Dream interpretation

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    • #253298 Reply

      My dream on the 14th of January 2022. I was doing a Daniel fast. I was in a local church and they were having a feast. They asked me to eat with them but I refused saying am fasting. I opened my eyes and slept again and the dream continued. They kept persuading to have some food and everything there were foods I should not eat on a Daniel fast. After a while I started eating some meats and they even packed me some to go home with and then i woke up and prayed. I started praying against it initially because when I was young I learnt that eating in the dream was bad but o the other hand I thought what if it was something good. I later asked God to please clarify me but I’ve not received any other dream.
      Please I would like an interpretation of this dream. Thank you and God bless.

    • #253746 Reply

      Hello Jovita,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      I don’t think the food that the church was offering you was physical food. I think it is an invitation to “dine” with them to partake of meat (learn with them) in the things of God. Meat sometimes refers to mature teaching of the Word of God and I believe that it is what it signifies in the context of your specific dream. May the Holy Spirit give you clarity regarding with local church/ ministry/ and/ or group of believers to grow with spiritually in Jesus’s Almighty Name I pray, Amen!


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