Prayer for Healing Broken Relationships

prayer for healing broken relationships

Have you experienced having broken or wounded relationships? Do you want God to heal those relationships?

Every person is unique and created differently by God. Each of us has a distinguishing mark, quality or characteristic in our body, temperament or personality make-up, mindset, habits, inclinations, and choices. No two persons are created exactly the same even identical twins. As such, we carry ourselves differently and approach things and life accordingly.

Inside the basic unit of the society which is the family, the married couple relate to each other as husband and wife. Out of this covenantal union before God, they produce offspring. Parents relate in a certain way to children and vice versa. Depending on the spiritual maturity and character of parents, they rear, nurture, and nourish their sons and daughters in the ways they were raised up by their own parents. They have a set of beliefs, guidelines, and standards in enacting discipline and instilling good moral and spiritual values to their kids.

However, as their children reach a transition called adolescence, more often than not, they act out and rebel against their parents and family for one reason or another. Relationship between parents to children is affected. If left unresolved, the son or daughter will reach adulthood and build his own family having a wounded relationship with father or mother or both and worse yet, with other siblings.

Either the husband or wife within the marriage life will encounter problems perhaps with the health, career, finances, or personal struggles within. Relationships will be challenged as each spouse struggle to remain or leave the marriage. Divorce, legal separation or annulment is the result of marital conflicts. Each in turn re-marries repeating cycles of pattern that last a lifetime.

Relationships with relatives, in-laws, and extended families are also severed as hurting people hurt people. Causes of relational problems include the areas of money or inheritance, legal conflicts, jealousy, envy, greed, miscommunication and misunderstanding, breached confidences, gossip, slander, conspiracy, division, abuse (verbal, physical, sexual included), sickness, shame, dignity, honor, and generational /family issues.

Every individual attended school, contracted work or built up a business. Relationships developed within these spheres can also be wounded with another set of causes or reasons. It can be competition, favoritism, performance-orientation, success drive, crab mentality, violations inside contracts or mere misunderstandings among students, classmates, teachers, employers, employees, clients, and contractors.

prayer for healing broken relationshipsWhen we step inside the church or ministry, relationships among believers, ministers and church leaders, co-workers and attendees are not also perfect. Usually inside the Christian circles, the conflicts are because of sins, judgments, accusation, condemnation, self-righteousness, spiritual arrogance, questioned integrity, controversial doctrines and disciplines and immorality, among others.

Friendships created since childhood until later age are not exempted from wounding. In fact, the most painful of all relationships is the one where lies, betrayal, loss, abuse, and desertion between friends took place. Even Jesus Himself was betrayed and left by His supposed to be loyal disciples and friends.

If you have experienced wounded relationships, there is still hope for you. God is still in the business of redeeming and restoring relationships.

The first step towards healing broken relationships is to reconcile with God by accepting His Son Jesus into your life as Lord and Savior. When He has entered your heart, He can help you heal the first relationship you need to start with—with Father God.

Get to know Him through His Word and His presence. Establish a deeper relationship with Him. When you set your heart and relationship at right with God (vertical relationship—you and God), He will fix and heal your wounded relationships (horizontal relationship – you and others)

As you commune with God day by day, He will heal your own wounds. Once you are healed and made whole, you will be able to pray about your broken relationships. Humility, sincere forgiveness, and wholehearted love are needed to be released to those who offended you and those you have hurt.

List down the names of each person and the issue or concern related. One by one through prayer, forgive, release, and declare a special blessing for each of them. Ask God also for forgiveness for your sinful reactions for their offense or sin. Remember not to blame, complain, criticize, judge, condemn, belittle, uncover, or curse them but just speak blessings to them.

Forgiveness does not depend on feelings if we want to forgive them or not but true forgiveness is an act of the will. We may truly forgive but do not force yourself to forget what happened. Do not re-live or contemplate on the painful memories. Ask God to remove the pain, trauma, shame, grief, terror shock associated with it.

You will know that you have truly forgiven if when you are reminded of the person and your heart will not throb so hard and you will not feel any agitation, irritation or untoward feelings. You will not even rehearse their litany of offenses. And when faced with that specific person, you are able to look him in the eye and feel light or normal towards him.

At this point, you need not approach each person you had problems with in the past. Allow God to change his heart and continue on praying and blessing him.

If you reached a point that you are then ready to face each person, strengthen your spirit, soul, and body and seek God’s will, heart and intention for that person. Surrender the relationship to God and He will go ahead of you to speaking to him that it is time to make right the relationship.

