This prophetic word is titled Changes Are Coming Fast. This is from an encounter I had with the Lord and He was telling me about things that are coming next for all of us.
Who is the word for? Everyone.
I saw the Lord and His white robe was in flames. Then I saw Him spin the world. Imagine looking at the world from space and Jesus takes his finger and was spinning it faster that its usual speed.
Then He said:
Changes Are Coming Fast
I said to Him, define fast:
He said:
In the next 3-6 months there will be lots of changes
Fear will come again, more fear, like in 2020 just with different scenarios.
My bride needs to be purified; I’m doing a work in her.
All of these things are happening, and you (the bride) will be purified in the process.
Then I started thinking what these “different scenarios” would be and these some things came to mind. He didn’t say them, but they were coming to my mind as I was standing in His presence:
Various illnesses, some are food related. Diseases, wars and rumors of wars, famine and lack of food, lots of deaths. My next thought was that in 9 months things would look unrecognizable. You’ll need to hang on, just imagine what the world would feel like if it was spinning out of control!
The Lord’s robe being in flames was like Moses looking at the burning bush. It was in flames, but it is not being burnt up. Fire, when it is the fire of God, doesn’t kill, it purifies. When something or someone is pure, they can stand in the flames of God and not be burnt up. This should be your goal. This is not something for you to be afraid of but for you to embrace. When He comes to you in flames and He touches you and you ignite, whatever is not like Him burns up. It’s like lighting a plastic bag on fire it shrivels up and started dripping like black plastic. This fire removes what is not like Him because nothing that is impure can stand in it. But you, on the other hand, can be engulfed in the fire of God and not be burnt up. This should be your goal. When you have this kind of fire on you, the enemy cannot touch you because…all those demons are going to get burnt up like a plastic bag. They won’t even be able to get that close to you. Be that burning one.
Psalm 97:3
Fire spreads ahead of Him and burns up all His foes.
The Seraphim angel which is the highest order of angels that lives around the throne of God is also called the burning ones. This was the angel that when Isaiah was called into ministry touched Isaiahs’ mouth with a coal (burning coal) to purify his words before he could speak.
Isaiah 6:5-6
5 Then I said, “It’s all over! I am doomed, for I am a sinful man. I have filthy lips, and I live among a people with filthy lips. Yet I have seen the King, the Lord of Heaven’s Armies.”
6 Then one of the seraphim flew to me with a burning coal he had taken from the altar with a pair of tongs. 7 He touched my lips with it and said, “See, this coal has touched your lips. Now your guilt is removed, and your sins are forgiven.”
So, these flames purify. This is the purpose. Ask the Lord to burn up whatever is not like Him which may still be in you or attached to you.
1 Timothy 4:12
12 Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith, and your purity.
He is causing this acceleration to come by spinning the world faster. I feel like one minute we are all going to be fine and then the next there will be so many changes coming fast and from different directions. There’s going to be more than one scenario happening at the same time, this is why the fear will start to creep in again. Just think of the fear that was trying to overtake the world during Covid, it will be like that. You will need to guard yourself against it. I already said that I believe Covid was just a dress rehearsal for us as a church so we could know where we stand in the Lord and to prepare us for something bigger.
The 3 – 6 months brings us to Summer and Fall this year. But I feel like in 9 months everything around us will look very different, unfamiliar. You know like you may be asking the question “what about this?” the answer will be “I don’t know” and “what about that?” “I have no idea what is going on” There will be so many questions that will be unanswered and so much uncertainty about many things. All of your answers exist in Him so you will need to run to Him. He is the only one that is immutable and that you can safely rely on.
Keep in mind that whatever it is that will happen God is going to use it as the “fire” to purify us. If you struggle with fear, God is trying to burn that off of you. Don’t run from it Ask Him how to overcome it.
I have a few things to share about food which I’ll do in another prophetic word. The Lord has been speaking to me a lot about food.
Please know that God is not creating these scenarios, He’s just going to use them to purify us as a church and make His bride stronger. A lot of what will happen are manmade scenarios from evil, stubborn people. Don’t be afraid because remember in the darkness is when your light should shine the brightest.
A few years ago I was at home and sick. I came out of my bedroom and told my granddaughter I didn’t feel very well. She said I should go to the hospital 50 miles away. I said I was going to sit for awhile, but she dragged me outside and I drove us to Gainesville, VA Hospital in Fla. When I checked into the er the nurse checked my BB AND Pulse. I had neither. The Dr’s. Came out and checked me. They were shocked. I was put in the next er which was trauma area. They put me on a gurney bed and hooked me up to all kinds of machines. After 15 or 20 minutes, a nurse came by the bedside and said my organs were shutting down. They had called for a priest. I found myself looking down at my body lying there. I was a few feet above my head. I didn’t care. I was at peace. I never, never felt like this ever before. I was watching everyone working on me. Then a Dr. Appeared coming from the right of me. He was dressed like a dr.. He had black rimmed glasses on, a black beanie on his head of black hair and a black short beard and mustache. He went to the nurses at the foot of my bed and talked to them. When he was done he exited to the left of the room. I started to feel like something was pulling me upward. The nurses started to work on me again and the pulling stopped. Next thing I was back inside my body. The nurse said it’s a miracle your kidneys are starting to work and so are the rest of your organs. After about 4 hrs. They moved me to the second floor. My friend Kathy became my nurse and I told her what happened to me. I asked her to locate the Dr. Whom had saved my life. She went down to the ER, but Noone knew who he was. I never found out. I found out that you live after death, you go somewhere spectacular, and there is a real God watching over each and everyone of us. I am raising 4 great grandchildren since birth and the oldest is 11. My job isn’t done yet. Keep your faith in God and he will never leave your side. Whether it is here or in that special place. I’m 76 now and will never forget he was there for me and my family.
