Prophetic Word – Deception and Singles in the Church

deception and singles in the church
deception and singles in the church

This prophetic word is about deception and singles in the church.  This one has been a 20 year message in the making!  Can you believe it?  There is a larger message on the spirit of deception but the Lord is only allowing me to publish the part directed towards the singles at this time.

Who is this word for?  Singles. For the men and the women.

Yes, this message started writing itself 20 years ago.  But every time I wanted to publish I was told it wasn’t time.  I know from experience when this happens, it is because I am missing an important piece and there are lessons that I have still yet to learn.  Sometimes God will tell you a thing directly, lead you to someone who teaches you or He’ll make you experiences it.

Well God, when I asked Him a couple of weeks ago if we were close to releasing this one He told me It’s time.  I’ve put 15 Lessons that I learnt from each experience in bold and sentence form so that if you come back to read this a second time you can just read the lessons to remind yourself of the message.  So here it goes…

The First church

I was a part of a very dynamic church.  It is a conservative church with business professionals.  People read the word and they know their bibles very well.  There’s no prophesy there or gifts of the Spirit being taught.  I’m telling you this so you know this has nothing to do with people receiving prophetic words. And to also let you know that I was not in an environment teaching this which is why I could only see it from one angle.

I had a friend, single Christian late 40s, who came to me crying one day because there was this man in the church that she was sure was her husband but now the man started to turn his attention to other women in the church when he had been giving her a lot of his attention over the last 4 years.  She thought he changed towards her and she was confused because she thought he was her husband.

I said to her, what did he do to make you believe he’s your husband?  Were you guys talking about future plans? No.  Only things related to ministry. Did you go on dates? No.  Did he ever visit you at your home? No.  Did he tell you he had intentions of making you his wife?  No.

Okay, so this man has never told you in the past 4 years, not even once, that he’s interested in you and you believe he’s your husband?  Yes.

I thought she was crazy.  But then I remembered that she was inexperienced with men and so she had nothing to gage what man looks like when he’s interested in a woman.  I chalked it up to her inexperience.  She was raised in the church in a strict Christian home, she’s a virgin and had never been in a relationship before. I prayed for her.  She cried and told her…

Lesson #1 If a man is interested in you, he will tell you.  Out of his own mouth.  With his own words.  If it’s been over a year and he’s had zero conversations with you, there’s a high possibility he is not interested in you because it doesn’t take them that long to figure out if you are the one for them.

But what if he’s shy?  He still has a mouth.  A man knows his rib when he sees it.  Adam had zero problems identifying Eve (Genesis 2:22-23).  If he’s not saying it, it’s not you.  If he’s shy?  OK, give him a year and a half, then you need to acknowledge that while you like him, he may have sent you over to a place where no one wants to go when they like someone…

He likes you as a friend and there’s nothing more to it.  If you’re a man, please write in the comments and let us know how long it takes you to know if a woman is someone you would consider marrying.

But what if he’s just not ready because he has to put some things in place?  Well, he’ll make his intentions known to you.  Rachel had to wait over 7 years for Jacob, but she knew because he made it known.  She knew because he told her with his own mouth. Her father even knew!  (Genesis 29:11, 17-18).  If he has any intentions of marrying you, even if he’s not ready right at that moment, he will tell you.

About a couple months after that I’m at the front of the church and another woman comes up for prayer.  Same story.  You should know that in a church setting like this I always tell people, don’t use names with me just give me the scenario.  I don’t want to get into gossip, ever.  But I knew exactly who she was talking about because it was like she was reading from the same playbook as my friend.  I asked the same questions and I was given the same answers.

Well, now I’m curious as to why this woman, who was divorced, so she has experience with men, would get the same impression.  Unlike my friend I asked her what exactly gave her this impression.  She said it was the way he looked at her.  The way he smiled when he looked at her.  The compliments he would pay her “how well she was growing in the Lord”.  He was so proud of her progress and very complimentary about her growth in the Lord.

Lesson #2 – It is imperative that you know the difference between a breadcrumb and a loaf of bread.

The man has to look somewhere.  If you are standing in the direction where he is looking that is not an indication of interest.  What is he supposed to do?  Is he supposed to walk around like a grumpy cat, not smile, keep his eyes looking at the floor?  If he’s your pastor or a pastor in your church, wouldn’t you like to get a compliment that you’re are progressing in the Lord?  I tell people all the time when I see growth in them, it’s something you say to encourage people in the Lord. He can’t help that he’s good looking.  He can’t help that he’s charming.  He can’t help that he’s kind.  He can’t help that he has the spirit of the Lord and that is actually what you are attracted to.  He can’t help it!  These are just signs of someone being really kind to you.  But, when you like the person you start seeing every little thing they do as a sign of interest.  You start reading into things and your imagination gets very active.

When you are hungry you are going to need a whole loaf of bread, a breadcrumb cannot sustain you.  So what’s a loaf of bread?  Read Lesson #1 again.

It is common for you to see Christ in someone and they become incredibly attractive to you and you start to like them in a certain way.  But remember, unless they say something specific to you, all you have are some crumbs.

It wasn’t just the Single women

Let’s just say from the first person, which was actually my friend, to a year and a half later there were over 20 different women, that I knew of, that were 100% sure that this man was their husband.  Yes, people.  They all had the same playbook and would answer the questions exactly the same way.  I prayed with them and a few ran like hell from the church because they were so confused and didn’t know what to do because he wasn’t proposing that like they were sure he would.  And, there were all these women around him.

Lesson #3 – If you are already married, God will never tell you to divorce your spouse to marry someone else.

One woman, divorced her husband because she was convinced that she married the wrong man and this guy was the one God sent her.  She. divorced. her. husband. for. breadcrumbs.  Because much like the other women, this man gave her no indication that he was interested.  She was convinced that once her husband was safely out of the way, he would make his move because that’s what was holding him back.

God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16)! So why would He tell you to do the thing that He hates?  Obviously the spirit that is leading this is not God.

Oh, of course “she had grounds for divorce” her husband was unsaved so she thought it was the right move.


The biggest shocker for me…

This one I never saw coming until the man got engaged and as we’re all standing there happily discussing his engagement I see this man with a look on his face that read “I’m devastated and hurt” and his eyes welling up with tears.  That’s when I found out that there were men there too who thought he was gay!  Well, of course! He’s surrounded by these stunningly gorgeous women and he’s not making a move on any of them in years.  They assumed he was gay like them.  It was quite shocking for me BUT I couldn’t even console them because they never confessed it.  They were closeted gay men. So I just had to stand there recognizing what I was looking at and just let them sashay on out of there.

I’m pretty sure they too got the smiles, the looks and the compliments. You know, the crumbs.

All deceived.

I think by the time I got to the 5th woman I went to the Lord and I said WHAT IS GOING ON HERE????  Surely this man is only going to marry one woman and there is no way You would tell all these women this.

But they all had confirmations, from God.  Majority of these women were Christians for years. Solid Christians so how is this happening?

I wanted to run away from that place because I knew it was going to end badly and I didn’t want to be there when it happened.  The Lord gave me an emotional picture of how it ended and it was a massive train wreck about to happen.  The Lord told me that I was to stay there my job was to help steer them out of that.  To be there to help them pick up the pieces. Imagine how difficult this is because I’m not telling any of them that I know 20 other people with the same story.  I also can’t tell them “that’s not God, honey”. Why?  Because then they are going to think I’m only saying that because I want him for myself!!!  I can’t tell them that, they are CONVINCED!

