I Need An Interpretation

Portada Foros Dream Interpretation I Need An Interpretation

  • Este debate tiene 33 respuestas, 2 mensajes y ha sido actualizado por última vez el hace 9 meses por F.E..
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    • #14071 Responder

      I have been waiting on the Lord privately and was getting set to participate in our church’s 30 days fast. We were to begin the fast on the 27th of February, 2016 so we went to church on the 25th and the Senior Pastor was admonishing everyone to make sure they wait on the Lord and also the theme of the fast is «Lord, show me your glory» based on Exodus 33:18.
      While in church I was praying for revelation and guidance specifically using Jeremiah 33:3.

      Later that night at about 2am I woke up from a dream.

      This was the dream I had, I was with some friends/business associates it seemed and we had just finished from an engagement and decided to stop at a mall to get something to eat, while they went inside I was outside discussing with someone and then I later went inside. I found out that they had already placed orders for food and when it was my turn to collect mine, my food was already packed up in a take-away pack while theirs was served in plates. I started protesting that I wanted my food served in a plate as I wanted to eat there but the waiter refused listening to me. In anger I left my already packed meal and went outside to eat at another restaurant I had spotted which had bright signs. On getting outside I found out I kept walking without reaching this other restaurant and I eventually noticed that the streets were getting very dark, I also realised I was not seeing the restaurant anymore and I had walked a long way from where my friends were. Immediately I realised this I started looking for a street sign and I saw one which showed I was on a circular road so I decided to retrace my steps back to where I had come from.

      When i started walking back I then noticed where I had come from and was walking briskly to get there then all of a sudden 3 persons were in front of me, I past 2 of them and then when I tried passing the 3rd person she was blocking my path, eventually I passed her but she (a dirty and smelly creature) then ran in front of me screaming and making threatening gestures that why should I go past her, in the heat of argument one of the people I passed earlier now said, «let us see how you will pass us» then a passerby now told me in the dream that the man was a wicked police officer. I then woke up from the dream and prayed against every spirit that wanted to encircle me in stagnation and hinder me from discovering my purpose in God and returning to Him.

      Strangely enough on the 26th a day before we began the fast, I and a colleague were taken to the anti-corruption agency and were to be taken to Abuja where we would have been held in custody over a matter involving my company’s CEO but God intervened because when we got to the Airport and they had even purchased tickets for us, the flight was delayed and eventually my colleague’s uncle had gotten in touch with some highly placed persons who then requested we should be released.

    • #14086 Responder

      Hi Ebimo,

      We don’t think you need interpretation for the dream as it was exactly what happened to you on the 26th. One thing you need to keep in mind, the food that you are waiting on is something from God. Sometimes God will bring things to you that may not look exactly like what you were expecting. Before you turn anything down, pray about it and ask the Lord if it is in fact Him. Your blessing may not look like what you anticipated.

    • #20058 Responder
      Keryn Coates

      🙂 Hi Ebimo,
      I believe that the place that you are currently worshipping or working is not the place that God wants for you. God has a different plan for you. You may really want to be at that church or in that workplace but God has a better plan for your life. God does not want you to be angry with Him or others because you have to leave this place that you want to be, where you may feel safe and comfortable. Your anger will put you in danger from the attacks of the enemy and will prevent you from seeing where God wants you to go from here.

    • #50989 Responder

      I believe you did a good thing by not eating in your dream. Eating in your dream has been associated with being spiritually poisoned or negative. That was God who interceded in the spiritual realm, so that what happened in the physical world where you were released could happen. Those creatures/people in your dream who were trying to prevent you from going pass them, was exactly what happened to you at the airport. Good call on immediately waking up pand rebuking and canceling the dream.

    • #59893 Responder
      Lourdes Murzello

      Do u understand dreams


    • #81134 Responder
      Amanda Torres

      I first dreamed of guys with needles all over their bodies killing other men i could hear the puncturing of the bodies i could see the death and I was witnessing it like I was on a tour then I was in Israel on a trip we had just visited the tomb then we were in a building looking at things…I dont know never was there but this building we were on the 3rd floor…well for some reason I was feeling a bit like I had vertigo but I then was wondering is it me or an earthquake but it went on for a minute or two all of a sudden it was clear as the ground shook and I was hearing a loud voice as if it was over a sound system but our building came detached immediately and was falling to the ground the voice was still speaking and I started praying and saying In the name of jesus i was crying by now as I was doing this the voice was becoming clear and was saying to jump I finally got up got a window open hit out a screen and jumped out with a baby that I had been holding already in my arms and the ground was right there. I then woke up

