Prophetic word for January 2020: You are in the 40th Year

prophetic word for January 2020
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This is the prophetic word for January 2020.  I’ve noticed a pattern with the Lord and how He is handling His people over the past 4 – 5 months and that is we are certainly running out of time and He’s beginning to “close the ark door”, so to speak on some things.

Let me explain further…

In the 2nd year when the Israelites were wondering the wilderness God was quite patient with them.  He was giving them time to adjust, to mourn what was left behind and prepare for the promise.

In the 4th year, same thing. 7th year, same thing. 15th year, same thing. And on and on. What the Israelites failed to realize is that slowly but surely people were dying off.  God was weeding them out.  Like dividing the wheat from the tares based on their response to Him. What they failed to realize was that the old regime and the old way of thinking was going away.  What they failed to realize is that at some point the 40th year arrives and God says “No more!  You either cross now or it’s over” paraphrasing here.

He led them with a fire by night and a cloud by day.  So they had to watch, discern the movements, listen to the instructions of Moses and MOVE.  Those who didn’t move whether physically or in their hearts because of unbelief, were left behind.  God removed them and moved without them.

Things had changed.

Just as God guided His people with fire and a cloud, He is still guiding us today.  He delivers instructions to us through others.  Sometimes through people we know, people we don’t know, through our children, through His word. He can deliver messages through dreams and vision and even through our enemies.  Yes, even our enemies can give us a word from the Lord.

Here is the story of Naaman who had leprosy and received his word through the enemy, which was Elisha.

2 Kings 5:9-14 (NIV)

So Naaman went with his horses and chariots and stopped at the door of Elisha’s house. 10 Elisha sent a messenger to say to him, “Go, wash yourself seven times in the Jordan, and your flesh will be restored and you will be cleansed.”

11 But Naaman went away angry and said, “I thought that he would surely come out to me and stand and call on the name of the Lord his God, wave his hand over the spot and cure me of my leprosy. 12 Are not Abana and Pharpar, the rivers of Damascus, better than all the waters of Israel? Couldn’t I wash in them and be cleansed?” So he turned and went off in a rage.

13 Naaman’s servants went to him and said, “My father, if the prophet had told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much more, then, when he tells you, ‘Wash and be cleansed’!” 14 So he went down and dipped himself in the Jordan seven times, as the man of God had told him, and his flesh was restored and became clean like that of a young boy.

So what was Naaman’s problem? 

His unwillingness to follow instructions.  Plain and simple.  Which comes from a root of pride.

Why do I have to wash myself 7 times in the Jordan?
There are better rivers in Aram, why go to the Jordan?
Aren’t you some big time prophet?  Wave your hand and heal me!
As a matter of fact, why didn’t you come out to meet me?  Don’t you know who I am?

What is that?  It’s pride.  Naaman is the one with the problem but even in the midst of his need he’s still trying to determine the rules by which he gets healed.  It’s pride.

When you go to the Lord looking for an answer and He tells you to do something, just do it.  You don’t get to determine how it gets done you are just supposed to follow exactly what He told you to do.

Many of you have been wondering around the wilderness long enough and the only way to progress is to obey. You are in the 40th year.

We sometimes get the same prayer request from the same people and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with persistence. However, when I sit before the Lord with it and ask Him what’s going on with this person, He’ll give me clear instructions for them.  Even after delivering those instructions, they refuse to do it and continue to show up every week with the same request.  Or they partially do it and come back looking for some other response.  God tells me to give it to them again.  They come back again with the same request which tells me they are not following the instructions. Now they are stuck going around and around in a circle waiting for a different response.  If you read the entire story in 1 Kings 9, you’ll see that Naaman came bearing gifts (giving a donation) as if he can actually buy his healing.  Nope, all the donations in the world or the sowing of seeds is not going to excuse you from obedience.

You can’t buy obedience, you do obedience.

