Dead tree

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    • #264872 Reply
      Maria Oramas

      I dreamed that I was like in an open field and I was there to help plant. A lady was with me. As I looked at the fertile grouns, rich and dark I notice to the side a tree that had been cut down. The tree stump was about 3 inches thuck about 3 feet long. It was seating in an angle. It was black like burned and old. So, I tell the lady what I found and she told me that it can stay there, but I began to kick it to loose it up and began to pull it with all its roots and I laid it on the floor to discard it and the dream ended

    • #265458 Reply

      Hello Maria,
      Thank you for sharing your dreams with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      What comes to mind is that you might have or are to uproot a negative influence in the spiritual/physical realm. Here’s a rhetorical question for you. I don’t need an answer. Is there a person/issue that you need to confront and/or a habit/issue that truly needs to be dealt with either in your life or family?


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