This is how they would sound…

“I got confirmation after confirmation, I’m sure he’s my husband but I don’t know what to do now because it’s been years and he’s not making a move and now I’m not so sure anymore.   I can’t concentrate at church.  All I do is think about him morning, noon and night. Do you think I should approach him?”  YIKES

I would ask the Lord to make it stop, do something!  I knew He would because He gave me an experience one day of what it would be like when it came to an end and I knew it was going to be really bad.  What He never told me was when it would happen. I had to sit there for about 2 years watching all of this, praying with these women before it all came to end.

God collected the prayers and the tears in a bowl in heaven (Revelation 5:8) and then there comes a point when the bowl is full and then it tips over.  That’s how it works.

When the Lord told me to pray for him, I saw him in the spirit like he walked into cobwebs.  He was trying to pull the cobwebs off his face but he was struggling.  So I had to cut them off him in the spirit.

This is a sign of witchcraft.  Just imagine having all these people – single women, married women, gay men praying over you like you’re their spouse!!!  This is horrible.  They had him tied up in these cobwebs because of these witchcraft prayers.

Do you know what this feels like to the person experiencing it?  I’ll tell you.  Total confusion.  If God had not told him ahead of time who his wife was, he’s totally confused because he can’t see ahead of him. Brain fog. Total lack of clarity.  Fatigue.  Depression.  It’s bad.

As an intercessor when I pray for people I can actually feel what they feel.  I take on their emotions so I know what it felt like to have that on.  It’s not good.  Witchcraft prayers.

I knew that even though I cut them off him, so he would at least have a moment of clarity, unless something was done permanently, it was coming back.

It’s a conservative church, so it’s not like I could just go tell him this.  He would look at me like I’m crazy.  And, I won’t divulge what people are sharing with me in confidence in prayer.

I had to wait until these women were in tears and really needed to know how they could move forward to tell them they need to take a step back and truly examine what they were calling “confirmations” because the confirmations were crumbs and the devil can give you false dreams and visions to further bolster your thoughts.  Some decided on their own to leave the church so they wouldn’t have to see him every week.  I told them if this man is really your husband he’ll come after you.  He never followed them.  Some stopped going to the services when they knew he was preaching so they wouldn’t have to look at him.  He didn’t even notice they were gone.  It was sad.

Lesson #4 – If he’s into you, he’s not going to want you to leave his sight.

Ruth 2:8-9

So Boaz said to Ruth, “My daughter, listen to me. Don’t go and glean in another field and don’t go away from here. Stay here with the women who work for me. Watch the field where the men are harvesting, and follow along after the women. I have told the men not to lay a hand on you. And whenever you are thirsty, go and get a drink from the water jars the men have filled.”


If this is happening to you and you decide to leave the church and the man knows you, knows how to get a hold of you and he’s not coming to where you are, he’s not interested.

And, please, if he leaves the church where you are, don’t follow behind him!  If he’s good leaving you behind, that should tell you all you need to know.  He said everything he needed to say with his actions.

I’m sorry to be so blunt but what I found is when people are caught up in this, they can’t see the most obvious thing.  So I have to clearly point it out.

I’ve seen women, follow men from church to church, from stage to stage, from state to state and the man has made no commitment to them.  He’s not said a word but they are just following behind him.

The idea that a man or a woman is your ministry or your purpose in life is FALSE.  God has a purpose for you that doesn’t have anything to do with a man…or a woman.  This teaching is from the devil because what this sets you up to do is sit around waiting for a man or a woman before you start doing what God has for you to do.  So how long do you sit there?  10 years.  20 years? God has something for you to do NOW.  He can use you with or without a spouse!   I would advise you to spend time learning about your own purpose before you even think about having a marriage.  Because in understanding this, you’ll make better choices.  It will help you to identify when someone fits and when they don’t.

Lesson #5 – Your marriage is not your purpose.  It’s a status.  A marital status – single, married, divorced, widowed.  These things don’t give you purpose.  Your purpose supersedes your status.  If you get married and your husband dies, does this mean you lose your purpose? NO.  Elderly women who lost their husband, does this mean they have no purpose?  Men who never get married their entire life, does this mean they have no purpose?   So anyone that tells you that your marriage is the goal of your Christian life, this is false.  Deception.  Because there you are chasing a status believing that this is what is going to fulfill you and give you purpose.  Only for you to end up marrying a brute, now what?

Ruth, did not follow behind Boaz.  She was about her business in supporting her mother in law and she walked into a marriage while she was doing what she was supposed to be doing.  She was a widow when she met Boaz. Boaz didn’t give her purpose, she was already walking in her purpose!

Look at how Jacob and Rachel met…

Genesis 29:9

Jacob was still talking with them when Rachel arrived with her father’s flock, for she was a shepherd.

Rachel wasn’t sitting around waiting for a husband, she was walking in her purpose.  She’s a shepherd, in today’s language she has her own church or ministry.  She had a flock that she was ministering to. She’s not waiting around dwindling her thumbs, she’s doing what the Lord told her to do.

Are you walking in your purpose?  Then you’ll eventually walk right into your marriage!  If you don’t know how to find your purpose, there’s a 9 part series on the Glory to Glory school that will guide you through this.  You can find the channel here and search for the playlist on Finding Your Purpose.

Lesson #6 – Watch out for the role reversal. The man is the one who claims the woman and the woman is the one who chooses.

Adam claimed Eve.  He was the one who said this is my rib.  It is not your job as a woman to tell a man, I am your rib.

So the idea of a group of women sitting around claiming a man, is role reversal.  They have taken on a masculine role and turning the man into a woman…without even realizing that this is what they are doing. If you are chasing the man, you have reversed the roles.

Over 20 woman claimed this man and they were waiting for him to choose them. The roles were flip flopped.  They were so out of order and alignment.  I can tell you from talking to married women who are frustrated that their husbands are not “stepping up”, it is because the roles were reversed from the very beginning.

She was the one who approached him.  She was the one who planned everything.  She was the one…  She was the one…

And because we’re not wired like this naturally by God eventually, we get SICK AND TIRED of playing a role that we’re not created to play!!!  Eventually these same women complain.  When the truth is, they should’ve stepped back from the very beginning.

It is OK for you to be the Boss Babe at your job, because that’s what they hired you to do.  However, at your house with your husband?  No!

Some women just don’t know when to step back.  And God was the one that create the masculine and feminine polarity.

Even though the men claim the women, the women are the ones who choose.  He proposes, you say Yes or No!  He can claim all he wants, it is still up to you to choose. So it actually takes the two people to put it together but you just need to know your role.

You can read the entire Genesis 24 for the story of Rebekah and Isaac.  The servant of Isaac approached the parents but she makes the decision…

57 “Well,” they said, “we’ll call Rebekah and ask her what she thinks.”58 So they called Rebekah. “Are you willing to go with this man?” they asked her.

And she replied, “Yes, I will go.”

The women get to choose.  And in those days it was the parents that made the arrangement for the marriage but the woman is still the one who chooses.  She can say no.

Now I’m sure some of you are thinking but Ruth approached Boaz.  That would be comparing apples to oranges.  Let’s examine that…

If you read the book of Ruth you’ll see that Boaz liked her from the very beginning.  He made all kinds of accommodations to make sure she was well cared for while she was there.  There are 2 reasons why he never approached her.

1. Boaz is a man of order and decency.  He wasn’t the one to claim her (Ruth 3:13).  Someone else was ahead of him so it was out of order for him to approach her.  Do you understand?

2. Boaz was insecure because he was much older and what she needed to do was give him “a little encouragement” so that he at least knew she liked him (Ruth 3:10).

At any rate she still needed to step back and wait until he sorted out the details and put things in order.  At that moment, he made his intentions known to her (Ruth 3:13-18) so she at least knew what was about to happen.  He didn’t leave her hanging.

This is not just a female issue.  The men…

Lesson #7 –  Witchcraft prayers. STOP praying for your “spouse” when he hasn’t claimed you, and she hasn’t chosen you. 

