Dream interpretation

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    • #253562 Reply

      To give some context I have been praying about a person who I think God has been telling me is my spouse and seeking confirmation if it’s really him or my flesh.

      So last night, I had a dream that this person and I were texting about 1 John. Possibly discussing what real love means? Not for sure exactly what this dream means. If someone could give some insight that would be appreciated!

    • #253754 Reply

      Hello Amanda,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      It could be an insight that both of you or one of you lack some of the qualities addressed in 1 John. 1 John talks about much more than love. It opens up with the importance of walking in the light, addressing sin and so forth. Please mediate on the scripture for yourself and assess the individual on your own in the light of the entire 1 John and not just portions of it. Please pray that God helps you both change in areas that you might be lacking in. You could also turn the scripture to a prayer for your current/future relationship. Sometimes God gives us “intel” through our dream. I would only address this with the individual if the Holy Spirit leads you to do so. Sometimes some people come into our lives as preparation (eg., learning to pray, intercede, be patient)for our future spouses. I pray that God gives you clarity regarding this individual and sends you His ordained choice of a spouse according to His perfect Will if he is not the one in Jesus’s Almighty Name I pray, Amen!


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