Thank you so so much for this strong Now word. I have sense in my spirit my husband and I the words that you have given in this prophecy. First I watch the video on psalm 91 and was measurably bless. When Covid hit my son church in San Angelo gave the church a yard sign with psalm 91 on it and it faithfully sits in my front yard and when the storm blew it over to another yard people stop me and ask me to put it back in the yard because it reminded them of God protection and to pray. Wow!!!
This yard sign has been in my front yard since Covid hit the first time. I also pray over my daughter apartment, where evil people dewell but she’s getting ready to move.
My part time job is a place God has been purified my heart with the boss. I have been reading on Offenses and how God said they are taken not giving so my husband and I are both in different situations where the Lord is doing work on our heart and our spirit man, hallelujah thank you Jesus. My daughter as well have started back to seeking God and hearing his voice. I will stop there but I will say this, I am still doing some fasting and obtaining from food since our January fasting, God knows for years I struggle with my weight but I see his hand 🤚 now because I poured my heart out to him for help. Lord continue to pour into missionary of prayer ministries as you speak we will listen and hear and take heed in Jesus mighty name.
I agree. Terrible times are coming. I am not worthy of His blessings but I hope n pray He will bless me none the less.
I will certainly say FOOD has been a battle that NOW with the LORDS STRENGTH, I have been able to overcome. He has given me a battle plan that without Holy Spirit, I would never get through. I have been losing weight as the enemy had me trapped in this cycle making me believe I can eat what’s I want and get as fat as I want because God will love me fat or not. However, disease comes with obesity and I was heading down a dark path. NOW after much prayer and fasting, oh and yes.. I was not able to fast for the life of me. When I was a season of being delivered from demonic oppression, through manifestation the demons would say “janae will never fast, WE WON’T let her, she will eat her self into death ” then laugh like and mock as they do. Once I went through my FIRST battle plan with Jesus, HE DELIVERED ME FROM ALL DEMONS! PRAISE GOD! It was not until AFTER THAT BATTLE PLAN WAS COMPLETE, that all of a sudden, I began to be able to actually FAST! NOW, the LORD (I love you so much Jesus!) Has me on a DIFFERENT PLAN that I will attest to once complete. Yes Sis, food is a major issue, and after many years God stayed faithful in helping me and he will for anyone else struggling.
Thank you prophetess.
This is so true recently, I had a dream, it was that I was on a plane that was seated upon a hill and beneath was a lake. I happened to be seated with a friend and some other people I couldn’t recognise so in that moment I looked through the window and I could see upon the water that there was something forming and I called my friend so she could view the same then she said to me that it looked like a tsunamis but she seemed not to be bothered and sat back but I kept looking then all over a sudden what i saw formed as a huge mountain in the air and the waters flowed upon the land I saw people being swept on the water, I saw houses and cars shifted, animals and much more the force was so strong that so much destruction came upon the the lands. Now we who were on the plane that was seated upon this hill were not affected but fear came upon us and I kept telling us to calm down and pray but as soon as the water subsided the people on the plane wanted to run out and go But I kept telling then it was still not safe cause I could see another wave form on the water but they wouldn’t listen and they started running out from the place were we safe, even wen I kept pleading with them. Then I woke up. I believe that there is going to be a alot going on and we need to be ready as his chosen people. Thanks for all you share here. God bless your ministry.
Today (Saturday Feb 11) early in the morning God guide me to Psalm 66.
Read this portion:
“Oh, bless our God, you peoples! And make the voice of His praise to be heard, Who keeps our soul among the living, And does not allow our feet to be moved.
(vs 8-9 NKJV)
And with this in mind… now have this…
Vs 10-12 “For You, O God, have tested us; You have refined us as silver is refined. You brought us into the net; You laid affliction on our backs. You have caused men to ride over our heads; We went through fire and through water;
But You brought us out to rich FULFILLMENT.”
8-9 in present tense, present continuous
10-12 in past tense… it’s done!
We Praise You Oh Lord!!!!!
Only Trusting and be Faithful to You…
Thank You Nicole, faithful servant of God❤️
“According to the word that I covenanted with you when you came out of Egypt, so My Spirit remains among you; do not fear!”
Haggai 2:5 NKJV
Amen Amen