Prophetic Word – Your Hope is Under Attack

A few years back when I was going through a very difficult season, I tried to put my finger on what the problem was.  I knew that I had faith.  I knew that I trusted the Lord.  I knew that He was faithful to fulfill His promises but still I just had this lethargic, depressed feeling inside.

I couldn’t figure out why I felt that way if I had faith.   Until one day I heard a sermon preached on hope and I thought “that’s it!!”

We tend to roll faith, hope and trust into one but the truth is they are all  different.  You can have faith and not have trust.  You can trust and not have hope.  You can have faith and not have hope.  Did you know that?  Yep!

I couldn’t figure it out because I never understood how hope works.

When I asked the Lord what He wanted me to share with you all,  He told me HOPE because some of you need this right now.  And, as someone who has walked through hopelessness at one point without properly identifying it, I think I may be able to help you.

I’m going to share a picture with you that God showed me years ago of how it works. There are  3 points A, B C.  Point A is when you just received a promise from God.  Because He is God you believe Him when He tells you He is going to do something. This is faith.  You walk in the direction He tells you to see the Manifestation of that Promise, which is Point C.  In order for you to get from Point A to Point C, you need to cross a bridge called Hope, this is Point B.  You have to continue in Hope in order to see the manifestation.

prophetic word august 2020


The enemy has only one plan, delays, distractions, throwing things at you to get you off that bridge of hope.  He wants to destroy the bridge because if he can do that you never see the manifestation.  Hope is your journey.  So you sit in the backseat like a child saying “are we there yet?”  Except you never seem to get to the destination.  You know what happens to kids when they’ve been driving too long without a break?  Yes, the same things starts happening to you in your spirit.

The devil makes you believe you are heading in the wrong direction, makes you question whether or not you heard God correctly, put every and all delay in place so that you actually start to lose hope.  Slowly but surely due to the delays, you start to question yourself.  Did God really say?  Eventually your bridge of hope, especially if it’s a rope bridge starts to rot and fall apart.  The wooden planks under your feet get termite infested (your naysaying friends) and you lose hope that you’ll ever see that promise fulfilled.

This is how your hope gets attacked.  If you have no hope, you’ll never see the fulfillment of God’s promise because you give up.  Think about it, the only time a person contemplates suicide is when they’ve lost all hope.  They don’t ever believe they’ll  get to the promise – saved or unsaved.  What’s worse is that they don’t even think they can go back across the bridge.  This is how crucial it is to have hope.  Yet, we seem to get hundreds of sermons on faith but very few on HOPE.  I’ve been saved for 19 years and I’ve only ever heard ONE message on hope.  And the one message delivered me from a problem I didn’t realize I had!

Sometimes you can turn back because you start telling yourself that if you turn back now you won’t look completely stupid when it doesn’t manifest and all your friends won’t be laughing at you.  We begin to justify why we can no longer have hope.

It’s a plot from the pit of hell.

The main way the enemy destroys your hope is with delays.  Remember now, he CANNOT stop what God has ordained for you so all he can do is try to delay it.  Making you think the manifestation is just a mirage that will never happen.  Little tricks and gimmicks.  So if you end up waiting longer that you thought you start getting nervous and feeling depressed.  Then you give up.  The enemy can’t stop it so he will make you abort it yourself.  He gets you to forfeit.  He gets you to abdicate.

Now that this has been explained to you, this is where you begin to gird up the loins or your mind and your emotions and you make sure the enemy does not control you and steal your hope.

Look at these scriptures with fresh eyes…

Proverbs 13:12

(NLT Version)

“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a dream fulfilled is a tree of life.”

(TPT Version)

“When hope’s dream seems to drag on and on,
the delay can be depressing.
But when at last your dream comes true,
life’s sweetness will satisfy your soul.”


Yes, you generally have a hope problem when there is a delay.  And then you feel depressed, sometimes not even realizing that it’s your hope that is under attack.  You may have even prayed against depression, not realizing you were not actually hitting the target in prayer.  You’re praying for the symptom and not the problem.

Can you pray for me? I’m depressed.   Are you sure it’s not a hope deferred problem?  Huh?

Yes, it manifests like depression and most people don’t know that.

Light bulb moment

Jeremiah 29:11For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 

This scripture is actually a layout of picture above showing you point A, B & C

plans to prosper you and not to harm you – Point A

plans to give you hope – Point B

and a future. – Point C

Without hope you have no future.  That’s why the enemy is going after it!

It takes courage to have hope…

Psalm 31:24 “So be strong and courageous, all you who put your hope in the Lord!”

I believe the biggest thing in giving up is that we fear that we are going to be ashamed that we hoped in something that wasn’t true.  But God tells us our hope will not end in shame…

Romans 5:5 “And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.”


I can tell you as someone standing on the other side seeing the manifestation of the Promises of God in my life, the minute I identified that my problem was actually hope and I prayed about it, I was strengthened in that area and able to go on.  It took only a few short months after that before I saw the fulfillment.

If you read Psalm 27  you see that David was surrounded on all sides by the enemy but he says in verse 13 that he would’ve lost heart (given up hope) if he didn’t believe he would’ve seen the goodness of the Lord while he was alive.

Yes, many of the great people of faith also had moments when they struggled with hope.

The scary part is when people give up hope that is when they turn to lawlessness, sin, backsliding, suicide because they think “what’s the point might as well do what I want to do“.  This isn’t the way to go because God surely will not fulfill His promise if you step off the path and go do your own thing.  If you fell into this, just repent and get back on that bridge!!!