One Sunday at church the pastor was preaching on intercession and he gave us 5 minutes to quietly go into intercession for whatever we needed.  As I closed my eyes and bowed my head the Lord said to me “Break off the witchcraft“.  In my mind I’m thinking “Huh? Right now?  Going on in the church?” My eyes immediately opened and I looked up and right in my view is this guy in church that I knew liked me.  I see him looking across the auditorium to his best friend, I turned my head saw the best friend then look over into another direction and made eye contact with another friend, then that friend looked over to another friend.  4 men all making eye contact as they are told to go into intercession.  I closed my eyes and bowed my head again quickly before they could realize that I saw them.

These are good men. They don’t even know that this act they were about to engage in is witchcraft.  They were praying for me and this man to get married.  Except, I’m not interested in this man.  Any prayer that you pray that is against another person’s will and not the will of God, is witchcraft.  It doesn’t matter how well intentioned you are.  They knew he likes me because he obviously told them and they like me because I was known in that church and they like me for him as a wife.  So now they take it upon themselves to bind the two of us together in the spirit.  You know, here grab a handful of cobwebs for your face.

There was nothing wrong with this man.  He’s an incredible person and would make someone else a great Boaz.  He was just not for me.

Unfortunately for him….


Meanwhile, this man claimed me and never even told me this.  He’s praying prayers of marriage over a woman that he has yet to ask to marry him.  Which means I never said YES.

Please, I am begging you, if you are praying prayers over a man like he’s your husband and he has not yet claimed you … please stop!  This is witchcraft.

If you are praying prayers over a woman like she’s your wife and you haven’t expressed your intentions to her to get a Yes or a No… please stop!  This is witchcraft.

One claims the other chooses and if you don’t have agreement from both parties – there is no husband or wife so those prayers are not wise!  Any prayer that goes against someone else’ free will, it’s witchcraft.  Give them the opportunity to tell you how they feel and then you know for sure.


So there I was breaking all of this witchcraft in the realm of the spirit.  Then I had to pray that God would reveal to these men that this is not His will and that I am not interested in this man.  I wasn’t upset at them because I know the intentions were not evil but still, they needed to stop this so I prayed continually for them to see that this wasn’t right.

About a week or so later I got a chance to clearly state my position to two of his friends.  One of them is a bit of a chatter box so I knew he would “run and tell it” so I was glad for the opportunity.

I was standing there holding someone’s baby and one of his friends says to me “wouldn’t you like to have one of those one day?”  I said “yes, for sure, I love kids.  But you know I am a praying woman and God has already revealed to me that my husband is not in this church so I’m going to have to wait a little longer but I’m sure you’ll see me with one of these one day!”  And that’s how I closed it down.  His eyes opened wide when I said that because with that one statement he knew, it was not going to be his homeboy.

Like I said, when you are dealing with certain level of deception you have to be very clear. You cannot let them walk away and believe that there’s a possibility that it could happen when you fully well know it won’t!

I try to be kind because I know feelings are involved here but I had to say it clear enough that he realizes this was not happening.

You have to remember that while this is going on I was dealing with these women who were being deceived so I was well aware that when someone is in this level of deception you have to say the TRUTH in such a way that it cannot be misconstrued as something else.

…And then they shall know the truth and the truth shall set them free.

This is show you shut down the deception. By telling them the truth.

And that was the end of that. I could feel in the spirit when they all backed off.  It didn’t stop him from having feelings but I knew that his friends told him that I was not interested in him. They stopped preying over me.

But here was the really bothersome part, there was this one guy at church that I liked.  He would stand off to the side watching me. He would smile, I would smile back but he never approached me.

This went on for about a month and he was around the church for a few months and then he vanished, left the church.  I had no idea who he was or even what his name because we never spoke to each other and it’s a large church.  Then I find out that in the men’s ministry one day he was basically inquiring about me to the men in the church.  He told them that he liked me and they basically told him “you can’t approach to her, she’s for _______ and he’s been waiting for a long time for her.  So you need to back off”. Yeah, that actually happened.  I can laugh now but I did not think that was funny when I found out about it.

They sat in the men’s ministry, this man claimed me and he and his four friends told the other men not to approach me. FOR TWO YEARS!!!!  Who knows how many other men were in there that wanted to talk to me as they “marked territory”.

When he finally got the courage to approach me himself, he received my answer…. No.


Then he proceeded to serve in all kinds of ministry where he wasn’t serving before, leading when he wasn’t leading before.  I said to the Lord one day “Well, at least he’s stepping up, serving You more leading in ministry” I was wondering if I was too hasty in sending him to the friend zone.  Then the Lord said to me “he’s not doing any of this for Me, he’s doing it for you” Then the Lord directed me to read the story of Shechem and Dinah, Genesis 34.

Yikes! He was being disingenuous.  And boy was that turn off for me.  If they are going after the Lord just to get you, what is going to happen after they get you?  They are going to go back to being who they are!  You cannot change people, so whoever you met, is who you got!

That’s why you gotta have a relationship with Jesus because until God shows you the heart of a man/woman, you really don’t know who you are dealing with.

So can you ever escape the friend zone?  Hmmm, I don’t know, ask Leah.

Gentlemen, if you like the woman and you prayed about it and ask the Lord and the Lord gave you the go ahead to approach her…you should!  Don’t wait too long.

To waste 2 years of your life to find out that she’s not interested and considers you a Brother in Christ, emphasis on the brother, is not good.  It is best to know that earlier on so you can move on to someone else.

Quite frankly, unless you are a narcissist, you will not want the attention of the opposite sex when you know that you are not interested and they will end up hurt in the end.  If you think about it, it’s cruel.


How was the first church dealing with these women?

They laughed, cracked jokes.  The senior pastor would say “you know who’s going to be the happiest when he gets married? Me!”  ha ha ha ha. The whole congregation would laugh.  Every now and then “I can’t wait for this young man to get married!”  ha ha ha ha  “I know there’s going to be a lot of broken hearts around here but I can’t wait for you to get married” ha ha ha ha

They weren’t laughing because they were being cruel, no. They thought the problem would be solved once he got married.  That the women would just cry for a night and get over it.  His marriage would solve several problems, we would all know and these women would stop.  Plus the senior pastor was retiring and he was the favorite to take over the church so they want him married before that happened.

It was going to be a good thing for everyone all the way around. NOT!

They had no idea the HELL that awaited us all when that man showed up with a woman with a ring on her finger as everyone gasped in SHOCK.

Nobody knew!  Not his family.  Not his best friend.  Nobody.  He showed up with a woman on stage and no one knew ahead of time.  The entire church was in shock.  Including his family and his best friend.  THE WHOLE CHURCH.  Because there was no dating, he just showed up with her with a ring and that was that.

It was like these women got a punch in the gut.  They had no notice to prepare just the wind knocked out of them. Never saw it coming. They were married within a month and a half.  It was mayhem as everything that was pent up inside these women came spewing out.

It was an embarrassment for the church leadership because it was only at that moment they realized that they were laughing ha ha ha ha  at a ticking time bomb and they would live to regret how they handled it.

They completely underestimated the seriousness of what was happening.  You should know that they didn’t know that these women were crying behind the scenes or perhaps the extent of how many people were caught up in this and that some had already left the church.  Well, maybe they did but they overlooked it.

They had to call the cops

You know how they say if you have one drop of black blood in you, you’re black?  Well, let’s just say that the women with one drop of hood in their blood, turned hood!

This is a church in a white upper class neighborhood, Presbyterian, with congregants that are primarily business executives, super conservative, nobody anticipated this!!  This church is the furthest from hood!  And, in case you’re wondering, none of the women were black! Hence, the church thought they were just going to go home and cry in their silk pillowcases.  Umm, No!  That’s not what happened….Anjelah Johnson turned Bon Qui Qui in 60 seconds!