Occasionally some people finally get it and they get unstuck.  Read this testimony

Please understand, this is not just about you listening to this ministry. It has to do with ALL the instructions of the Lord.  If you pray and ask God for something and He gives you a scripture, those are your instructions that you need to follow.  When you find a place or a person that you know hears from the Lord, listen.  Not just when you hear something good but when it’s a rebuke too.  When it’s a warning.  If the instructions are from the Lord, they are not going to change.  It doesn’t matter how upset you get.

If God tells you that you need to forgive someone there’s no other way around that.  He’s not going to rewrite the bible so you can get a way out of that.  You are basically stuck until you heed.

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I know it’s hard.  For some of you because of what was done to you, it will be one of the most difficult flesh-crucifying thing you have ever done.  But you have to do it.  And, you will feel so much better after you have done it.  A weight will come off your shoulders and this thing will no longer have you.

Elisha couldn’t change the instructions for Naaman because the instructions were from the Lord.

Hebrews 3:15-19 New Living Translation (NLT)

15 Remember what it says:

“Today when you hear his voice,
don’t harden your hearts
as Israel did when they rebelled.”

16 And who was it who rebelled against God, even though they heard his voice? Wasn’t it the people Moses led out of Egypt? 17 And who made God angry for forty years? Wasn’t it the people who sinned, whose corpses lay in the wilderness? 18 And to whom was God speaking when he took an oath that they would never enter his rest? Wasn’t it the people who disobeyed him? 19 So we see that because of their unbelief they were not able to enter his rest.

When God says move, you move or you die in your wilderness.

You will have moments in 2020 when you are going to wish you listened the first time. The door is going to open for the ones who are standing right in front of it by following the instructions and then it is going to close right behind them.  Here’s what you will hear to let you know this is real…. “Sorry, we stopped doing that last month, we just ended it, we’re not taking anyone else for this program”.

And you will be saying this to yourself  “I thought I had more time”.  Which means you knew about it but you didn’t act when you should’ve.

For some of you, you’ll hear this “you just made it, you’re the last one we’re accepting into this program, we only have one spot left”

I’ve noticed this for the last 4 – 5 months now.  Don’t forfeit your blessing because of pride. Follow the instructions.  You know as the Lord was showing this to me, I suddenly felt a sadness and tears from the ones who didn’t listen – even after reading this – when they realized they didn’t move into what God had for them.  Here me!  Some of you are going to be crying by the end of this year if you don’t move when God says move.  I hope it is not you.

My sheep hear My Voice, I know them and they follow Me (John 10:27).

Over a decade ago I went home one day for lunch from work and as I was leaving the house I got a phone call from my office.  Because I was on the phone talking I got distracted and walked out leaving the front door open.  As I got into my car and turned it on to leave a thought came to me “the front door is open” but I thought it was me and not God so I just continued driving back to work. By the time I got back to my office within 5 minutes my roommate called who also went home for lunch asking if I was at the house.  I replied “Yes, but I left 10 minutes ago”. She breathe a sigh of relief and said “the front door is wide open”.  Instantly I knew, that was God talking to me but I thought it was actually my own thoughts.  When I hung up the phone I said to Him, Lord I thought those were my thoughts.  I wish you said it to me again so I would know for sure it was You.  I’ll never forgotten His response “There will be times when I am only going to say it to you once!”

My goodness!  That really arrested my spirit.  The fear of the Lord fell on me.  He is God and He really doesn’t owe us anything.  He doesn’t owe us an explanation for why He does things the way that He does. We should never take for granted that He speaks. Never.

In that moment, I didn’t mean to disobey but the truth is would it have hurt to just go back and check the door? No.  Also, fun fact, you can’t actually be speaking and having a thought at the same time.  I discovered this after analyzing how it all happened and how I missed it.

I just wonder how many people could save themselves from a dangerous situation by just heeding the first time.

I’m letting you know now, we are in the 40th year of this wilderness journey.  The “Ark door” has already started closing.  God is going to make a call and I pray you will have ears to hear and eyes to see.  Because when He closes the door, that is it!

Now I know some of you rebellious ones are probably thinking, “this doesn’t sound like God, where’s the grace in that!”

