This is the prophetic word for February 2024. It is titled The Light has come.
Who is this for? Everyone
I had an experience with the Lord the other day where He revealed something to me that I had not considered before. It was related to Isaiah 60. You may have read it before but I am asking you to read it again with fresh eyes.
Isaiah 60:1-2
“Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.
2 See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
and his glory appears over you.
What was the perspective shift? Well, have you noticed how much exposure is coming to our world now? Everything is coming out in the open. And it is happening on all the mountains of society – church, family, media, education, government, business and entertainment.
Now, tell me if you haven’t seen the exposure in ALL these areas! Yes, it is there.
Because it is all coming at once it feels really overwhelming doesn’t it? Like everything is out of balance. There’s no safe space. And so you have one group that wants to just get out of here (the rapture posse) and then you have another group that says where is God in all this and still another group that perhaps have given up all hope and trust and may even begin doubting God.
So here is how the Lord showed this to me. Let’s say you are one to get up in the middle of the night to use the toilet. You pee in the middle of the night but you don’t want to turn on the light in the bathroom because it would wake up your spouse, so you go in the dark. You don’t even flush, because that would also wake up your spouse too. Eww, I know BUT you remain silent about it because you don’t want to disrupt the peaceful quiet of the house with this loud flush….you’d rather wait until it is light out to flush the toilet. And as you are going in the dark you rest your hand on the table next to the toilet where you have magazines and there’s this crunchy thing under your fingers and so you assume that is one of the magazines or a newspaper. This goes on for months until one day your spouse is out of town and so when you get up to go to the toilet you turned on the light this time. Guess what? That crunchy thing that you thought was a newspaper on the table was actually a pile of cockroaches. Yikes! You’ve been putting your hand on a pile of roaches the entire time. But, you couldn’t see it!!!! Because it was DARKNESS.
When did the roaches get into the bathroom? Just then? No. They were always there for months, maybe even years! The difference is, THE LIGHT HAS COME.
The exposure only happens when the Light comes. It’s been going on for a long time.
church, family, media, education, government, business and entertainment
Now, interesting thing about roaches, you have two kinds, the one that will run into hiding finding another dark spot as cover and the other type that is so bold as if to say “Ok, now you see me, so whatcha gon do bout it?” That little bugger will just sit there staring at you with the nasty antennas swirling around daring you to do something. It doesn’t care that you saw it because the attitude of this type of cockroach is that it believes you’re going to turn off the lights, invite the darkness in, walk over use the toilet, NEVER touch the table again because that is now cockroach territory and then go back to your bed.
There’s always that one cockroach that doesn’t care you discovered it. And believe it or not, there are people that will actually go on living with the cockroach, the termites, the ants and the rats because they just don’t want to disrupt the peace.
How else does the generational curse of childhood sex abuse happen? SOMEBODY KNOWS! But they are not bold enough to disrupt the “peace” in the household so they PRETEND like it’s not happening. They don’t want all the noise of the toilet flushing so they just leave it.
Yes when you stand up, you will be persecute because of it, this is a part of the Christian walk. There are moments when you’ll lose something because you spoke up or because of some of the decisions you had to make.
John 15:18-21
18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated Me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. 20 Remember what I told you: ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’[a] If they persecuted Me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also. 21 They will treat you this way because of my name
It is a fallacy to think that once you are saved and receive Christ as your Savior you are now going to have some wonderfully blessed blissful life. That is not the whole truth. Yes, God will bless you but you are also going to face persecution when you stand up and say NO to the darkness.
You have a choice to make. You have to choose between the Light or the darkness. And it is a plot of the enemy to make you feel hopeless, hapless and helpless, like there is nothing you can do about it so might as well accept it. THAT IS A LIE. If you don’t see another choice, pray! Ask God to reveal it to you. He is not going to lead you into a dead end
It is one thing if you don’t know, but after you find out, what are you going to do?
