Prayer for marriage restoration and financial breakthrough

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    • #156276 Reply
      Ntombizodwa Nobela


      I need your prayers regarding my marriage.  My husband and I dated for 6 years before we got married and we have 3 kids.  My husband drinks a lot and most of our fights are because of alcohol. He is also very controlling and emotionally abusive. Ever since we got married he has kicked me out of the house 3 times and I’ve realised that he does this when I’m unemployed. He’s never done that when I have a job, it’s his way or the high way kind of attitude. 

      I’ve talked myself into divorcing him a couple of times but I don’t want the devil to win as he has taken so much from me already.  Also my husband is a very good man when he’s not doing these evil things.  I’m a born again christian and really trying to do the right thing but it’s really hard.  In a space of 4 months I’ve lost my dad, my job and now it seems like I’m losing my marriage too.

      I’ve prayed, fasted and asked other Christian’s to pray with me and I’m tired now. We have been leaving apart since 2 and a half weeks ago.  Sometimes I wonder if I married the wrong person or if it is in God’s will for this marriage to succeed.  I am out of options, what I do know is that if my husband won’t change his selfish ways I definitely don’t want him back because we’ll be right where we started.

      I also need prayers to find a job and be financially independent.  I can see that the devil is playing tricks with me because when my husband pulled the stunt of putting me ou of the house for the first time; I could see that I was in a spiritual warfare and as a result of that my husband and I reconciled and he accepted Jesus as his Lord and saviour on the 15th December 2019 and got baptized in February this year.  

      I know that God will finish what he started with him as he has done with me.  I’m tired though of being in this situation.  The other thing that he does is that everytime we have major problems, we move house as per his recommendations against my will. We have been to counseling with a therapist and our pastor but it seems that nothing is changing.  He blames me for everything including his drinking even though he drank before we met.

      I really am desperate for your prayers!

    • #157935 Reply

      I great you in the name of Our Lord and saviour. My marriage has been on the rock for past 8 years, I would say since we married and it escalated to where I fully dependent to my husband financial and things are out of hand as he expect me to understand that since he provide I should be greatful and not question infedility.
      What hurts most is that mostly it’s not one woman and in every crew there is always someone we know and married to family friend or relative and this cuts deep especially because he discuss our marriage challenges with these women and if it’s family friend (women) it’s hard to move from that betrayal and also he is not apologetic and forcefully expect me to understand that it’s no big deal. I am drained and it affects our kids and for past 5 months we only sharing a bedroom but there is no intimacy or whatsoever and all he is saying is I must do what I want to do he won’t change at least not for me (exact his words) on the other side he is possessive and even going to the mall for me starts a fight as he always accuse me that I want to cheat or chase men and it is not fair I feel imprisoned by a husband that I actually don’t have. For the longest I’ve been trying to live with this but I can’t take it anymore, it’s draining life out of me; every part of me hurt. Pleas pray with me that God guise me and what I should do

    • #158865 Reply

      Please pray for Mario, (son in law) to be saved, delivered, be filled with The Holy Spirit and be reconciled to his wife Mandy, and his 3 kids in Christ Jesus our Lord. God Bless.

    • #164023 Reply

      Greetings ,I am 8yrs in marriage my husband just packed his stuff and leave me with kids without notifying me,I need prayer

    • #344182 Reply

      My husband left me but he does not want a divorce. I need prayer for him to get saved and get back to Jesus. Being first in his life instead of the streets. He fell for lust in Midlife Crisis years. I pray fir b reconciliation

    • #344194 Reply

      Father of mercy, have mercy on Thembekile and her husband. We ask for grace upon grace to heal, restore and realign this marriage. We ask that your convicting power move and that for your name’s sake that both of these souls turn to you and submit. Grant repentance, sanctify and consecrate them. May the fear of the Lord be upon them and may their minds be stayed on you and may they trust you wholeheartedly. In Jesus name, amen.

    • #344195 Reply

      Waymaker, redeemer and restorer, I come in agreement with Michelle and ask for your saving power and grace to move in this situation. We ask for soft, yielding hearts and hearts and minds submitted to you. May your love and the fear of you bring Michelle and her husband to unity, peace, righteousness and reconciliation. Amen.

    • #346470 Reply

      I need prayer my husband and I have gotten on good terns but it a woman from his past the devil trying to intervene her because she has his daughter and just as when him and I was getting back on track . They got into a fight . The daughter and mother and he went down to Texas. Pray with me that God keep him to stick to plan on why he went down there and to nothing else. I am praying that my husband be not weak to temptation. Let him have a strong mind and see her for who she is and why he not with her in the first place. Let him have a forgiven heart but let him feel the love for me and let him still feel empty around her as love feeling. God every time he around her let him see me and remind him what he has as a wife at home. God let his mind heart feel that those grand children cannot bring them back as a couple. They are just got to be there for them. Lord let my husband see her as she is a gold digger. Please God intercede now in Jesus name Amenand thank God. Let him God home to love ,joy , peace, and harmony with me. I know my husband is going threw a phase. Wrapped your arms around him Lird. Remove him from destruction. Let her be angry about something or he just do not feel right over there in Jesus name without my present. Whatever she the Jezebel spirit. T as ke the weakness from him make him strong. God I put all my help, trust and faith in you that you bring us back together us back together as one flesh in Jesus name I pray Amen. For the rest of his trip let him feel that it wrong and let him come with a small bug and he got to stay st his room unbothered. Thank you Jesus. I praying in to existence. I want my husband and I under the same roof I jan1 2025 renew out vows in 2025. Thank you Jesus for your mercy and grace

    • #346543 Reply

      James 4

      Submit Yourselves to God
      4 What causes fights and quarrels among you? Don’t they come from your desires that battle within you? 2 You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have because you do not ask God. 3 When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.

      4 You adulterous people,[a] don’t you know that friendship with the world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. 5 Or do you think Scripture says without reason that he jealously longs for the spirit he has caused to dwell in us[b]? 6 But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says:

      “God opposes the proud
      but shows favor to the humble.”[c]

      7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.

      Father of grace, justice and truth, I pray that Michelle is able to take captive every thought and make it obedient to you. I pray Michelle set her mind on things above and not on earthly things. I pray the fruit of the Spirit be her guide in this situation and that she is able to hear your voice over her flesh, her wants and her desires. May Michelle yield, surrender and seek first your kingdom and your righteousness as you say everything will be given to us when we do. I pray a mantle of repentance over this marriage and I pray a fear of the Lord that will soften hearts and close doors to the enemy. May you destroy by fire any and all idolatry, lust, unforgiveness, doubt, pride and resentment. Not by might, nor by power but by your Spirit. I pray Michelle and her husband walk in obedience to your commands as you say if we are willing and obedient they will eat the good of the land. I pray healing over Michelle’s heart and I ask for strength and courage to obey, trust and love. Glorify you name and grant this couple the ability to comprehend your will and way for them. Amen.

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