Train Ride

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    • #296146 Reply

      I was riding on top of a train moving at seemed to be the speed of lighting. It didn’t make any stops. I seemed to enjoy the ride.

    • #299333 Reply

      Hello JP,
      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share back to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      This appears to be an exhilarating experience, dream with a positive interpretation, and one of encouragement. Reflect on an area in your life where you feel you are moving in lightning speed and feeling “on top of the world.” It could also be related to something work/business/ministry in the future that you will or currently that you have a similar experience(s) as already indicated and it/will involve others and have a big impact as well. Things will be/are moving straightforward with no delays or setbacks.

    • #299593 Reply

      I would be cautious. You could be on the train to Hell

    • #299611 Reply

      Jesus conquered death, hell and the grave. Anyone believing and following Him will escape the wages of sin. Jesus is Lord of all and above all. Therefore as I am seated in Him in heavenly places I too possess eternal life. Praises to our God and father who bestowed upon anyone believing in His son this wonderful gift. I pray you too find such peace and grace in your life. May our sweet Holy Spirit grant enlightenment into the wonderful grace. Shalom

    • #299644 Reply

      Amen JP. Well said. Hell is not the destination of any true believing child of God.

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