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    • #300115 Reply

      good morning, Iam Daniel Chandra from Fiji Islands. Please request if you can do spiritual warfare for me, Iam hearing voices from outside when nobody is there, and they also give me body pains. One thing iam sure they are actually my enemies, evil/satanic spirits and they are blocking my progress. I don’t know if they are my ancestral spirits or is generational curses, or witchcraft or somebody has prayed over me by use of hindu temples or goliath spirits, however, they are evil in nature, they give me physical pains and day as well as in night they give me bad dreams, and Iam always in lack and poverty of finances with huge debt, there is no prosperity in my finances, also please request if spiritual warfare can be conducted to remove any evil/satanic/demonic spirits/monitoring spirits on me, iam a born again Christian and has from long time accepted Lord as my saviour, thank you.

    • #305498 Reply

      Jehovah Nissi,

      You are our banner and we call on you to intercede for Daniel. We pray in agreement with him that you would silence and shut the mouths of any and all demonic influence or interference that may be contributing to what he is experiencing. We call out to you Abba Father and ask that you demolish every weapon formed against Daniel and we plead the blood of Jesus to protect and enable Daniel to stand against any and all attacks or lies. We bind the confusion, lack, bad dreams and every ungodly thing that sets itself up against the knowledge of you. We loose peace, clarity, grace, peace, healing and provision. We ask for Daniel to be realigned and restored to wholeness and a sound mind. In your name, Amen.

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