tax return error

Portada Foros Prayer Requests tax return error

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    • #336908 Responder


      An error was made in my tax return in 2018 result in in a debt of $6000.
      The business owner at the place i worked died and the family is unable to help.
      I need support in prayers for the debt cancellation as I do not owe the tax authorities.
      Thank you

    • #337712 Responder

      Lord of reversal! I pray in agreement with Becky that this debt be null and void. We thank you and praise you in advance for your working and for your power to reverse this issue for Becky’s good and your glory! May Becky walk in your peace, comfort, strength and power as she looks to you, her help and her refuge. Amen.

    • #338764 Responder

      Lord God, please relieve Becky of this debt that isn’t hers. No weapon formed against her shall prosper because that is her heritage as Your servant. Lord, I was in a rotten financial situation and You turned it around for me at the courthouse! If You did it for me , You’ll do it for Becky! Lord, don’t let her heart be troubled, and please give her Your Peace which surpasses all understanding. Cancel this debt, Lord, I declare it GONE in JESUS NAME! THANK YOU FATHER!Amen.

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