Like in the story of Jacob and Esau, Jacob cheated and stole the birthright and their father’s blessing from Esau, his older brother. Jacob had relationship problems also with his father-in-law, Laban. It is only when Jacob encountered God and wrestled and prevailed against God, that he was changed from being a cheater to becoming a prince of God. Even his name was changed to Israel that became the chosen nation. (Genesis 25)

Eventually, God has worked also in the hearts of Esau and Laban to reconcile with Jacob in the end.

Set your heart towards God and He will redeem your friendships and relationships. You may use this prayer for healing a relationships as a pattern—

“Almighty Creator and Father God, I humbly come before You now asking You to forgive me from all my sins. Set aright my heart towards You. I admit all my sins, weaknesses, and shortcomings, please cleanse my heart and spirit from all impurities like what You did in the heart of David in Psalm 51 when he confessed the sin of adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of her husband Uriah. Create in me a pure heart O God, renew a steadfast Spirit within me, cast me not away from Your presence and do not take away Your Holy Spirit from me.

I respond to Your invitation for an intimate relationship with You. Teach me so that I may know Your heart and show me Your ways everlasting.

I ask You now to heal all my wounded relationships—family, extended families, friendships, and those relationships at school, work, business, church, and ministry. I forgive them ___ (mention each name and each offense) and forgive me also for all my sinful judgments and reactions towards them ____ (mention your sinful reactions for each person).

Cleanse all of us now Lord and restore our relationships. Speak to me now and to them and I entrust to You each person that You will also heal them and they will forgive me as well. I declare blessings for them ____ (mention blessings for each person) and I thank You and glorify You for all the good things they have done for me and for my benefit _____ (mention each wonderful thing from each person).

By the blood of Jesus, we are now cleansed and healed. Continue doing Your work in our hearts until you set and appointed a time for us to meet face to face and redeem the relationships.

In humility, sincerity, and purity of heart, I bow down to You in the name of Jesus of Nazareth. I worship You, praise and adore You for Your goodness and kindness to all of us. Manifest Your presence and orchestrate events so that all wounded relationships will be healed from now on.

I pray for protection for these relationships being restored that the enemy will not enter to steal, kill, and destroy and will not retaliate and do backlash to any one of us. I plead the blood of Jesus to all of us and I declare Psalm 91 over our lives.

Thank You God for hiding us under Your wings. Come quickly to save and rescue us. I love You with everything within me. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”

Rejoice right now as God begins to heal your being and your relationships with others. Leave us a comment below on how this prayer article ministered to you and your friends. We would love to hear from you and we will appreciate your ideas on prayers for healing you want us to include in the future in this website.

Here is a Prayer for Healing Finances

Here is a Prayer for Restoration of Marriages

Here are some bible verses on physical Healing

81 thoughts on “Prayer for Healing Broken Relationships”

  1. Lord, I come to you asking for redemption. I come to you on my knees and humbly. Please help Anthony to open his heart and forgive me for the infidelity I have brought into our relationship. Please Lord, heal and renew our relationship better than we could ever imagine, so that you may receive all the glory! Help me to learn to love myself and You, so that I may have Your love in my heart and not much such selfish decisions again. Lord, I beg for healing, be with Anthony during this time and help him to deal with this situation rather than sweep it under the rug. I beg of you, O Lord!!
    In Jesus’ name Amen.

  2. I pray that God send me a reliable humbled wealthy man to my life or restore my relationship with my partner whom I think we are spiritually attacked via finances may he call me so love &/we pray in Jesus Name .Amen

  3. Dear God, please help Jay and I get back together. Please heal his heart and bring him back to me. Please help.him to see that we do belong together and we can make this relationship work still. That the love I feel for him he still feels the same for me. Oh Lord how I love this man and wanted nothing more than to fix our relationship and be happy together again.

    1. Praying for you. Have you reconciled? I am in the same position right now. I’m so sorry you’re going through this. Prayers and feeling for your relationship.

  4. I pray that God heals and restores my relationship with my partner. I pray that we have a second chance at giving our relationship a fighting chance; that we find the forgiveness that is needed to leave all past issues in the past and bless us that we may never surrender to whatever challenges come our way. Please touch his heart and fill it with unconditional love for me. Make our complicated relationship become uncomplicated and that we may reunite our family and fill each day with love and gratitude. I pray that he and I spend the rest of our lives together forever, happily and married forever. Please make these feelings mutual for the both of us. Amen.

    1. I agree with your prayer Diana and God hears it. Be still, and don’t ever, ever give up. Fight for your marriage. God is with you.