It was embarrassing for the church leadership because I feel it was at that moment they realized that they underestimated what was actually happening there.  Everything flipped overnight after the engagement announcement. That’s when they realized that this was an issue that needed to be addressed differently than how they were handling it.

Neither of them, him or the fiancé could not go outside into the parking lot without being escorted by a group of men.  When they were coming to the church they had to call ahead so that they could be met in the parking lot so they could walk into the church.  Because they were afraid of the women and it was clear that there would be physical violence.

No more church services without police at the entrances with photographs of certain women that were not allowed in.

Crying, lots of crying.  Too many calls to the church office wanting to file complaints.  Church elders overloaded  with complaints being filed.  Just the women?  Nope, their entire families.  Mothers, fathers, sisters, cousins, niece, nephew.  It was a family affair!  Cause some of the parents were also convinced that he was going to be their son in law!  The WHOLE FAMILY was caught up in the deception.

People handle grief differently some people don’t cry, they want to physically harm you! Others who have the activist personality immediately started a campaign to destroy!  They start campaigns to completely disparage the church, the leadership, the man.  Because it is a denominational church they contacted the governing body of the church and filed a complaint against him to have him defrocked.  Thrown out of the church and have is credential revoked.  They went for blood.  Someone had to pay for what they were going through.

The couple had to leave the church immediately.  Imagine, they announced they’re getting married, within two weeks they had to announce they were leaving the church, moving away, they’re married within a month, or two.  The church made them leave, not because he was guilty of anything, but because it would be in the newspapers and it was very disruptive having them there.  They didn’t want to drag the church through it so the only solution was for them to leave.  No one was focused on the Lord in the services, ministries came to a screeching halt because it was unsafe for them to go certain places.  People who didn’t know about it would show up to church with cops in the parking lot and so they’re asking “why are there cops in the parking lot?”  So, you couldn’t not know!  Everyone knew and it was such a distraction. So they had to leave.

Everything was in shambles.

Some people left the church because of it.  Because there were also those people who loved this man and thought he would take over the church and the minute they realized he’s out…they left too.  Families, not just to women.  People left.  All because one man got engaged and married.

It was awful.  Then these women had to try to rebuild because now they felt like they were not protected by the leadership.

How could they have allowed this to continue for all these years?  And everyone knew, it wasn’t a secret. It felt like a tornado went through tore everything up and it all happened in about 1.5 months from start to finish.

The last tear drop hit the bowls and that thing was done!  And, let me tell you something, when God ends something…. Tetelestai.   That thing is finished!  It’s a wrap.

You see, at the end all they said was “Ladies, guard your heart”.  They were correct but there was more to it than that.

I also believed that these women needed to guard their heart and placed all the burden on the women.  I still didn’t get it.  But there was something else going on there that I completely missed and God needed to teach that to me.

While it was going on, I would sit back and watch how this man was interacting with these women to see if I could pick up on any thing that I could say “AHA! I caught you deceiving them!”  You know what?  He did nothing wrong.  I never ONCE saw him do or say anything inappropriate where I could say he was deceiving them.  For real, nothing.  There was always other people around, he was never alone with anyone.

This is why I laid it squarely on the shoulders of these ladies for falling for breadcrumbs. But I got it wrong.  Just like how this church got it wrong for thinking that once he got married the problem would go away.

So, God had me wait for over a decade to give me another piece of the puzzle…

An event I attended at the beginning of 2020

I went to this conference, met some awesome men and women of God.  There was this one woman, she was a witch.  She walked around giving false prophetic words to the women.  Yep, we are now in the pentecostal arena.  Different type of environment.

By the time I left the conference I knew she told at least 3 women that their husband was in the room.  It turns out it was the same man.

After the conference one of the women called and told me that she wants to invite me on that prophetic preyer call hosted by the witch, I said no!  And realized that she was roping them in even further after giving them false prophetic words.  I began to pray that they would all figure out that she gave them the same prophecy directing them to the same man.

Those calls ended after a month so who knows if they figured it out.  There was another lady I met at this same conference and she call me asking for prayer to get “this thing” off her.  She confessed to me that she wasn’t even thinking about this man but that a woman at the conference prophesied to her that he was her husband and now she can’t stop thinking about him.  Guess who? Same man. Same witch.   She said to me “I don’t know why she said that to me.  Now I’m thinking about moving and I wasn’t even thinking about this man until she said it”. Caramba!  She was planning on leaving her country to move to a foreign country to be with this man.  A man that has yet to look at her sideways!!!  I don’t even think he said hello to her at the conference. Thank God for Covid because if it wasn’t for travel restrictions she would’ve moved!  For what? Crumbs.

That’s 4 different women at the same conference that she told that to.  These are the ones I know about, so who knows how many others there are?

Lesson #8 – Don’t discount the possibility that spellwork might be involved which was put on you by witches and not necessarily the man or woman.

It’s a spell.  Now there’s something you would never hear in a conservative church!  There’s no way back at the first church I would ever think this.  But now, there was a high possibility this was happening.  Witches don’t come with name tags, so unless you know…you don’t know.

The Second Church

This is over two decades after the first church so now I’m a different Christian.  I flow in the gifts of the spirit freely and I’ve grown in my gifting.  Back then I could discern spirits and the Lord would speak to me.  Now,  I have open visions, closed visions, dreams, discern the spirits, I’m a seer, I can hear the voice of the Lord, I hear in the realm of the spirit, I can see angels and demons, I communicate and work with angels.  I’m not the same person and I’m more equipped than I was back then.

I go to visit a church so this is not my home church.  I’m in worship and I see a witch in the realm of the spirit.  She’s in the room and initially I didn’t pick up on why she was dressed the way that she was dressed.  When I got home and processed it, I understood loud and clear why she was dressed like that.

She was wearing a black Cinderella style wedding dress with a black veil on her face.  Her eyes were like red beams of light and from under her dress these black orbs with the same red beams for eyes were rolling out.  The orbs were the size of a bocce ball and it was like there was a giant gum ball machine under her dress and they were just rolling out one by one.  I have no other way to describe it to you other than that.

They were going into all these different directions rolling across the floor of the church under the chairs of the congregation.  As they rolled they began to unfurling and turned into snakes slithering across the floor.  I immediately started throwing balls of fire at them in the spirit killing them one at a time.  It was going well but she realized I was killing them and started to release even more at a faster pace hoping I wouldn’t be able to keep up with her and so some of the snakes would escape and get to their targets.  Then I said “I’m going to need help here”. Then an angel I like to call him “Flamethrower” walks through the wall into the room.

I don’t know what his name is but I call him Flamethrower because his wings function like a flamethrower and he can clear a room of demons really quick.  Who knows maybe his name is Rick.  LOL.   I don’t know I really should ask the Lord what his name is.

When those flames come out and they’re not just lopping up one snake, no he’s taking out several at a time.  It goes way faster than me just throwing one ball of fire. He just sprays the floor with flames and they’re all gone!

By the way, the demonic HATES the Holy Ghost Fire!  They can’t handle it because it destroys anything unclean and unholy!  This is the same fire that Elijah called down from heaven(1 Kings 18:38) and God sends it to destroy evil many times in the Bible (Numbers 11:1, Numbers 16:35, Exodus 9:23-24, 2 Kings 1:10).

She wasn’t able to do what she wanted to do because we killed all her little snakes. So once she saw that they were all dead and she was defeated she turned and left the room, in the spirit.  At the end of the service I was standing in the lobby.  I saw her in the spirit so I didn’t really know what she looks like in the natural because it was a room full of people.  She saw me in the spirit and she also doesn’t know who she was battling so now I’m standing in the lobby waiting to ID her.

