Porn addiction

Portada Foros Prayer Requests Porn addiction

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    • #26200 Responder
      Andres Camacho

      Hi, I have been struggling with porn addiction ever since I am 10. I am now 34, and I have tried to stop before, but since I have been single for more than two years, it seems that my struggle has increased. This addiction is affecting my life in all ways. It is blocking my relationship with God, which is the main reason my life seems doomed. I appreciate your prayers, for I know that only through the power of God I will be able to overcome this battle. Thanks!

    • #26407 Responder

      Hi Andres, You did the first thing right which is to reach out and ask for help for this addiction. You are going to need to pray & fast and change a lot of your habits and routines in order to break this addiction. This addiction also affects your personal love relationships with others so it i important that you be free from this in order for you to have a healthy loving relationship with a woman. We are praying for you but you should also put yourself in an accountability group where you have someone that you trust keep you accountable as you recover from the addiction.

      We will be praying for you.

      God Bless

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