    • #81870 Responder
      Veronica Hardman-Chinn

      My friend had a dream from which she woke with tears running down her cheeks. she dreamt she opened a book and on the page was watercolour paintings that was running as if misty, next page the same, next page was a figure looking like Jesus, She said ‘Thats Jesus, the figure had long hair like the pics we see of Jesus. She said He’s hair is very long and someone told her he’s hair is as strong as 6 mens hair. next page she saw two hands that looks like doves and at the top she saw her friend and someone said to her these hands will take care of you. then she woke up crying and went downstairs she couldn’t go back to sleep.

    • #88290 Responder

      Hi. I was unable to leave a reply sooner. I prayed the prayer on 27 February about a ministry I thought the Lord wanted me to do. It was a table talk discussion about God and His goodness – various topics where ladies could discuss anything but afterward, we see what God has to say about the topic from His Word.
      So before I went to bed I asked God to show me the secret things about my ministry and I had this dream (it was before midnight). I was in the house and I thought I will quickly go to the shop. The road was a bit treacherous with kinks and curves in the road and it had some shallow tar patches out of the road. I had to dodge and I thought let me turn back because something told me to turn back. And as I turned back, it sounded like big stones/rocks falling from the sky (heaven) but none of it landed on my car. I could hear it – it was scary. I made it in time. Got home. There was a maid cleaning and I said I need to use the bathroom and I went to the toilet and I woke up. I remember I started to pray when I got to the house. I said Lord forgive me, forgive for anything and everything I have done. I was scared that it was fire and brimstone and that I was not going to heaven and was still in the house/earth.
      But I am a born again, spirit filled believer sold out to God so I don’t quite know. I have subsequently stopped the ministry because I thought it might not have been from God at the time. Would you agree with me for a complete interpretation and revelation. I believe I have received bits and pieces so far.

    • #129434 Responder
      Lori A Colacone

      April 29, 2015 Early in the morning I had a dream that all my daycare kids my staff me and my husband were all on the cover of Tv guide. And my husband Jimmy and I bought a bunch of copies and passed them out to all the children of the daycare and told them to save them as keepsakes so when they had children they could show them they were on the cover of Tv guide. Then a few minutes later another dream came and I saw a huge green garden no flowers, no color just green it was so enticing almost inviting and I heard a voice say CHOOSE WHICH ONE? And I said I choose the garden and the voice said it will cost you something, carry my purpose.
      This was brought back to my remembrance this week. If you could help I would really appreciate it. Thank you Lori Colacone.

      • #315179 Responder

        The tv guide portion is about worldliness, pride and worldly achievement. The green garden is paradise. The Lord has something He wants you to accomplish but perhaps you are distracted by worldly achievement. He wants you to choose whom you will serve.

    • #129622 Responder
      Lisa Doutherd

      I dreamed of a red bird like a parakeet was flying in my home. I laid down a woke up and the parakeet was under my blanket but one of its wings was broken. i tried to figure out how to fix it so the bird could be released out of my home.

    • #129665 Responder

      My friend had a dream about me in a green dress and i said to her that i am doing some towel treatment and i was looking very beautiful. what does that mean?

    • #250768 Responder

      Hello Melissa,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      You are/were in the process of learning to be a servant leader.


    • #251914 Responder

      I have dreamed that when am putting my bra on I suddenly feel very weak and slow motion. Then I am with my sister unconscious in a scooter and a child is running after us I keep on pushing the child to leave us but he insisted. Then a colleague from work ame in a bike and brought us home. There is a party in our house and my father who passed away was there and my mother welcomed us. When I tell them what happen they don’t believe….I feel very tired when I woke up….please help me interpret this dream thank you

    • #251915 Responder

      I have dreamed that when am putting my bra on I suddenly feel very weak and slow motion. Then I am with my sister unconscious in a scooter and a child is running after us I keep on pushing the child to leave us but he insisted. Then a colleague from work ame in a bike and brought us home. There is a party in our house and my father who passed away was there and my mother welcomed us. When I tell them what happen they don’t believe….I feel very tired when I woke up….please help me interpret this dream thank you

