Getting into an elevator

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    • #313395 Reply

      Hello,God bless you.I dreamt that I was trying to catch and elevator to go down but everytime I went other people would jump in.So the door opened when another elevator came and it was narrow inside and it was brown with brown curtain in front of the door And I don’t think brown is a good color and I was going down in elevators to leave the building and not enter.I am not living in sin.Can you tell me what this means Thank you.Enjoy your day

    • #313512 Reply

      Hello Maureen,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share back to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      Context is imperative in dream interpretation and colours can have both negative and positive meaning. In the context of your dream, the dream could be suggesting that there is an opportunity that you’ve been missing (people vying with you to get on the elevator) but you will get an opportunity in a “narrow” (think of it as a “slim” opportunity) and it might be a “humble” (brown)one. Humble in the sense that the opportunity might not be what you expected or you might get it because of your humility. God may have seen your struggles and will reward you with this opportunity.

      I don’t think it is a bad dream at all, rather one of encouragement 🙂


      • #313564 Reply

        Good afternoon,F.E. thank you for the holy spirit leading.After people was that vying meaning trying or something.I praise God for the opportunity.Have a beautiful upcoming week and remainder of the weekend.

    • #314094 Reply

      You are welcome and may Yahweh be praised!


    • #317205 Reply
      Dee T

      Whenever I think of elevators, I think “elevation”. A question: why were you wanting to go down? Unless this is a call to humble yourself so that in due season the Lord will lift you up/exalt you.
      Every Time you tried to go somewhere, others jumped in before you. Do not know of you are waiting on God to do something for you, but does it seem like every time you try to make a move, others go on ahead of you?
      I keep thinking about the lame man at the waterfront . Others would get in this pool but he hesitated because noone would help him in. I encourage you to be proactive about what you’d like the Lord to do for you. Don’t just wait/sit back and watch others gets their breakthroughs and progress. Get yours too!! Hope this helps.


    • #317252 Reply

      God bless you Dee and yes thank you it does.I agree with elevation and that yes sometimes you have to humble yourself appreciate it

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