And how do you know who it is?  Watch the actions.  Someone walking through the crowd looking at everyone.  Not really talking to anyone, just trying to read everyone in the spirit.  She’s scanning the room with her eyes. She’s doing a few things – trying to figure out who she was fighting, stealing from people in the spirit and of course prophesying over you that your husband is there after she released her demons of deception in the form of snakes to follow you home and make sure that you believe it.

If she manages to identify your real spouse in the room, then she’s going to make sure that those demons of deception pull the two of you as far apart from each other as you can get.  She makes sure that marriage doesn’t happen.  That is her goal.  Then she’s going to confuse, one, if not both of you that someone else is your spouse.  Deception.

Hence, if you didn’t know who your spouse was before THAT happened…plus have amnesia and forget the documentation!!!  You have a problem.  The spirit of confusion will take over and you start to waffle.

You see, you may not know this but, when you are really close to getting married (3-6 months), in the realm of the spirit there is an engagement ring over your head.  They can see it so be careful who you allow to put their hands on you, your head, prophesying over you.  You should never walk into any environment like that without the Armor of God on, it’s just not safe.  Some of you don’t even know how close you came to your promise and some witch came and send you off in the opposite direction…distractions, other men or women coming into your life, all kinds of things to send you everywhere else instead of where you should be.

Hence, the wedding dress, she’s after the singles so they don’t get married and to destroy the marriages that are in the church.  Using spell work, demons of deception and false prophesies while stealing from you.

So I’m talking to people but out of the corner of my eye I’m looking for someone with the body language that makes me know it’s her.  Then I saw her, took a good look so I could identify her and looked away and continued my conversation.  Within 5 minutes she also sees me and I see her just standing there staring at me. Both of us knew. I’ll stop right there because I’m only sharing what is relevant to this post.

That night back at the hotel room I went into prayer.  I prayed for the church and I thought once I pray for them all this is going to be resolved and I can get on my flight in the morning and put all of this behind me. Nope.  God wouldn’t let me lay it rest.  That night I saw her and 2 other witches on their brooms flying.  Chatting to each other in their witchy little voices.  And then I knew, they were not done.   She was on a scouting expedition and she was coming back with the other witches because she’s part of a coven.  She was going back to that church with them because she knew she couldn’t handle me by herself.

The problem is, I don’t go to that church so when she comes back with her friends, I won’t even be there. And if they don’t have the intercessors in place and the watchmen to handle this, they are in trouble.  It would be the situation of the First Church happening all over again.

The Lord told me to email the church and let them know.  When you’re a watchman, it is very difficult to explain to people what you see and what’s coming.  They never saw what you saw and they don’t have the experience you have.  People always think “I got this” until they realize “I don’t got this”.  All I can do is warn and pray that Holy Spirit within them will guide them in the right direction.

Lesson #9 – When you become obsessed with someone, thinking they are your spouse when they have yet to claim you or she has yet to say YES, there’s a possibility you have a demon of deception attached to you.

Sigh.  I know it is a lot.

The only person from the first church that needed a “guard your heart message” was my friend, she was the first one.  Somewhere within a month or two after that I can say, looking back,  that it turned demonic.  So I am now led to believe that there were witches involved, casting spells and also they released demons there.  It sure did take me a long time to figure this out.

And, that is why I couldn’t write this post before.  I didn’t have the complete picture of what was happening until God put me in the situation to live it, experience it from all angles.

You see it is perfectly normal for you to like someone and have other people find them attractive too.  This is not demonic.  This is just what happens with normal human interaction.

When it gets demonic is when you have 4 or more different people that believe this person is their husband or wife.  And they have several confirmations that they believe is from God. Now, we are in a whole new realm and this is when you know there are demons, witches, and some bewitching happening.

Lesson #10 – God is not the author of confusion. So the minute you believe that someone is your spouse and you find out that several other people believe the same person is their spouse,  YOU KNOW something demonic is happening and God is not involved in those confirmations.

1 Corinthians 14:33

For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all the churches of the saints.

The person getting married won’t solve the problem.  Why?  Because the devil is out to kill, steal and destroy so once they find out that the object of their affection is with someone else, they go crazy.

The demons turn them into destructive people.  They are being demonized themselves.  They are wasting their life.  They are completely out of alignment with God’s will and purpose for their lives.

Those demons then lead them to have behaviors like what I witnessed in the first church.  People acting completely out of character and ready to destroy the church or the person.  Not because they were misled but because they believe they were wronged somehow.

They start thinking that the person that was selected is a counterfeit and they never stop.  They leave the church and continue their campaign.  It doesn’t stop.  Steps have to be taken to break this off!!

In order to properly address this you need to understand what is happening with the victims

First of all you need to understand it from the position of the victim.  The women and their families are victims. The man had nothing to do with this.

I had to minister to these women while they were going through it and was able to help some of them so that when it happened they were already on the other side of it.  The ones I didn’t get to that acted out really badly got abandoned by the church when this happens, which is a shame.  Nobody calls them to check in and see how they’re doing so they are treated like the villain.  Once I spoke to her, her who?  Bon Qui Qui, and just use my usual style of humor to talk her off the ledge and make her realize she does not need a police record over this man, she calmed down.  She doesn’t cry, she just acts out, this is her personality type.  And none of us knew she would turn into this person. At the end of our conversation, she realized this whole situation wasn’t worth her losing her job and then she walked away. I told them they could stop with the cops at the church because she wasn’t going to do anything.  Someone just needed to reach out and start ministering to them.  They just can’t be thrown out and no one is reaching out to them.

To understand the victim you have to put yourself in their shoes.

Imagine that you love the Lord, you read your bible, you are a praying person and you endeavor to follow the Lord being obedient to what He told you.  You meet this guy and you’re not sure but then you start receiving these signs that says he’s your husband.  Then your friends and family members around say that they see it too.  They are also very sure that he is your spouse.  They also received dreams and signs to confirm it. All of you are sure because no one ever told you that the devil can give confirmations too.  You start making your preparations because now, he’s going to approach you any day.  Some women even buy wedding dresses ahead of time and pick out venues!  But there you are 4 years later still waiting.  But you know these things take time so you continue to stand in faith. As you’re waiting here comes all these “counterfeits” and you know they are wrong because you have a 100% confirmation that you are the one plus your mom and your dad had confirmations too.

Then one Sunday, after 4.5 years of “waiting on the Lord” this man walks up on stage with a woman with a diamond ring on her figure and he says that God told him to marry her.

Go ahead and imagine it for a second.  You have no words.  Have you ever been punched in the gut and have the wind knocked out of you?  That is how it feels.  Wait a second what just happened? The hurt.  The pain.  The shock.  You can’t even speak.  You don’t know what happened.  How could this be?  What about the confirmations?  You start running all the confirmations through your mind and you’re confused as heck!  Your parents are mad and they feel like they need to do something because how dare he do this to their daughter. They are also hurt.

Now, you feel embarrassed.  Humiliated.  Stupid.  You start looking back and realize he never actually told you that you were the one.  He never said it but you are just now realizing that!  Now you’re just a grown woman, educated woman and still stupid.

Then you cry until you can’t cry any more while trying to figure out how you got here in the first place.  You’re grieving but how can you grieve what was never yours?  You don’t have a right grieve. So now you are left with these feeling.  Realizing that you just wasted 4.5 years of your life chasing a man, that didn’t even want you.

Then that switches to…

No!  I know I’m right, she’s a counterfeit!  She was sent by the devil.  I bet you she’s a witch.  I know what I’m going to start praying against her that God will break them up before the wedding.  He has to come to his senses and see that I’m his wife.  He’s making a big mistake.  I need to email him and tell him that he’s wrong, he’s being deceived. (witchcraft prayers, witchcraft prayers, witchcraft prayers, curses galore to him and to her). Why is he avoiding me?

