Prayer for Mark (Salvation, addiction, overcoming obesity)

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      Chris Nihmey

      Hello there,

      Please pray for Mark H. Mark is a kid I babysat. Vibrant, full of life, active, and carefree. Mark is now 44 and dealing with heavy addiction & a loss of purpose and direction in his life. He quit drinking over a year ago (20+ years of addiction), however, he now has type-2 diabetes, is 250 pounds, and has no drive or ambition. Much is due to another addiction: marijuana. It has a strong grip on him. He spends $500 a month on it and smokes all day in his bachelor pad. It has taken away so much (his enjoyment and motivation to do anything). He doesn’t work and spends his days on movies and YouTube. He collects government funding for disability; however, it is marijuana causing his social anxiety. The one positive in his life is his writing. He currently wrote an incredible movie script. I worked alongside him. It has so much potential.

      Mark is a wonderful friend. We reunited a year ago after his father passed. I want so much for him. He’s finally making changes. He is lowering the amount of marijuana he buys and reducing sugar in his diet. This is a challenge, but he’s doing it. I made a chart for him to track the changes. Please pray for Mark. Pray that he is successful in this endeavour. Pray that he starts walking more. Pray that he makes healthy choices and can find more motivation and purpose. The script is amazing but does have some inappropriate use of God’s name. Though it fits the character in the movie, I am going to attempt to get him to adjust this. Please pray that he agrees without arguing or frustration.

      Mark used to live a gang life. He often curses, is bitter at times, and is unforgiving to people who’ve hurt him. He was sexually abused as a kid, and this still sits with him. I see so much potential in him. He is compassionate and appreciative and has a lot to offer the world (he truly loves his niece and nephew). I want so much for him to make these changes. He does believe in Christ and hopes to be in Heaven. But he does need to turn his whole life to Christ to be fully saved from this life. Please pray that he turns his life to Christ and finds a new life following our Lord. I do my best to guide him to this. Please open his mind and heart to receive Christ fully so that he follows Him lifelong, saved for Eternity. He has changed his tune in life since we began chatting over a year ago. Pray that these changes continue. Thank you. God bless.


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