Sure He’s gracious but that same God killed all those Israelites in the wilderness because they wouldn’t enter in when He told them and instead opted to grumble and complain. (Hebrews 3:15-19)

It’s the same God with the 10 virgins who told 5 of them “Sorry you don’t have enough oil” and closes the door (Matthew 25:1-13)

It is the same God from Revelation 2 – 3 that gave very strong warnings of disciplinary actions when the church doesn’t obey.

Same God!  The problem is if you are only eating a diet of GRACE then you excuse yourself from true repentance and turning towards the Lord.  I’m here to tell you that at some point that runs out and you have to make a decision to obey.

That is the season we are in right now.

I know this is not a warm and fuzzy word but I tell you there are great rewards for those who obey, the first time, in this season.

Here’s a prayer for you:

Holy Spirit, you see all things and you know all things.  I repent for going my own way and doing things the way I wanted to do them for so long.  I pray that you will bring to mind now all the things that I’ve neglected.  Show me all the areas where I have disobeyed you.  Uproot pride and loose humility in me. I ask you to give me grace, not so I can use it cheaply and not obey but to walk out all the things that you will reveal to me.  I ask for angelic assistance where I need it to do what you are asking me to do.  I bind up procrastination which is a work of my flesh and I commit to doing your will. I loose zeal, the fear of the Lord and a quickness to my steps to align with Your perfect will, in Jesus name, Amen.

Now take a sheet of paper, your notebook or a device where you can take notes and write down everything that God shows you needs to get done and get on with it.


4 thoughts on “Prophetic word for January 2020: You are in the 40th Year”

  1. This ministry is a blessing to me.During the 7day fast all uncertainty I had was wiped out and something was deposited in me,I walk in faith,in love and in purity.Whatever I execute,I do it CONFIDENTLY.I know who I am.
    I look forward to dreams and visions knowing that God speaks in my dreams and he is so faithful,his voice has been consistent,I go back to the prophetic words shared here and I can even interpret my own dreams,well most of them.
    Thank you M.O.P for your heart to equip the bride of Christ.

  2. I’m so shocked at the confirmation I got from this prophetic for 2020,,because that’s exactly what I’ve been prompt by the Holy Spirit to teach and warn the church of…The secret is obedience to the word of God. obedience yields rewards God .identifying those areas where we disobey God and repent them we’ll experience tge life in abundance. To God be the glory. Thank u for the prophetic creative power of God..His word .

  3. So, timely. I got to read this half way while I was preparing for the final session of a 4 day conference, knowing that I’ll come back to study and meditate on it when I get back from church. Actually, since the January One Week prayer and fasting, I’ve kept up with the spiritual tempo, and I’ve been getting more instructions, strategies, prophetic words from the Lord even regarding my future and calling. It’s been the beginning of a new awesome phase in my life. Favour and open opportunities. The Lord even instructed my parents to pray and bless me prophetically before I travel away from them back to the city. For all this I’m grateful and I’m sharing this testimony to encourage or bless others.

    So, during the service today (the finale of the conference), I was getting the impression to give a specific cash in my wallet. Smiles* not like I’m a greedy person or someone who doesn’t have the habit of Giving but then I was thinking hope it’s not my MIND. How can you give what you ought to use for your week up keeping. So, I didn’t. But guez what,, towards the end of the service, when the minister was praying and I said, amen. I got the thought/impression again. But guess what this time around, I remb what you said in the article I read hurriedly half way this morning. “You can’t be speaking and having a thought at the same time.” smiles. The Lord made me read that hurriedly this morning, so that I won’t miss His instructions.

    So, I did. Guess what, when the conference was about to be closed, and the minister was ministering, I heard” This is the time, and that which I have in store for you in this conference, you just activated it with your giving.”

    Thanks for the timely word. I appreciate. We are indeed in the season of taking possession, but like Joshua, you’ll need to follow the given INSTRUCTIONS of the Holy Spirit to take Jericho.


  4. I am in my 40th year as a Christian. I will be going to the promised land for the 1st time this June. Yesterday I wrote in my journal notes, one of the verses quoted in prophetic word. John 10:27 says, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

    Thank you for sharing this word.

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