Then that switches to…

The rage and anger.   This is when they get destructive.  Somebody has to pay for this!  This pain is too much and I am not going to go through this all by myself.  He needs to feel what I’m feeling and wipe that smug grin off his face!  There’s no way he’s going to walk away into the sunset with her after what he just put me through.

Then they go on a warpath.  Because now they have to destroy something so that they never suffered in vain and wasted 4.5 years of their life.  All while thinking they are doing justice.  Somebody needs to put a stop to him. They can’t afford for this man to do this to someone else so they need to destroy him.  Make sure the world knows how horrible he is.  As a matter of fact, this whole church needs to pay for this and the leadership for allowing this to happen. How could the leadership stand back and let this man do this to me?

And then that makes way for the final stage…

Their relationship with Christ.  They begin to question why God allowed them to go through that.  Why didn’t He stop me when this was happening?  Why did He give me these confirmations?  They start to question if they can hear from God or not.  They question their relationship with God.  They stop going to church.  Back up off prayer.  Stop reading their bible.  They don’t trust anything anymore.  They start questioning all the confirmations they ever received about other things.  Should I even be living in this state?  Am I even supposed to be at this job?  Obviously I can’t hear God so what’s the truth anymore?

Lesson #11 – That end goal of the demon of deception is to destroy your relationship with God, it’s not even about the person you believed is your spouse.

They all seemed to end up at this spot.  Questioning God.  They don’t trust God or their ability to hear Him after this.  Then this wound opens them up to the Jezebel spirit.  This is when they’ll walk away from the church if they don’t have a strong relationship with the Lord.  They blame God.

I tell you something, there are moments in this Christian walk when I truly realize if it were not for the grace of God, there go I.

Lesson #12 – And then they shall know the truth and the truth shall set them free.  Until Truth enters the picture, deception will continue to hang around.

After my experience at the First Church I would think, what was the church supposed to do anyway?  This man said nothing to these women to give them this idea.  He is not at fault.  Why would the church leadership itself even want to get involved in this?  How is this their concern?

I couldn’t see how they would be responsible.  Until the Lord presented it to me in such a way over a year ago where I saw clearly how they could’ve addressed it better.  Well, he could have addressed it much better than he did and this would’ve helped to alleviate the hell we had to live through.

You have to remember that the women that reached out to me ahead of time I was able to walk them through a process where they eventually came out of it.  It was the ones that didn’t reach out that self destructed.

So here’s how the Lord explained it to me…

You all know that I have a discipleship school, right?  So what if one day I hear that one of the students from the school believed that Jesus was not God and there was no such thing as the Trinity? Well, clearly they are deceived. I would think it was strange because why would they think that?  I never taught them this.

Let’s say a month later, I hear another person saying the same exact thing.  Then another week later another person.   Is it OK for me to just walk away and say these people are deceived?  NO.

These are people in my discipleship school I’m the one that’s teaching them.  So the common denominator is me.  So somewhere along the line I have to start questioning myself.  What is it that I am doing wrong that is giving these people the impression that Jesus is not God and there is no Trinity? Where are they going wrong?  It must be something I said..or didn’t say.

And what will I do then?  I address it.  Head on.  I cannot walk away from it because there are too many people thinking this way and I am aware of it.  And the common denominator with these people is ME.

So now I have to have meeting with the people in my discipleship school.  Not just the few people but all of them because this thing appears to be spreading. I have to tell them the TRUTH.

Because how do you cut through deception?  With the Truth.

And then they shall know the truth and the truth shall set them free.

“It has come to my attention that some of you are under the impression that…  Let me first apologize to you that if you came to this by something I have said or done, this is not correct.  Forgive me for this it was not my intention.  If you can show me where I made you believe that, I am willing to look at it because I want to make sure that I never do that again.  Here is the Truth…Jesus is God and there is a Trinity and if you have any other thoughts outside of that I want to make it abundantly clear that I never gave you that I never said that to you.  I just want to make sure that you are aware of my position in this.  I don’t want you to walk around thinking this because this is not true and I love you as a sister in Christ and I can’t have this deception on my conscience.  Thank you”

By clearly stating the TRUTH you stop it from operating.  Now if the church is willing to clear up doctrinal errors where there is deception, why are they not able to clear up the deception with these single people?

THIS is how the Lord presented it to me.  If we care enough to clear up doctrinal error and deceptive teachings, we should care enough to clear up any error as well.  If we can do Apologetics classes to duke it out with other religious group as to the truth of Christianity, we should be duking it out about this deception.

Deception is deception and none of us should sit by and let it continue.  NONE of us.

The Lord showed me that, I was ready to quickly to clear up the deception with that one man and his 4 friends, because I didn’t want to see him hurt.  I knew there was never going to be anything between us and I couldn’t let him just fawn all over me knowing there’s no hope there for him.

So the church should’ve felt the same level of responsibility to clear it up!

That is when I finally had to acknowledge it.

Here I was putting the responsibility on the women, the witches, the demons and spell work but I was still omitting the man and the church leadership even though they knew!  You see the problem?  That’s why He wouldn’t let me put the post out because I was STILL not getting it after all these years. Sigh.

Until I was able to acknowledge all the pieces of this puzzle I was not allowed to speak about it.

We are ALL responsible as the body of Christ for pulling people out of deception, where possible. We can’t just walk around and see people deceived and not tell them the TRUTH.

Jude 1:23

save others by snatching them out of the fire; and to others show mercy mixed with fear, but hate their very clothes, stained by their sinful lusts.

While you’re snatching them out of the fire, try not to get it on you! It is a demon so if you are not protected with the Armor of God, it will jump on you!

When you are dealing with demons of deception you can’t leave any place for those demons to hide.  You cannot give gray area/vague statements.  It has to be BLACK and WHITE.

Making statements like this….

I’m just not ready to get married….they think this….but when you are I will be right here waiting.

I’m married to the Lord….then they think this…I know, I’m married to Christ too but I’m your earthly wife you know it’s me.

Right now I’m just focusing on the Lord….then they think…yeah, me too and shortly I will be your focus.

If they hear vague statements, they will continue to sit in the deception.  Any glimmer of hope and they will hang on like Snoopy!

As a Christian you want to be kind but when you’re dealing with this, the most direct answer that says IT’S NOT YOU is going to be the best approach.

That was the only way I could get those men to stop preying over me.  They had to hear it from MY mouth that it was not gonna happen.  Then I felt them in the spirit backing up from me.

It has to be direct.  The family members need to know it’s not their child because it has to come off of them too.  They’ll get upset initially but eventually they’ll realize that they were never given any clear sign that this was the case and walk away.  They are less likely to attack when they have a chance to process it and slowly back away, instead of finding out at an engagement they didn’t see coming.  It is how they find out that created the greatest damage.  If these woman had to chance, to sit, ponder and make the decision to back away it would’ve been a different scenario.  But they never got a chance to process it and make the decision on their own.

The women that I ministered to before this announcement happened were able to process it, realize they were holding breadcrumbs, and they were fine because they already were on the other side by the time the news came out.

Steps to addressing this as a church

1. If you are the one ministering to the victim of this, I can tell you from experience, dissuading someone while they are in this spell state is pointless because they are just going to view it as “you’re trying to mess with my faith”.  You need to let them talk.  Then you start pointing out the fact that all they are holding is some breadcrumbs. The more you point to the facts, the reality,  the truth of what they are looking at, is the more they will slowly start to realize “oh wait, there is nothing here”.  Then they’ll start processing and what is going to lead to them feeling confused because as the truth starts coming to them they’ll go back and forth for a little bit.  When someone is being demonized the demon might not be there 24/7, so they go in and out of it. So you pointing to the truth gives them something to look at to realize that something is off with them.

