Prayer for Healing and Protection

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    • #291834 Reply
      Ms. House

      Hello prayer warriors!

      Thank you for praying for me. I have been sick and have been taking my medication prescribed from the doctor to help me. But I recently had a dream, and it was terrible, and I believe it was an attack or what the enemy is trying to do or perhaps have been doing. I believe the sickness I have had has been an attack by the enemy and he wants to attack me again. I am praying for complete healing (physical, mental, spiritual) in Jesus name! I am praying for protection for myself and my family in Jesus name. I am not perfect, I have fallen short from His glory, daily. I have repented of my sins, and I still fall short, but I do not want to be attacked by the enemy in such a way. I need that door to be closed in Jesus name! I want to please God and I want to do what is right before Him, but I don’t know what to do but to pray against this. Please pray for me and my family in Jesus name! Thank you so much.

    • #293023 Reply

      Hello Ms House,

      I am praying and fasting for your healing and protection. I pray that Jesus rebukes the enemy from you to make way for your complete spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. I pray for our strengthened faith as we pray and fast for your needs.

      I too have an illness. This has been a long term infection causing me a hernia. I am praying and fasting for my healing needs before any cancer can happen. I thank you for your prayers and fasting (if willing) for this. I will continue to pray and fast for your needs. God has been answering my prayers while I fast as well. Together we can be even stronger and strengthen our shield of faith.

      Thank you,

      In Jesus overcoming name and for His sake,


    • #301243 Reply

      Shalom my house,
      I first want to speak the peace of God in your life, by declaring over you right now that you are no longer under any condemnation for we who are in Christ Jesus, but the devil is. I pray that you are released from condemnation in Jesus name and be free from your sin in Jesus mighty name. I ask that every door that has been opened in your life that is giving the enemy access to your emotions, family, life be shut today in Jesus name. For every door that Jesus opened no one can shut and every door he close no one can open. May every door Jesus has not opened in your life be shut and every door that has been shut be opened in Jesus mighty name.
      I pray our Abba Father gives you the grace to behold his beloved son, listen to him, wait on him and obey him, so in his timing your freedom will come to you speedily by the same spirit that raised Jesus from the grave, will raise your mortal body to life by his blood, word and spirit, in Jesus name I pray. Remember God is faithful and God loves us very much, for his love for us cannot be measured, so dont allow the devil to make you feel bad for falling. As long as you repent and ask for his forgiveness, he forgave you long time ago at the cross and remember this in dining with him often in communion and proclaim this over your situation for you to receive peace. Communion helped me a lot when I faced the same condemnation and attack on the mind. Keep on renewing your mind with his words, if you are unable to read his word, put on audio and listen to it at night or when you are driving. May he send his messenger to your help, as your help comes from the Lord, maker of heaven and earth, he will not allow your foot to be moved. Lord, you are this persons refuge and fortress, keep him or her there till the storm pass away in Jesus name. Thank you Jesus for you mercy, grace and love you are showing on this person for your name same. Amen.

    • #301244 Reply

      Good Morning,
      I am praying in Jesus name, for you complete healing in your body.By faith, I believe by Jesus stripes, you were healed. The LORD forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases (Psalm 103:3). My light shall breakforth like the morning and your healing shall spring forth speedily (Is 58:8) AMEN.

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