Hedge of Thorns Prayer for the Unfaithful Spouse

We would like to share with you this hedge of thorns prayer.  This is not the same as a hedge of protection prayer.  The difference is the hedge of protection keeps what is external from coming in while the hedge of thorns prayer keeps what is in from going out.

You should only pray this prayer for people with whom you have a biblical covenant relationship.  So this would be for an unfaithful spouse and you can also use this prayer for a prodigal child, drug addicted child, a child who is keeping company with gang related friends.

This prayer should not be prayed for your boyfriend, or girlfriend or someone whom you have feelings for that is not your spouse.  That would be considered witchcraft because you are not in a covenant relationship with that person.  You also don’t really know God’s will for that person so try not to let your emotions and feelings get control of you.

Likewise if you feel that someone who is not in a covenant relationship with you may be praying this over you, then you want to cut soul ties with them and pray this off of you.

Let’s look at the scriptures that talk about the Hedge of Thorns.  There are actually 2 scriptures in the King James Version- one refers to laziness Proverbs 15:19 (we’ll cover that in a different post) and the other is Hosea 2:6.

We will focus in on Hosea 2:6.  The book of Hosea is about the prophet Hosea and his unfaithful spouse.  This book,while it can be taken literally, can also be looked at figuratively as the Church of Jesus Christ being unfaithful to God and chasing after things (idolatry) and not God.  This is a spiritual unfaithfulness. Therefore if you see your child going after things that are not of God (prodigals, drug and alcohol addicted, bad company) you can use these scriptures to pray for them as well.

Let’s look at the scripture in context…

Hosea 2:5-7 (NKJV) “For their mother has played the harlot; She who conceived them has behaved shamefully. For hedge of thorns prayershe said, ‘I will go after my lovers, Who give me my bread and my water, My wool and my linen,  My oil and my drink.’ “Therefore, behold, I will hedge up your way with thorns, And wall her in, So that she cannot find her paths. She will chase her lovers, But not overtake them; Yes, she will seek them, but not find them.  Then she will say, ‘I will go and return to my first husband, For then it was better for me than now.’

That’s pretty clear showing that these hedge of thorns keeps the unfaithful from going out and they return to the one with whom they are in a covenant relationship.

Hedge of Thorns Prayer:

Father God, I present to you this day ___________ and ask that you put the hedge of thorns, according to Hosea 2:6, around them to keep them from falling into sin.  Cause them to not find the way of unfaithfulness.  Cause these ungodly desires to not be fulfilled.  May they return to a covenant relationship first and foremost with you, God, and secondly to the covenant relationship that You have ordained from the foundations of the earth.  I pray for grace, patience and peace to guard my heart as I wait on You Lord to bring this prayer to fulfillment.  I pray that You would send away all these ungodly desires.  May _______ lose the desire to go that way, reveal to her/him that this way is destruction and against your will. Give him/her dreams and visions to see that the end is of no good.  I pray that You will season my speech with grace so that I will know what to say and when to say it.  I pray that you will cleanse my heart and root out any seed of bitterness. Give me grace to forgive.  Put a guard over my mouth and show me how I can accommodate the reconciliation and restoration of this covenant relationship.  If I have any responsibility in driving ______ away from you God and from this covenant relationship, please reveal it to me.  Forgive me God and prepare me for their return.  Guide them and me with your Holy Spirit, in Jesus Name, Amen.

 If you want us to pray for your unfaithful spouse or your child, please write your prayer request below and we will pray for you and for them.

God Bless You.

Here are some other related prayers:

Prayer for the Prodigal Child

Prayer for Marriage Restoration

Prayer for the Family

Prayer to Heal Broken Relationships

Prayer to Break Soul Ties

Prayer for a Hedge of Protection




1,026 thoughts on “Hedge of Thorns Prayer for the Unfaithful Spouse”

  1. Please pray for my husband to return home to my son and I with a heart back towards God. He left almost 8 months ago, and moved in with a women I thought was my friend. He wants a divorce and the divorce process is nearing the end. I want my husband of 20 years back, and for him to get away from this women who was, and has been so deceiving continuously. He was my best friend for 25 years, now isn’t even remotely the same man. Breaks my heart to see him go down this path. My son is 9 and misses him dearly.

