Using my car to pick a Minister and the Guava tree whose fruits were not ripe

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    • #254910 Reply

      I had a dream that a very well know prominent minister of the gospel whose name is Joshua was being conveyed to a conference where he was going to minister with my car. I was in total shock and wondered why they had to use my car,I felt they should have used a better car…mine old and rakeetee. I felt he deserved better.,.but I realised that he was comfortable with it and he sat on the passengers side. I wasn’t the one driving . Protocol picked him . Then I woke up.

      Can any one help me interprete this dream.

      I also had another dream where I saw a guava tree with lots of guava fruits on it and the looked ripe but me mum kept telling me they weren’t ripe yet. I really wanted to get one( I love guavas) then finally I saw one ripe guava high up the tree , higher than all the others and I thought wow at last I have found one let me pluck it…then I woke up .

    • #255069 Reply

      Hello Jessica,

      Thank you for sharing your dream with us. Please take everything that I share to the Holy Spirit as He Alone gives the accurate interpretation.

      Dream #1-
      God wants to use you for a mission/ministry but you feel inadequate. Rest assured that He believes that you are capable and the Holy Spirit will drive the car (whatever it is that He is calling you do do)

      Dream #2-
      All that glitters is not gold. Something fruitful is coming to you but it is not time yet for you to partake of it. It will bring you elevation above others. Be patient and trust the Holy Spirit’s timing.


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