Ancient Rituals and Auras and Spirits

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    • #131906 Reply
      Kizzy Williams


      My dream began with someone saying to me that they could see an aura around me. I do not remember their exact words but the aura was supposed to have some significant meaning. So I waited for instructions from Holy Spirit who told me to visit a particular church. The church was a church that my home has fellowshipped with for many years and when I briefly left my church home, I visited with this church. As I was on my way to the church I could hear something like a narrator voicing everything that was going on. It was like I was telling someone the story but the story was playing out at the same time. So as I was approaching the church I could hear the narrator say there was a demonic force following me. I continued towards the church and I began seeing people outside and I came across one of the ministers from the church who I know, but this minister lives in TN now. So we greeted each other with a hug and i continued inside the church. Upon entering the church I could hear the narrator saying how the people I was seeing were unfamiliar to me and that I was waiting for someone to recognize the aura and tell me what it was and what it meant. As I turned the corner, I heard the narrator describe that now there were people I knew. As the narrator described the people I was greeting each of them with a hug. The Pastor I hugged passed away in December 2019. His wife was there and I hugged her. A minister from my church home was there and I hugged him, but he was wearing a white collar and he never wears those. He never has. But then I turned another corner and the dream shifted to where I was somewhere dark and was being asked about ancient Chinese rituals and swords. I love history and culture but I have never studied these things, but somehow I knew the answers. I went into a restaurant and sat down to eat where I was given what looked like a toaster pasty but when it was sat in front of me myself and those around the table with me deduced it was some evil token and there was a ritual associated with this pastry. We spun the table and it landed in front of me again so I cut it into four squares then I cut each square and as I cut it began to glow. The cutting and eating was supposed to symbolize something or break the evil from it. I had to do it carefully and specifically. I woke up after eating nearly all of this pastry.
      I rarely remember dreams and with this one, I woke and immediately went into prayer and pleading the blood of Jesus. I do not remember ever dreaming about the demonic or auras in my life. Does this mean anything or was it just a dream?

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