  5. Please pray for me and my girl friend Rahmah to understand and forgive each other in our relationship, bring joy and restore trust and respect for each other ,always keep us in touch throughout constant communication although we stay and work far a part but always keep our hearts together. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

  6. Dear God,
    I love my ex-bf,and I want him back! I will never give up on him! He is my heartdesire,and I dont want an other man! NEVER! Pls help me with prayers, please send him back home . Help me, we talked about getting married. my ex-bf`s name is Kenny. He left me 2 month’s ago and I haven’t seen him since.
    He only text me every now and then. I miss him so much and love him.
    God please touch his heart and soul and mind. Keep me constantly on his heart. Praying that he let all the cheating go and come back home do the right thing and get it right so we can marry.
    Amen amen amen
    Quick Reply

  7. Please pray for me and my girlfriend. We are both under alot of stress at the moment with nursing. We are both nursing students and our relationship at the moment is kinda on the edge… The reason being is because of my overthinking ways, in which, has affected our relationship, and also the fact of her losing feelings because she is into school and I totally respect and understand her point of view. I ask you to please for us for this emotional battle we both are going through. Pray for our comfort, love for each other, respect and our educational goals. I bring this all up to you Lord, please restore my relationship. With you and with the woman you have blessed me. I thank you father for all the blessings you’ve given me. I ask all these things, I pray in your name, Amen.

    1. Dear Father:
      I pray your will in this couple’s relationship. Father, they are special individuals who have a desire to not only assist in caring through nursing, they will also be able to pray for those who they care for and families, witness by your light shining through them, and win souls to you. Father, you heard the prayer of this young man and I agree with him, in the precious name of Jesus, Your will. Amen

  8. I want God to restore our marriage. My husband left me with 4 kids with his ex. May they be convicted of their sins and return to our family. It pains me a lot bec. he’s not even thinking of his children and they are greatly affected. Please pray for his enlightenment and his ex.

    1. God hear your prayer. Be strong and I pray that God will give you all the comfort and love that you need.

      I pray that your husband and his ex will be convicted of their sins and will realize that what they have done is not in accordance to God’s will. Let God speak and enlighten them and do the right thing.

      In Jesus name. Amen

  9. thank you for prayer, and I may abide in being good partner, let me know my limits and what exactly i am looking for or more work i should have do …

  10. I pray to you my first Love, JESUS. I am devastated by the force of division that has came between Craig and I. I dont know why or what happened. It could be drugs or unpositive people. Something drastically cause him to enjoy hurting me and distancing himself from me. The only communication I gave us to text. He may or may not reply.He became extremely untrue and untrustworthy. Its not the Craig I thought I knew. Im deeply in love with him. He say he love me. But he doesnt act like it. I cant seem to walk away. Im trying to hold on. Im in so much pain every second if my life. I pray about it. alI been to the alter. Ive waited on prayrs to be anwsered. Nothing. Im losing my mine. I want prayer to heal our relationship and bless us to stay close to you Father. We both beed you so desperately. Please pray for me Saints Im so devastatingly, painfully afraid in my life of living without him.
    HELP ME!! SOMEBODY please.

  11. Praise God,Almighty Father I seek the Blood of Jesus to pray for my relationship with my Fiaance restore every broken pieces of that relationship, the love,favor,happiness,blessing,dreams .Please God for the sake of our Lovely Son help me i pray for my Son to grow up together with His Mum and Dad together Amen thank you Jesus

  12. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
    I love my ex-bf,and I want him back! Whatever people say – GOD CAN MAKE A WAY, WHERE THERE SEEMS TO BE NO WAY!!! I will never give up on him! He is my heartdesire,and I dont want an other man! NEVER! Pls help me with prayers,that he comes back to me;I dont leave God in peace,BECAUSE I MISS HIM AND I WANT ONLY HIM. Help me, please help me, because he is the one I want to marry – AND NO ONE ELSE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! By the way my ex-bf`s name is BiLAL pls interceed for me before GOD`S Throne. And my name is Elisabeth (from germany)
    Quick Reply

    1. Dear God, bless Elisabeth and Bilal’s relationship. That they may find each other again because you spoke to their hearts and restored and reconciled the bond between them. Let not the enemy intervene but instead work out every single steps on journey to restoration. I am believing and in your name i say amen!

  13. Dear God, Please help me to restore my relationship with Luigi. Please touch his heart to not just throw our love for each other. After the struggles that we’ve been through and the years that we waited to be with each other, Please enlighten him let him remember our love for each other , How happy
    we are when we saw each other. I still believe that were destined to each other.This is just a trials to our relationship. His my first and last love. I don’t know how to be happy again without him.Please help me to save our relationship.Dear GOD.AMEN.

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