Prayer for cheating husband

Portada Foros Prayer Requests Prayer for cheating husband

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    • #310700 Responder
      Betty fernades

      I want my husband to confess his cheating or God to reveal the truth , as he is changed from 2 years as if he is seeing another woman, he is detached from me completely. There is no communication, emotional and physical looks like living with dead bodly Lies too much. I have no evidence but his behavior tell it all.
      I want to guide me whether i should stay in this marriage or move on . As too much cannot deal with it any more he is abusive and even raises his hand. Its painful relationship .. I have no children

      Please donot disclose my name


    • #310711 Responder

      How can you not want your name disclosed when you are so freely disclosing the name of your husband in the request? I just removed his name from the title. You need to walk in love. Anywhere else where you used his name on the internet you need to remove it.

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