and praying.

  8. Pray for my prodigal daughter Jennifer 15 years old ran away from home for she is pregnant and went to live with half sister whom not been in her life till recent for that’s how she ended pregnant for she trusted and believed in her sister for she had freedom and we had ground rules and discipline to avoid what i prayed would not happen. She had plans to graduate and become doctor now her life has changed along with her trust and respect for her father and me. She says i am not her mother after i took her into my home and raised her as my child, loved , shelter her and supported both her and her father when my husband her father became ill and unable work. This is destroying my marriage for my husband won’t stand by me instead cleaned his hands of our daughtet and told she could leave with his older daughter Jannelle whom disrespects me my home and has never been around, until recent and my home and family marriage has been breaking apart. I prayed to revoke all evil surrounding my home and family. Give me strength to stay strong for i feel alone .

  9. Prayer request for my son Wally Tebogo Mahlase to leave drugs alcohol and bad friends. I also request God to bless him with with a job.All.for His glory”s sake

  10. Father, I come to you in Jesus Name first asking that you would forgive me of all my sins. Forgive me for any responsibility I may have in sending _Ryan___ astray. I ask that You would give me wisdom to know how to pray specifically for my child. Show me the areas that need to prayed and lead me to the right prayer group or intercessors that can stand with me until _Ryan___returns to you. Give me wisdom to know what to say and when to speak. I pray that you would bind the hand of the enemy from interfering in ___Ryan’s______ return to You. Surround my child with Christians at work, in their circle of friends even on the street. Send angels to minister to him/her. Show them that they are loved by You and their family. Cut off the speech of the enemy from speaking lies to him/her. Create distance between him/her and the friends or family members that continually draw him/her away from you. Most importantly Lord, protect __Ryan T._____. Surround Ryan T_ with your angels. Use even this for your glory and build a powerful testimony in his/her life through this experience. We will be careful to give you all the glory for their miraculous transformation, in Jesus Name, Amen. Philippians 1:6, Psalm 121, Psalm 91.

  11. I was a prodigal. I didn’t run away, I didn’t destroy my body or my mind or my worldly reputation or my sexual purity. But I simply could not stand the fact that I could never earn my parent’s praise or approval. Even when I joined the military and served honorably, I never felt the warmth of appreciation or praise. I freely admit that I harbored anger and resentment, most of it undeserved, for a long time. At the same time, I cannot find anything meaningful or substantive in common with two people who are convinced they did ‘everthing right’ or ‘all they could’. God guided me through those times, and continues to be my light in a dark world.
    The trem ‘Prodigal’ is not a synonym for ‘wayward’, as is popularly thought, but has the same root as ‘prodigy’. Many young people grow with unmet or ill-addressed emotional or spiritual needs. If those needs are not met in the home, then they will be led by their own hunger to other feeding grounds; “nature abhors a vacuum.” The world system wars for the attention and devotion of each person, especially the young and open-hearted. The prodigal son did everything foolishly, but he did it whole-heartedly, and at the end he found that true happiness and peace came from setting things right with the father he insulted at the start of the story. In contrast, the story doesn’t end with the merrymaking, but with the father explaining his heart to the elder brother, who ‘did everything he was asked to do’. The story is one that explains God’s heart for the lost; the message for those who remain faithful is found in the last two verses.
    2 Chronicles 25:2, Rev. 3:15.
    The lesson; don’t be half-hearted. Be prodigal.
    Track 9: “Lay Down Your Life”, but I love the whole album.

  12. Please pray for single Pastor Mike and single sister Cindy to have clear direction from God as to whether or not to marry!
    Please pray for both to “HEAR” clearly from the Lord and to have the courage to move forward in that without fear!
    Pleas pray for both of these servants of God to have GREAT peace/joy/prosperity/health/well-being and ever-increasing intimacy with the Lord, knowing and following His Voice and His Will for their lives and ministries! Thank you and God bless you!

  13. Please intercede and pray for 14 year-old Sasha who has strayed far from the Lord! Please pray for Sasha to “come to her senses” and REPENT and return to Jesus’ loving arms! Sasha was raised in the Gospel, experienced lots of trauma and pain and rejection and then “fell away” into lesbianism, drugs, alcohol, foul language, etc. and HATES herself for it and feels like she can’t forgive herself and can’t be forgiven by God! She tried to commit suicide several times as a result! Please pray for Sasha to NOT condemn herself and to return to an intimate fellowship with the Lord!

  14. Praying…HE is ABLE !

    New Living Translation
    Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But with God everything is possible.”

    Matt 19:26

  15. Please pray for the restoration of our marriage,Clarence & Stacy.We are 8 weeks post divorce & both realize divorce WAS not the best option for our family of 5.Please pray the God removes everything, anything or anyone that separates what HE put together. Pray that my husband’s heart is softened & he turns against Satan, repents & returns to God &returns home to our family soon. Satan is telling my husband that going back would be too hard, and nothing will change and that we should both give up and accept the divorce. Pray that I will be the wife God intended me to be & ask that God take all unrighteousness from me.Pray that our marriage will b a marriage that brings glory to God. Right now our family especially our 3 children are in so much devastating pain. I pray that the Lord heals the hurt and pain, especially for our children.Please pray for us.

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