
Portada Foros Prayer Requests Marriage

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    • #319682 Responder

      I would like to request prayer for my marriage. We are going through a very rough patch to the point that my husband is on the fence of staying married. His faith has been teetering as well. I’m praying for him to have an encounter with Jesus and also fight for our marriage. This has been extremely painful for me and I don’t know what else to do.

    • #319722 Responder

      Hello Patricia i have being there too . I want to tell you God is faithful and love you and your family so much. If you are looking for someone to pray with you feel i would also love to share with you how God help me . Feel free to email me at Be bless

    • #319799 Responder

      God of restoration, I join Patricia in faith and petition for healing, reconciliation, redemption and strength for her marriage. Father, you know all things and we ask for mercy, grace, truth and righteousness to prevail. We ask that you grant repentance where it is needed and that there be a turning to your way and your will. We pray against the spirit of fear, anxiety, hostility and doubt and ask that you grant peace, wisdom, knowledge, grace and truth so that your will is done. Give Patricia the grace she needs to persevere and the ability to hear you and sit in the secret place as you guide and lead her. In Jesus name, Amen.

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