    • #252019 Responder
      Shelia Hughes

      I had a dream I was in the parking lot with the children and I told them let’s go and see Jesus we went into this vacant building we enter into this room there was a computer the kids an I sat in front of the computer I then turn it on everything was black and then the picture was blurry as the picture got clearer I saw the back of Jesus descending from the water with his hands was outstretched I was amazed to see this and then the screen went black. I woke up

    • #252021 Responder
      Shelia Hughes

      I had a dream that I was in the parking lot of an abandoned church with a group of kids and I told them come on and let’s go see Jesus so we went into the building and we went to this room where there was a computer sitting on the table so the kids gather around me as I tur the computer everything was black and then then it became blurry and as it became clearer I seen Jesus descending from the water with his hands reaching towards heaven the water flowing down his back was a beautiful sight to see then the computer went black and I woke up.

    • #252717 Responder

      I was at the chiropractor. When it was time for my appointment, he was playing with his kids the whole time and kept looking over to see if I was watching him. I felt awkward. I wanted to leave, but I already paid to see him so I stayed.

      Next scene, I was having a baby. I was there with another mom who was giving birth to her 5th baby. The hospital room was like a garage with medical supplies in it.
      After I had the baby, I was walking out to the car with my mom. There was a fire truck parked beside us and the firefighters waiting by the truck had a mini-Doberman . They said they got it from the SPCA. I ended up keeping it and taking it home, intending to bring it back to the SPCA.
      Then I had 2 mini-dogs on a leash. Not sure where the 2nd dog came from.
      I was happy to keep them and tried walking them all down the street, along with our dog that we have in real life.
      The whole dream felt like it took place in the town I grew up in while I was living with my mom and dad in real life(except for the chiropractor part).

    • #252808 Responder
      Lindi Garner

      Hello I have been in 2 minds about getting the vaccine in order for me to go on a Esther Israel tour in March with the pastor and counselor thst take the tour. I knw them both and I had a dream of me and the counselor which is a close friend of mine, thst I helped her open and organise a coffee shop. I don’t knw if this is conformation for me to go or what it means. My home is Israel and I knw I’ve been called for Israel. Pls help

    • #254396 Responder

      Good day

      I am emailing you to ask if you could interpret a dream I had for me.
      I had such a vivid dream that I’m not sure what it means. So in this dream I was in some sort of a competition of eating mud, and what happened is that before this competition started I was helping out in setting up but also participated in the competition itself. So when this competition started, I quickly grabbed alot of wet mud and went hiding in place and ate a bit and the rest of it i threw it away and I come out. When they had to announce the two winners I was part of the 4 chosen to win and it was kinda difficult for them to choose which 2 won and from there I woke up. This dream is confusing to me.

      I hope to hear from you soon


    • #255720 Responder

      Hello Kendra,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      God is to bring alignment in your life, be patient. You will also birth something. Guard the «something» as the enemy comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Do not let your compassion for others/interests jeopardize your ability to care and nurture this baby/something.


    • #255721 Responder

      Hello Onkarabetse,

      This dream was answered elsewhere.


    • #255744 Responder

      Hello Sheila,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      What came to mind that your usual physical place of fellowship/church may not be where God wants you to be, His Presence might have departed and that’s why it was «abandoned.» Perhaps, He is calling you to attend an online service, group even if things might be «blurry» or not appear to work/function smoothly initially.


    • #257439 Responder
      Maria Oramas

      I dreamed that I was working in my last job and all of the sudden I realize that I was no supposed to be there. Then I asked myself how did attained accees to the place since I did not have badge. My previous employment was for an airline so I was inside the airport. So I am trying to figure out how to get out before Soneone sees me. So I said I dont need to take anything with me because I removed everything previously. But I took 2 pens. The i asked a lady to see if she could help me out of the secure are so I can get my car out of the garage and go home. The lady had a green bag and as we walk to the back of the airport she hands this set of beautiful dangling earings. So as we approach the gate see everyone using there badge to go out and we past someone that i knew but I hid my upper part of my body so she could not see I did not have badge. At all this I had not telling the lady that I did nit have a badge because I did not wanted her to get in trouble. So I saw a narrow pass way were people werw exiting with out a badge to I told is through there. When we exit I noticed that there was no access to the main street. So I told her lets go back to see if we can find a way out. Then I told her that i did not have a badge and she took hers off her neck and we kept on looking. Then i noticed a pass way with a gate door were people were just using a button for the gate to open and I told her ok through there and it was the access to the main street, but she told me she could not go with me because she had more merchandise to receive like jewelry. Then one the person in front pushed the button I walk right behind and I was finally outside then I woke up.

