Victory over stagnation at work, equality & success of my employer

Portada Foros Prayer Requests Victory over stagnation at work, equality & success of my employer

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    • #324476 Responder

      1.Please pray for my Section to receive victory over stagnation at the workplace. We have been employed in the same grade for 13 years, others more. We have been the most overlooked section. There has been minimal career progression. Please pray for our section to be upgraded, and to receive a good structure, an increased pay grade and good terms of employment. Please pray for us to receive promotions with increased salaries and benefits for promotion comes from God.
      Psalm 75:6-7
      King James Version
      6 For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south.
      7 But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another.

      2. Please pray for the success and profitability of my employer. Please pray for God to give wisdom to our Board, Management and all who have charge over us.

      3. Please pray for equality at my workplace. Please pray that house allowance is equal for all employees. Please also pray for us to receive bonuses and please let them be equal. Please also pray for harmonization and increase of pay bands at the workplace to reduce the gap between the higher earning employees and lower earning employees.

    • #325051 Responder

      Father I pray with June for divine promotion. I pray that you will balance the scales in her workplace. I pray that Lord she will be compensated for all the years she was overlooked. That just as the king couldn’t sleep and was reminded of overlooking Mordecai’s service (Esther 6), you will cause those in authority to have no rest until they have given her her due. Let the stagnation be broken in Jesus name! We also pray, O God, for the prosperity of her employers in Jesus name. Thank you Lord, that your blessing makes rich and adds no sorrow. Bless them Lord. We ask this in Jesus name! Amen!

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