As for me and my household…
Once the exposure happens, then a separation happens. The ones who turn the lights off and pretend like the cockroach is not there will go to one side and the ones who grab the book or the shoe to kill every last one of those roaches including the ones that went back into hiding will draw to the opposite side.
What fellowship does light have with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14 There is going to be a massive separation.
Those who are of the Light will be looking for like minds. They will no longer be able support the corruption. They will move their finances and funding into places that align with their VALUES and reflect the Light.
A wealth transfer will happen when this takes place. GOD is going to make you choose. You won’t be able to sit on the fence with this one. It’s not only with your words that you deny Christ, you can deny Him with your actions or your lack of actions as well. (Matthew 10:33)
So if you say, where is God? He’s right there! That is why you can see it now.
Now you get to choose, but remember Isaiah 60:3-6 The Voice
Nations north and south, peoples east and west, will be drawn to your light,
will find purpose and direction by your light.
In the radiance of your rising, you will enlighten the leaders of nations.
4 Don’t be shy; don’t be doubtful; lift up your eyes and look around.
They have gathered all around you, eager to come and be close to you.
And your children will come back to this land:
your sons from the farthest places of wandering,
and your daughters gently carried home.
5 And when you see it, your face will glow;
your heart will race and be filled with joy;
For great ships will arrive with gifts from across the sea,
and the wealth of nations will make their way to you.
6 Herd after herd of camels will cover the land,
caravans arriving daily from south and southwest: Midian, Ephah,
Even Sheba with gifts of gold and frankincense.
They will announce for all the world to hear,“The Eternal be praised!”
If you side with the darkness, you will NEVER win. It is not possible.
John 1:5
“The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.”
Where are the overcomers at? Because I know, there are many Overcomers! You better use that crown!
OMG, yes, I had to use that phrase .. I’m catching up and noticed I missed reading this. Tickled and laughing because I had a dream about “killing roaches!” and was upset because I couldn’t get an interpretation that settled my spirit…. WOW!!! Thanks for sharing… Blessings to you and the readers and DOERS of the Word.🙏🏾🙏🏾💞
Wow,I thank thy Lord for He revealing and presence of His Light and Spirit… Thy Lord did a great separation in my family on 2nd of February, 2024.Among me and my siblings, I know How He has being instructing me all this while through me dream but I didn’t do anything about until this month… In My dream thy Lord has shown me where rapture took place, how it happened I heard asound of trumpet everybody was in a house but once you are willing get to the door, that lead to outside the house your clothe will change to white rope and fly and join those in cloud… When I got the door,I turned back and joined my siblings over group of people fighting with them and after sometimes the door closed and we were still fighting… This dream came twice in different occasions and indifferent months. I thank Thy Lord God for confirming His word and causing separation among me and my siblings especially my immediate younger sister,It wasn’t easy but I’ve have healed and move on.
This word was confirmation. The Lord has been revealing a lot to me lately. About my role, as well as, the church’s role in what is to come. It appears there is a battle coming both spiritually and on Earth (thanks, Nicole for the news pieces). The saints need to be equipped to move out from the church to be the light. God is pouring out rains of revival and when this happens, you know the enemy is going to come out in strong opposition. I pray blessings over your ministry and all who see your articles and these comments. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
“God is going to make you choose”
Yes, it’s already happening. It’s coming. Tough, painful choices ahead if i’m gonna be honest. The idols in our hearts didn’t just appear there suddenly. It’s been lodged there for years, decades even.
Greed (which is idolatry) is a tough one. So tough that it’s easier for an elephant to enter the eye of a needle than a rich man.
Perhaps the polarization and breakdown in civil discourse is a symptom of the light shining and revealing darkness. So often there seems to be a denial of reality when we try to describe or explain what we perceive. People seem much more reactive and less objective.
This word is confirmation on so many levels! My pastor and a pastor friend have recently been talking about the “light in a dark place” and “exposure across mountains of society.” I have been meditating on the scripture in Isaiah, even prayed today they my “light has come.”…. Glory be to God! The holy spirit is speaking!!