How to Connect With God

What is prayer?  It is a way we learn how to connect with God and having a meaningful conversation with our God (the most wonderful Person in

How to Connect with God

the universe) who loves us to bits? That shouldn’t be difficult to do right? But then, how does one spend quality time, really, with someone he or she does not see? And that’s part of the challenge of prayer.

But tell you what! There are actually limitless ways to overcome this hurdle. God has designed us to co-create with Him and we can use this creative ability in prayer as well. Remember, prayer is not just an act of the knees or the lips, it is an act of the soul. It is a movement of the heart. Prayer is how we connect with God

“Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless his holy name!” – Psalm 103:1 ESV

For this post, I will share a handful of suggestions, but do not limit yourself to these. I encourage you to explore them and find creative ways that would truly help you connect with God in a more powerful or intimate way.

Finding Inspiration through worship music. There are days when I get up in the morning with not a single cell in my body feels capable of praying. Either I’m just too sleepy or just “somewhere else.” However, the moment I start playing my favorite worship music, my body fluids begin to pick up and my brain starts to gain focus. With a little help from my will, soon I’m able to connect with God. I start praying passionately for the things God puts on my heart. Worship music is a great way to connect with God.  In His word He says

Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. – Psalm 100:4

If we are to become consistent through the dry times, we have got to learn to discover ways on how to get that initial push. For me, it’s usually worship music. For others it’s visual aids like photos, art, or nature and the outdoors. It is the place where you can feel that connection easily.

The founder of a worldwide movement for 247 prayer houses shared in his book how he never thought God would ever call him to lead a prayer movement because he was never like most “prayer dudes” who can sustain praying for long hours inside a room. But he does enjoy conversing with God when he is in the vast outdoors. If you are inspired by nature, try star gazing from a roof deck and start prayer by praising God for His wonderful creation in nature!

Creating A  Map. I remember a well-respected teacher on prayer share about her experiences as a prayer warrior. Because she often runs out of things to pray for, one time she grabbed a map and started praying for the nations. A map can be a lot of things. Think of something that can work out like a map for you. Perhaps, your family photo or your daily planner where you can pray for the different parts of your day.

I also have a friend who has a prayer wall where she posts all her prayer items. The “prayer items” can be represented by a passage in Scripture, a photo, an origami, a letter to God or a list of qualities that you are looking for -in a mate, a house or a career. If you like to doodle, you can even have symbolic drawings or charts on you prayer wall. Or perhaps an actual object pinned to it!

You can also use special portions of your day as parts of your prayer “map.” We can pray meaning into our daily activities. For example, you can declare Psalm 118:4 upon your day as your alarm clock rings. Then, proceed to the shower and continue with prayers of cleansing upon yourself as you scrub and rinse.

Express Yourself. A realization that came in a bit late in my life was the fact that different people communicate in different ways. Whereas, I am very comfortable with speaking on and on and on because I am a “words” person, others find more release when they create art. What is your way of connecting, do you know? Maybe, the next time you pray, you can write God a poem, sing Him a song, paint what is in your heart, or create a clay sculpture!

What is your best prayer medium? Don’t be afraid to be yourself before God. Dance if you must. Or take a jog around the park while pouring out you heart to Daddy God.

Sip Some Coffee. Here’s one of my favorite “prayer stories” from a worship-intercessor: She would have “coffee dates” with God. Drinking coffee is such a special and pleasant part of her day. It’s a time for her to sit down, relax and ponder on things. But turning those coffee moments into times of to converse with her Savior, just asking her childlike questions and then listening to what the Holy Spirit will reveal to her, has truly deepened her walk with God.

Thus, my last prayer strategy is that we should always listen. A conversation has to be two-way, and that is what prayer should be: a conversation with someone we love. Other ways to listen to God is by reading the Bible, listening to good preachings or testimonies about God. We can do this while driving, while riding the bus, while waiting in line, or while sipping coffee.

Would you be interested in taking a test to see the ways that you can connect with God. Here is one, click here  This is taken from Sacred Pathway by Gary Thomas.  After you’ve taken the test, here is a  PDF Document that will give further details on each of the different ways we connect to God.

What are your own ideas on how we can pray? Share some of them so that others can get inspired!

Here are other prayers that will help you connect to the God as he is revealed through His name:





Prayer to JEHOVAH ELOHE ABOTHEKEM: The Lord, The God Of Your Fathers

Prayer to JEHOVAH ROHI: The Lord My Shepherd

Prayer to Adonai: The God Who Rules

Prayer to the Great I Am: The Unchanging One

Prayer to El Elyon: The Most Exalted High God

Prayer to Elohim: The Strong One


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