    Thank you!

  2. Prayer that my husband will turn his affections back to me. He is in his second emotional affair in two years. Praying that he will return to God and see the road he is on will only lead to destruction. He compares himself to more successful friends. He is the one they all turn to for counsel. God has said I cannot leave because there is work we must do together. Praying for his soul and our covenant marriage.

  3. My prayer request is that my husband would return to our marriage and that God would restore and revive us back as the 1 flesh he created us to be. And also to remove every negative outside influences for his family and other outside interfaces

  4. Hey everyone.
    I’d like to share my experience… In my relationship I went through so many false starts with my covenant partner. At some point I even left feeling I wasn’t cared for or respected, before I left, she had left 3 times. The third was enough to tare me apart according to my own self pity… I almost began to pursue an emotional affair but prayed and God brought me back, It was nice for s while but everything fell apart When so many things came between us… She too opted to pursuing an affair, she was broken and turned away from God, amidst everything I had began to pray. Now this is where I’d like to draw everyone in to listen to why brokenness can go around in a relationship for so long, why taring happens to often.

    When I began to pray, i had many spiritual attacks, the devil realized I was beginning to walk towards God. I had been falling back into old sins of Pornography and masturbation. My prayers did reach heaven but you see brethren, Sin is like an Umbrella that Keeps God’s grace from raining on us, without grace, we’re blind to direction that can show us a way out of the problems in our relationships. The marriage Covenant is so sacred that any sexual sin we commit in secret ties a bondage around us. Sin gives the devil a claim upon our lives and marriages, it covers us from God. The bondage tightens so much that our spiritual hands become tied and we’re helpless.

    Immediately God began to show me that If I must remove the blinds over myself and my covenant partner, I have to Repent of my sexual sin and confess it to my partner and take on praying for deliverance everyday. Another thing God revealed is that I had to begin to forgive others because unforgiveness creates impurity and takes our sonship with God who is all merciful. At the same time God revealed my self pity that made me look only at my hurt and not that of my spouse or others. The more I moved from secret sin and self pity, the more the blinds fell off. Finally God began to teach me How I can be More of a sympathetic husband through Reb Bradley of Ultimatehusband.com, gents, plses do look for this website, God grew me through mentorship I received from there. Another thing is I realized that as. Man or a woman, so long as you have secret sin against your covenant; pornography, masturbation, flirting with others, you’re creating a blind and deafness that no matter how nicely you talk to your wife or husband, they won’t be able to hear, neither will restoration happen until we’ve dealt with our sin.

    My spouse refused to come back or have anything to do with me but I continued praying and striving to live up to empathy…. Until God came through and broke that affair she began to enter, as it led to an unsafe situation for her. God prepared me to give her grace, I feared there was another person contributing to the hardening of her heart, I did not know about the affair until she came back broken and confessed everything and began to put it away. As I’ve continued praying, so much about her brokenness continues to be revealed, we’re relating better except I realize I need to surrender her as she’s in a place where now she has to face the condition of her heart and grow out of ungodly standing. It is a bumpy road but I’m Thankful and Believing God for restoration that he began. My Appeal to everyone reading is to firstly get right with God, to pursue righteousness then Get with God, ask God to change you, be a place your partner can have peace at regardless of how they’re being to your right now, Pray that they be restored to God. Pursue God only, do not fight against your partner, let them go, continue the fight in prayer and aid the outcome with a good attitude, you will see God come through, don’t lose faith.