At that point you can ask them if staying in the environment is affecting their relationship with Christ.  Do they feel they can continue to stay there and still focus on Him or do they believe they need to leave?  You have to let them decide.  I’ve seen both, some stayed and were fine.  Others had to leave because they just couldn’t focus on God in that environment.

You’re going to know when they finally realize it and it is only at this point that you can have a conversation with them where they will listen.

2. Binding and Loosing.  This is something that I didn’t do at the first church (a) because I didn’t know about it (b) and I had no clue I was dealing with demons.  Now that I have this information, I will always handle this situation like I’m dealing with a demonized individual.

Here’s the simple prayer “I bind up the spirit of deception and I cast it out in the name of Jesus.  I loose Truth in Jesus name!  I bind up the spirit of confusion and I cast it out in the name of Jesus and I loose clarity in Jesus name, Amen”.

Once you do this you have cleared the environment temporarily of these spirits so now you can have a conversation with the person without these spirits being present to interfere with what they are hearing.  This may be useful in a group setting as well if you’re talking to a group of people.  This way once you start telling them the Truth, they are more likely to receive it. Because the demons are not there to mess with what they hear.  Perhaps then you want to ask them if they want you to pray breaking off any spells that may have been cast on them.  Breaking the witchcraft.

I completely understand if you are in a conservative church setting and this kind of talk is not acceptable you may have to do it quietly, in your mind and the talk to them.

3.  Break the spell work off them.

Here is a simple prayer to break the spell off yourself:  “Lord God, I put on Your full Armor, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the belt of truth, the boots of peace, I take the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit and ask for Your Holy Fire as a rear guard. I pray that your heavenly hosts, your angels, would guard this dwelling place round about, both above and below and against every dimensional access point in Jesus’ name. I will say of you Lord that you are my refuge and my fortress, my God, in you will I trust. I thank you that you set a hedge of protection round about me and that no plague will come near me or my dwelling.  I thank you in advance that every curse, hex, spell, incantation, voodoo, sorcery, form of witchcraft, dark art or other form of weaponized demonic activity sent against me will be cancelled now in the name of Jesus and come to nothing. I pray that you notify the sender that they should cease and desist immediately from sending any such works of darkness in my direction and pray that the Spirit of the Fear of the Lord would visit them and cause them to repent from these acts and surrender their life to you Jesus. Moreover, I pray that spirit of deception, every human spirit, fallen angelic spirit, or otherwise malevolent spirit attempting to come against me or my household would be apprehended by your heavenly hosts such that they cannot so much as set foot anywhere near me or upon this property. I pray that they would be escorted out to wherever the Lord Jesus would send them. Furthermore, I cancel and render powerless all attempts at mind-to-mind communication, dream & vision manipulation, and all other forms of psychic and telepathic intrusion in the name of Jesus, Amen”.

Now whoever prays this prayer …have to go and sin no more, according to the words of Jesus.  Now they have to make a decision to walk away from chasing after this person.  It is their choice at this point to back away.

4.  Pray and ask God to show you if the witches are still there. If you find one you need to observe that person, see who they are friends with because if it is a coven, you need to identify all of them.  You don’t just want to throw one out, you have to get them all out at the same time.  This is why you need to be sure, that you’re sure on this. Pray for wisdom and ask God how to deal with them.  You don’t want to take this on until you have instructions own how to handle them.  The minute they see the spell lifting and the demonic snakes destroyed they are going to try to come back with another plan. This is the reason you need to identify if the witches are still there. You have to come to the decision that if this has been going on for a while it is obvious those witches are not there to repent, no, they are there for the destruction of that church and to destroy people’s relationship with the Lord.  Hence, you have to tell them to leave.

The job of the shepherd is to protect the sheep, it is not to entertain the wolf. (John 10:1-16)

5. This is the final step after you’ve done all the others above.  Let me say this, some people like their demons.  They can know the truth and still choose to attach themself that demon.  I’ve been doing this for years and I have met people like that.  It doesn’t happen often, but it does happen.  I minister to them, I tell them, I know for a fact that they know the truth and they STILL side with the demon.  In these instances you have to pray a prayer to keep the demon out and anyone that is attached or sides with that demon.  When you pray that what you will notice is that this person can no longer enter your home or your church, your live streams, they can’t come into your space.  You don’t even have to tell them not to show up, they won’t show up because they are attached to the demon and because the demon was banned from entering, they can’t enter either.  Based purely on the fact that they chose to stick with that demon.

Go to your church, bind up and cast out the spirit of deception and confusion and stubbornness, open the doors and tell it to leave and FORBID those spirits from ever entering your church again.  That’s it.

After you do this, you want to anoint all the doors leading into your church and you say “I forbid the spirit of deception, spirit of confusion and a stubborn spirit from entering this building and any person that refuses to separate from these spirit”

They don’t even know you prayed that.  They won’t even know why they can’t come back into your building.  They’ll tell you they decided to go somewhere else. You just tell them “Ok, my best to you in your next church”.

We are in the business of restoring people, but some people actually choose an evil path.  You may want to rinse and repeat steps 1-4 and keep telling them the TRUTH before you get to step 5.  The minute you realize that you’ve done everything you can do to help them and they are just not heeding, then you do Step 5 because these people are the ones that will cause you problems in the end.

**Be warned, that because you prayed against a demonic spirit and not a person, you don’t even know who is carrying it. So some of the people that can’t return may surprise you.  We don’t know the heart of a man or man’s intentions so by praying against the spirit, their actions tell you what was really going on with them. Also, don’t go and hold their hand and walk them back into your church.  Because at that moment, you gave the demon permission to reenter.  Just sit back and watch and know what just happened**

Ephesians 6:12

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of [a]the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Lesson #13 – There are times that even after you’ve shown people the Truth, removed the demonic influences over them, prayed for them, fasted for them, cry out to the Lord for them, they will still choose the evil path.  This is their free will without demonic interference. You are not responsible to God for their choices.

You’ve done your job and now you have to part ways with them because they chose a foolish path.

Proverbs 17:10

A single rebuke does more for a person of understanding
    than a hundred lashes on the back of a fool.

The connection between idolatry and deception

I asked the Lord, how this deceptive spirit could attach themselves so easily and He made me realize that deception runs hand in hand with idolatry.

You see when you idolize a thing, your promise, or even a person, it is very easy for you to become deceived.

Psalm 115:4-8

Their idols are merely things of silver and gold,
    shaped by human hands.
They have mouths but cannot speak,
    and eyes but cannot see.
They have ears but cannot hear,
    and noses but cannot smell.
They have hands but cannot feel,
    and feet but cannot walk,
    and throats but cannot make a sound.
And those who make idols are just like them,
    as are all who trust in them.

Therefore, when the deception shows up you become deaf to it, blind to it and dumb to it.  You can’t even see the deception because the deception looks exactly like the idol.

There’s nothing wrong with a desire to be married. This was built into us by God.  We are meant to be in community and to desire to have a partner.  There’s nothing wrong with the desire but when you put it above the Lord when you chase after it instead of God.  When you come into a mindset that says “I have no purpose in life until I get this, I can’t move forward in life without it, unless I get this I can’t go on, until I get this I’m not a complete person”. All of this is idolatry mindset.

Because GOD can do all of this for you!  And, it means that you’ve put this above God.  Israel begged for a king and ended up with Saul all because they couldn’t wait for God to do it His way.

So, the question to you then is this, what if you find out that you won’t ever get married, what would you be doing differently today?  Where would you be living?  What church would you attend?  How would you move forward in ministry if you knew that you won’t get married?  What is your purpose without the marriage?

The minute you can identify all of this without a spouse, you are exactly where you should be.  However, if the thought of being alone terrifies you, then you have an idol.