    • #257736 Responder

      Hello Maria,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      You are in a waiting mode before a big «take off» either in your destiny, ministry, or career. Practice integrity (regardless of how dire things might be or desperate that you are) and do not force yourself on others or try to push open doors that I not meant for you. You need to hear from the Lord and you are in need of direction for the next stage in your life.

      Please pray for clarity for His next move for you and for patience for His Timing and Will.


    • #281575 Responder
      Debby Pilker

      Dreamt I was driving a white ford bronco on a wide-open frozen Nebraskan tundra. Road only somewhat visible. I stopped the truck when I came to 3 white wolves. I got out (don’t know why). Something told me to get back in and at that point I felt wary of them. As I drove off, 2 wolves looked around not paying me any mind. The 3rd wolf was now decapitated and alive and it’s eyes looked fearful while following as I drove past.

    • #281577 Responder
      Debby Pilker

      Dreamt it was night and I was in possibly an orchard. 3 trees around me. I approached the 1st to pick some fruit and discovered a snake so I moved to the next one. The 2nd tree looked safe but I found a well hidden snake that I didn’t see immediately. The 3rd tree also had a snake and I immediately decapitated it with a shovel.

    • #283541 Responder

      Hello Debby,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      Dream #1- There are three individuals somewhere in the journey of your life that are not whom they are appear to be, they could be wolves in sheep’s clothing and/or legalistic Christians. The third one may/will turn over a new leaf and would be remorseful.

      Dream #2- There are three leaders in your environment that I not walking/teaching the truth.

      Sadly, your environment is dangerous, Debby. I pray that the Holy Spirit gives you clarity either to leave or address these issues, confront the leaders or pray for their true colours to be revealed. It appears that you are supposed to take action and not let the lie/deception linger as per the final scene of your second dream. Both dreams are related and I sense have parallels! Remain in purity and do not tolerate any dilution of the pure Word of God.


    • #283656 Responder
      Michell K Newcombe

      In my dream, I was standing in a room, the walls were soft like silk, and there were clear beads on the walls, I walked over to the wall and touched one of the beads, and it broke and dripped down my arm, all of a sudden I was out and I was looking down at what I was in, It wasn’t a room at all, I was standing in the middle of a white rose.

    • #285160 Responder

      Hello Michelle,
      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      You are deeply cherished by the Most High God! Thank God that «walls» are breaking/falling down! You alone know what this «wall(s)» represent.


    • #285780 Responder
      Ida Pennington

      I had requested a interpretation of a dream I’m not sure if you have received it. In my dream I went into a garden there was a man working in it he neither looked up nor spoke, the ground had been broken up but still had work to be done in it ,there was so much fertilizer on the ground that in real life it wouldn’t be possible to plant because the fertilizer would burn up the tender plants. I was so excited to get to my garden but when I got there I stepped upon the bank looked over and someone took my garden and built a road I knew I couldn’t move the road people needed it to get to where they were going but as I looked I felt powerless there was nothing I could do and there wasn’t enough ground left for me to use, I saw someone walking onthe road that was built through my garden I looked to the right and immediately a corn field came in view there was no beginning and no end the corn was young about half grown and a beautiful healthy green never saw any corn like it in my life it was beautiful all at once there came a divider through and divided me a portion of the corn it did seem to be a small portion considering how much corn that was there and right before I woke up a thought of my husband was in my mind. Please if you can help me understand this dream.

    • #287099 Responder

      Hello Ida,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      Perhaps, the dream is speaking of the labourious work that you have put into something (e.g., project, work, service of some kind) and you experienced some division (could be in support, people, thought, etc) of some kind. Be encouraged that you will bear fruit, will be rewarded (provision) in spite of it all.


    • #291252 Responder
      Michell K Newcombe

      I can’t remember if this was a vision or a dream. I opened my bible and, in all of the empty spaces, were written in Hebrew, I couldn’t understand who did this, and I couldn’t interpret it. I was thinking about who I could find that could tell me what it say’s. That is it.

    • #317119 Responder

      Hello Michelle,

      Thank you for sharing your dream/vision with us. Please take everything that I share back to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      Has the Lord given you an interpretation?


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