Here’s a prayer to be strengthened in Hope

Abba Father, thank you for Your promises. Thank you for faith to believe in Your promises.  Thank you that You are not a man that You should lie nor the son of a man that You need to repent.  Your word is true.  The hope I have in You and Your promises will not be put to shame.  Lord, I am asking You to help me rebuild my bridge of hope.  I don’t want hope made out of straw, tied together by ropes and wood.  NO! I don’t want a weak hope but I want hope that is built with platinum.  That can stand the test of time. Strengthened by my seasons of afflictions.  Shored up by the tests and adversities that I have walked through.  A bridge of hope that can never be shaken but gets stronger and stronger with each trial.  Tested by the fire and coming forth, pure!  Built high above the enemy and his schemes.  Built high enough so I can see his little tricks and gimmicks.  Strengthen me God to continue this journey.  I will wait patiently upon You.  I will be courageous knowing that I will see the fulfillment of the promises You have made to me.  Thank you from this day forward, I am no longer in charge of keeping that bridge of Hope in place.  Instead the Hope is in You.  The bridge is in You.  You are not only the Author of my faith but the Finisher, the Perfecter and the Keeper of the fulfillment of promises.  I can fully rest and trust in You that my hope will never be destroyed because it is build in You.  You are never giving up on me and You will uphold me with your righteous right hand.  Thank you for making my steps sure and secure.  Strengthen me for the rest of this journey and teach me how to rest in You.  I know the wait is a direct correlation to the size of my promise and I thank you for it now.  Thank you for my renewed hope, in Jesus name, Amen.

Psalm 27:14

“Here’s what I’ve learned through it all:
Don’t give up; don’t be impatient;
be entwined as one with the Lord.
Be brave and courageous, and never lose hope.
Yes, keep on waiting—for He will never disappoint you!”

Now for a change in perspective…

Picture in your mind your bridge of hope is actually built in the Lord.  The bridge runs through Christ from the Promise to the Manifestation! There’s no way the enemy can attack it if God is the keeper of it.  Put Your hope in God. If He started it He most certainly will finish it. He is the bridge.  Some of you may need to take some time to meditate on this so that your perspective can completely change.  Then you will find that things will begin to change and your joy will be restored.

Psalm 34:5

Why am I discouraged?
    Why is my heart so sad?
I will put my hope in God!
    I will praise him again—
    my Savior and my God!


9 thoughts on “Prophetic Word – Your Hope is Under Attack”

  1. Thank you Jesus and thank you my sister for this message from GOD. I have been having a very hard time with my life and today morning God gave me that verse of hope that has been deferred in proverbs but i did not know how to pray using am so grateful to God and you

  2. Timely. Very timely for me, and for our family. The attacks have been incessant and we have been exhausted- so heartsick and tired that we have attacked each other. God has sent two warning/steering dreams last night and the night before- still processing them in front of the Lord, seeking what His heart is telling me.
    What I wanted to share with you, though, is a gift He gave me months and months ago! I had momentarily forgotten… its a tall staff made of wood, natural and kind of pretty but not carved or fancy… the bark has been removed so its just plain, smooth wood. When He gave it to me, I must have asked what it was or what it was for, and He said just two words: “Hope floats”. And I was given to know that that the property of that staff is that it is physically, spiritually, anything-lly impossible for it to sink- to go BELOW water. It can’t. Its impossible. If you placed it on the water and then suspended one million pounds from it by a strong chain dangling way down into the depths… the staff wouldn’t even dip down a little bit into the water. It can’t. So…
    “Hope floats”. I love it when I realize or remember that He’s already anticipated what I need and provided it. Now… I have to USE IT. It doesn’t use itself. But IF I use it… WHEN I use it… it. Can’t. Sink. And so… I can’t sink.
    Praise Him, Creator of heaven and earth, the seas and everything in them! Hope floats. 💜💜💜

    1. Wow! That is beautiful! Thank you for sharing it. Amazing! He knew you would need it so He gave it to you ahead of time and then He used this word to remind you that you already have it. Remember the staff is used to guide a flock so this is not just for you and your family. You are the shepherd of hope. You have the authority to speak it over other people’s lives as well. Like Moses with his staff. Pray for all of us who are reading this post and others who you meet. You have the anointing for it. Absolutely love it! Blessings

      1. The Lord has given me the tongue of those who are taught, that I may know how to sustain with a word him who is weary. Morning by morning He awakens; He awakens my ear to hear as those who are taught.

        Father, go find and meet with every, single person reading this, and bring them a tangible hope. Make it something that they can keep. Let them know that it’s from You, and You personally delivered it to them. Cause them to desire more visits from You. In Jesus’ name- Messiah the Breaker- amen.

  3. Zechariah 9:12
    Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles. (NLT)
    Turn you to the strong hold, ye prisoners of hope: even to day do I declare that I will render double unto thee;(KJV)

  4. A very timely word for me. And it just showed in my Gmail when I was feeling hopeless. We started our business on faith during these times because of a word from God. While everything is going strong, there are delays for no reason at all, and I was losing hope and all the wrong thoughts going in my head. Thank God for this word.

  5. Each time I receive an email from missionaries of prayer, Blessing, it seems like that message has been written at the right time where I am in my life.
    I thank you for passing on messages from The Lord in a format that helps me understand. Xx

  6. Yes I believe. Thank you for this word and message. It was what I needed today. I have Hope in My God who is my bridge, the word is my rungs on which I am walking over the bridge.
    Be blessed.
    Thank you Abba Father.

  7. Yes!!!! A thousand times YES!!!!!! This is exactly what I have been feeling the past few weeks, actually. I asked the Lord to please show me what is going on! As usual, this word was right on time! Now I know what is going on and why the enemy is trying to steal my hope! Thank you Lord for this timely and prompt word of revelation!!

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