With God alone, find out how you can become financially secure.  With God alone, find out how you can solve all the problem in your life right now.  Just you and the Lord.  Come to a place of wholeness in Him.

Ask the Lord to remove the idol from the throne of your heart and put Himself back on it.  This may look like sacrifice.  Remember, after Abraham and Sarah waited so long for a son, God asked Him to sacrifice the same son.

Lesson #14 – Anything you cannot give up, it is an idol for you. God doesn’t want you to make an idol out of anything, even if you had to wait decades for it!   This is why He made it the First Commandment and Second Commandment, because it is the most egregious to Him.

One of the hardest things rom the First church to watch were all the ministries under this minister come undone once the women who were involved realized they were not “the one”.  They literally abandoned their posts.  Some we didn’t see coming because we thought they were sold out for Jesus.  It wasn’t until he got married and we saw them leaving one by one that we realized they were never there for the Lord to begin with. They were there for the man.  Idolatry.  Some ministries ended, others were moved under other pastors but they ended within a month or two.

It is OK for you to admire someone, but it is not OK for you to idolize them to the point that if they leave the church you can no longer attend the church.  Examine your heart, why are you serving where you are serving?

Final Piece

I sat with the Trinity before publishing this and asked if there was anything missing from the message, is there a scripture that He wanted me to give to you that would tie all of this together.  The Lord told me to read 2 Corinthians 13.  There seemed to be no connection until I got to verse 5-6, then I was arrested in my spirit…

2 Corinthians 13:5-6

Examine yourselves to see if your faith is genuine. Test yourselves. Surely you know that Jesus Christ is among you; if not, you have failed the test of genuine faith. As you test yourselves, I hope you will recognize that we have not failed the test of apostolic authority.

Lesson #15 – Examine Yourself.  Where is your faith?  In Jesus Christ or in the things that He gives you?

Wow!  The Lord is saying this to you.  Examine Yourself.  Can you pass the test of faith?  Faith in Jesus Christ.  If you can’t get past a disappointment of not getting what you want, that means you placed your faith in the wrong thing.  Jesus is with you.  If you can’t go through seasons of suffering, persecution, disappointments that means you don’t really have faith in Christ.

If Jesus is never enough for you, that means you have faith in stuff and not Jesus.  You have to examine where you have placed your faith.

Verse 6  Paul says…Listen, if you find that you are not in faith please know that this is not a reflection on me as an apostle!   WOW!  It’s so easy to blame someone else instead of accepting responsibility.

You see, Paul knew he was teaching them the truth.  So if for some reason they were not in faith, this was not a reflection on him.

So you see, we came full circle. If you are one of these women or men right now, what is your faith in?  Getting married to that man or woman you have your eye on?  Or Jesus Christ.  Because the Lord is with you.  Your faith should be in HIM.  So no matter what happens you shouldn’t be having a meltdown, you should be able to learn and grow from this.  Because it was always about Jesus.

The first church and the second church were teaching the truth.  The complete word of God – Genesis to Revelation.  Therefore, all those people, if they were listening to the complete word of God and applying it to their lives should’ve tested where they were to realize something was wrong.  But they didn’t and that was not a reflection of the church, how good or how bad it was.  We have to take personal responsibility.

Where are you going to church?  Are you hearing the complete word of God?  Or is it a church that just tells you what you want to hear?

If you are sitting under a good church or ministry, are you applying all the teachings or are you just cherry picking the parts that you want to hear?

What is your faith built upon? The promises of blessing… or on Jesus.   You NEED to get yourself on a solid foundation.  You need to stop chasing after prophetic words that tell you what you want to hear.  You have to come off of the diet of prophetic messages geared towards kingdom marriages.  This is why it is rarely written on this site because I know this is a big idol for many.  God does want to bless you but life is not just about blessings.

You need to wean yourself off of the fleshly messages and start to take your relationship with Christ seriously.  Establish a firm foundation in the Lord, so that when you test yourself, you will not come up short.

Read your bible.

If your church is one that only gives you Candy Land Messages, then you need to find a place outside of there where you can learn God’s word.  Don’t run from the difficult messages but discipline yourself to sit and listen to it.


Are you connected to a solid church that teaches the entire word?  Genesis to Revelation.  Get on the mailing list by signing up below and you can also sign up for our discipleship school.  There’s no cost for anything.  When you get the videos from the discipleship school, don’t just listen to the messages that sound interesting to you.  Listen to ALL of them and do the exercises in the study guide because it is in getting the completed message (Genesis to Revelation) that you are going to grow.  Don’t cherry pick stuff, listen to all of it.  Even the parts that you think don’t concern you…because there may be a nugget in there that will completely transform your life.

Praying this post offers some clarity for you.

These witches are on assignment and people need to know. If you are feeling like you’ve been robbed by witches, there’s a series on transitions that has a prayer at the end to get your blessings back.

Do you know any singles that needs this message?  Please send it to them.



11 thoughts on “Prophetic Word – Deception and Singles in the Church”

  1. This post was oily and convicting! Thank you for sharing. Reading this made me thankful for God delivering me from my season of self-inflicted relationship deception, repentant for idolatry and any witchcraft prayers, and encouraged to get back on track with the Lord and give Him my ALL daily.

  2. Wow!wow!wow!

  3. Thank you! Thank you! I am literally in something similar, a guy on the praise team, my pastor has me in the front and when he’s there, he’s always looking at me so yes it got in my head that he likes me but he has my number but has never made it known. My pastor said the same thing..has he reached out? Thank you for confirming this and also stepping on my toes hard. I have made marriage an idiot and I need to repent and get in position to my purpose. Thank you! Thank you again. Thank you for being obedient to God’s voice and direction.

  4. Good word!! Makes me think that witchcraft has definitely krept in in times past. I thank God for the blood and restoration! Thanks for this message!!

    Also, you need to stop with Bon Qui Qui- I loved Mad TV growing up lol

    1. 😂 yeah, I don’t think Bon Qui Qui was around back then but when I reflected on what happened that character explained it. It was either going to be Bon Qui Qui or “Cash me outside, how bout dat?” LOL

      1. Hahahah!! 😂😂

        Also, the Lord just gave me this scripture for the word:

        James 3:16-17 King James Version (KJV)
        For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

        There was a whole lot of envy and obviously confusion when the real bride to be showed up!!

        I had to bind manipulation, controlling spirit, witchcraft and deception this morning!! Thanks for this revelation! So helpful

        Blessings MOP

      2. Thanks a lot. Very deep and practical word, with lessons and practical steps to deliverance and how to keep alert and depend on the voice of God without being deceived. A jewel for singles and the church!

  5. Thanks so much MOP for this prophetic message. Am 43 years old divorcee and as I read this article I felt I have been a victim of confusion. Have been searching for a spouse but it has been confusion after confusion. May our Loving Lord help us from this singleness. Remember me in your prayers 🙏 🙏

  6. It is a very timely word.
    Thank You, Father, for this message. May there be less and less confusion in the Body of Christ about singleness, celibacy, loneliness, and Kingdom spouses, in Jesus name. May we all have clarity at all time. You are faithful and You answer prayers (Jeremiah 33:3). Thank You for Your word being a light guiding our steps, but also shining on our heart’s desires and revealing what is of our flesh, and what honors You. I pray that You cleanse us from anything that isn’t You, and that in all things we always seek Your kingdom first. Thank You for Isaiah 54:5 as well. Give us a humble heart and renewed trust in Your plans for our lives, and especially in Your timing, in Jesus name. Bless everyone who, right now, is single in the Body of Christ. Please continue to provide wisdom and give us to firmly uphold Your standards, and as such to be an encouraging model for those around us, in Jesus name.

    Thank you, MOP!

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