    1. Thank you so much for this wonderful insight through your testimony. Its going to help many of us to overcome. I pray the good Lord finish what he had started for you two in Jesus mighty name amen

  5. My name is Mary, please join me in prayer for my husband Martin who commits aldutery. He gets bitter with me with every slightest provocation. Presently for some days now he hasn’t contacted me or our children, just because I complained of some unruly behavior and lies. He reports me to both family and friends and they have not good advice or counsel to give . I still dont understand how a man that claims to love his wife ,will be having affair or keep communicating and hanging out with ex lovers whom he has cheated on me with. He wouldn’t pick my calls to talk things out instead. If I drop a message he forwards those message of mine to family and friends. I am beginning to loose interest in praying over this same issue that has constantly lingered for good 9 years. Its affect my physical and mental health.

  6. Please pray for my husband Luis to step out of his sin. We are preparing for divorce because he will not leave his affair partner yet wants to continue with marriage counseling. Three marriage counselors of already said they will not work with us because they cannot help a couple with a third-party. He refuses to commit 100% to me/us. I am afraid for him as I have never seen someone so consumed with them. I am fearful that my children will be exposed to the airfare partner and will be exposed to the sin. Please pray for strength for me, wisdom how to proceed and courage/faith that God is in control.

  7. Pray for reconciliation of my wife Jansn who is having an emotional affair after 15 years of marriage. Pray for a hedge of thorns over her and pray for me I take total responsibility for my sins of sexual impuritie and not listening to her.

  8. Please pray for my husband Jon to stop his adulterous affair with Sharon. I’ve been praying for him to see she is not a woman of God. (She told him back in March that she prayed and God told her it was ok for them to date) I found out about them in June but of course he denied it, until last month. I also found out I’ve had prayer warriors before I even knew about it. I believe a breakthrough is near. However he won’t block her on Facebook and she is a family member on his step parent side. Every time I think I should just give up God tells me a firm NO, He has this battle and He is handling it. Please pray for a hedge of thorns around my husband and that this jezebel leaves him alone soon. Also she’s been married 3 x’s and doesn’t stay married very long. Thank you for your prayers 🙏🏻💙💖🙏🏻

  9. Please Please pray for my husband Geno to come back home. He has had numerous affairs over the past 15 years and has left the home 4 times already and we have had as many false starts. i am not a perfect wife but i do love him very much and i forgave him although i sometimes held grudges 🙁 i pray he finds God and that he would encounter people who would pray for him. People who would show him the way. And that his heart be softened towards me. He has told me that we do not belong together. He has said he does not love me but will always “care” about me. i am devastated that he does not even want to have civil contact with me. He is currently living with his new girlfriend but i also found out that she is not so new after all and that earlier this year she had an abortion. she has made contact with me to apologize for hurting me and has told me that she loves my husband 🙁 please i cannot go on like this for much longer, I am devastated and all my friends and family keep on telling me to let him go but he is my covenant and he needs prayer. Please help us build a life with God and please help us forgive.

  10. Please pray for my wife Gift Ndidi, she is very stubborn to my liken and pray for her to see adultery as a very big crime against God

  11. Please pray that God will restore my marriage if its his will. My husband Jesse is an alcoholic and constantly lies and disrespects me. We just came upon our second wedding anniversary and he has already abandoned the marriage three times. This time he’s been gone for almost 7 months and blames me because I wont let him back in the home. Everytime he leaves he comes back worse and violatol than before. This time he’s been indulging in drugs and committing adultery…through it all he uses he adulterous ways as punishment towards me because I wont let him back in. I don’t know if God is leading this marriage to divorce or not this time. It is so painful to endure…I wish I understood what is happening right now. I honestly don’t know how or what to pray for Jesse and I dont know how to pray for myself. I feel like my marriage never had a starting chance and here I am two years later look at divorce. I wish God would just speak to me and tell me why do I have to experience so much pain. I know I cant save my marriage alone and I cant save my husband…the only thing that I can do now is pray.

  12. Please pray that the Lord would restore His relationship with my wife Dani as she had said she no longer believed since she her mother passed away over 5 years ago, and make His presence known in a very powerful way in her life. Please pray for a hedge of thorns around her and for the relationship she started outside of our marriage to be destroyed. Please pray for reconciliation and restoration in our marriage.

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