Someone praying for me in a dream

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    • #69066 Reply

      I had a dream I was in a classroom and the teacher walked to front, got everyone quiet and asked if anyone wanted prayer, to walk into another room and have someone pray for them. I walked in and the teacher himself came to me, put his arm around me and prayed for me. I specifically remember him praying for my marriage restoration (I’m standing for my marriage and waiting for God to bring my husband home). And then he kissed my cheek and we walked out. I walked to my chair and they started playing worship music. I saw my son dancing and singing to the music. And everyone else in the room started dancing and singing.

    • #69300 Reply

      Hi Jennifer,

      I believe that the Lord visited you in your dream and that the teacher in your dream is Jesus, the Rabbi and Good Shepherd. Being seated in the teacher’s classroom represents you being under the Lord’s tutelage. The teacher quieting the classroom represents the Lord quieting and calming the spirits of all those under His tutelage and care. (Mark 4:39) The teacher guiding and leading you and his other students to the other classroom for prayer represents Jesus shepherding and leading His followers to the Holy Spirit for prayer. For the Spirit helps us in our weakness. For we do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words. (Romans 8:26). I believe the teacher putting his arms around you and praying for you is Jesus coming to you personally and wrapping His arms around you to comfort and pray for you, in agreement with your marriage restoration. For we have not a high priest which cannot be touched with the feeling of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin (Hebrews 4:15). Jesus kissing your cheek indicates an intimate friendship between you and the Lord. Jesus and you walking out of the room together represents you and the Lord ending and settling the prayer on one accord and continuing in your fellowship of agreement. You went to sit in heavenly places in Christ where there is an atmosphere of praise of worship. Your son and those who were in this atmosphere were partaking in the adoration of the Lord.

    • #69358 Reply

      Thank you Deborah! My spirit agrees with you on this interpretation. How wonderful it is to know I have the Lord interceding and praying with me and agreeing for my marriage to be restored! He is the ultimate intercesspry. Praise God for He is good!

    • #69377 Reply

      Amen! Yes He is! Praise the Lord!

    • #287876 Reply

      Hello,I dreamt my grandma was praying for me in my dream.i went on my knees and she was speaking blessings as she prayed for me although she is dead and we’ve not buried her yet.

    • #289743 Reply

      I dreamt, a woman praying for me,they were many people, but she first chose to pray for me, and first asked me what do u want me to pray for u, i ask to her to pray for me for marriage bse i was tried wanted to settle, and told her to bless me.

      • #294999 Reply

        I dreamt a woman came in my road and I walked to her and she told me I smelled fowl but it’s wasn’t me, it was a demon inside me. She casted out the demon out of me. I was afloat on my back in the air a little of the ground. After my deliverance another pastor and his family came to visit me. These two people are famous in the Christian world. It means it’s time for our deliverance. #34 God wants you to be set free.

    • #296980 Reply

      I dreamt I was in a room where our grandmother used to stay..a man was sitted opposite me and in the middle was a woman covered with a cloth so I couldn’t see her face..the man started praying for me and I started feeling like I was being electrocuted. It happened 3 times and I woke up..the 3td time I started seeing my young brother sleeping and I was trying to ask for help from him while I was choking him

    • #299598 Reply

      So weird before I even read the whole post I knew that there was going to be an advance towards you. I would be cautious of getting too close with people of the opposite sex.

    • #300749 Reply

      I had a dream. I was sleeping on my bed and then woke up and found a group of men interceding and seriously praying. When I saw them these the words I said in the dream. “Thank you Lord for sending me angels to pray for me”. I was trying to leave the bed and join them in prayer but I couldn’t and they left and I also woke up. What does this dream mean?

    • #316480 Reply

      I had a dream that in the last part before I woke up I was at a church gathering and I was in this line of females and we were ask to come to the altar so while I was up there this women prayed over every female but when she got to me she took a lot longer then she did with anyone else praying. I’m pregnant and my life has been extremely stressful so when I looked down she had some type of oil on her hand rubbing on my stomach while praying for my son in tongues.

    • #317139 Reply

      Hello Hannah,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      Someone is heavily interceding for you. It could be a literal woman, the church, and/or the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah! I pray that the distress in your life abates and the the Prince of Peace wraps you in His Loving Arms in Jesus’s Almighty Name I pray, Amen!


    • #317969 Reply

      Last night I got a dream that a Warner man was praying for me. I was crying so much tears and he said I should tell my husband and my mom to call him that is the message of that dream please

    • #318212 Reply
      Oluwaseyi Adelowo

      In my dream I saw a man as I came out of a certain place like my room the man looks like an Arab man standing at the entrance, and I asked’ who are you, he replied me he said I am God and I asked him will you pray for me he said yes then I embrace him he forced me on my kneel and lay hands on me and pray.
      Please what is the meaning of the dream.

    • #318985 Reply

      Hello Oluwaseyi,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share back to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      Who do you think the Arab man was? Reflect deeply on the actions and what He did for you. Whose nature is like that? 🙂


    • #325789 Reply

      Hello, i dreamed last night that i was among a group of old highschool classmates, and one of them who i haven’t seen in 20years, pulled me aside and held my hands started praying profusely for me.
      Note that I’ve been going through extreme struggles & stagnancy for the last 3yrs.. she prayed intensely that i experience restoration.
      Then she kept declaring “move to where you’re supposed to be!” At the end then she said “i see the chains being loosened from you”.
      Please kindly help interprete rhis confusing dream as me & this girl weren’t even buddies in high school.
      Thanks in anticipation

    • #339237 Reply

      I dreamt of having stomach upset and a woman came, placed her hand on my stomach and prayed for me. I later gave her money as an seed offering.

    • #342953 Reply

      I had a dream about my male friend, I asked him for a financial support in the dream and he said he doesn’t have but he started praying for me instead, pls what does it mean?

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