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I receive psalm 34 for you, Donna.
Heavenly Father, I humble myself before You for my sister Donna and her child. I stand at the gap for her. I praise You and thank You for Your faithfulness in her life, for the roof over her head and for the food You give her. You are a good father, You promised You won’t give her stones when she is asking for bread. Dad, I commit Donna and her child into Your loving hands. Please, continue to provide shelter and food for them. Bless the bank they’re dealing with. Touch the heart of the officer in charge. Open the floodgates of heaven for a supernatural, financial provision for Donna. Please, bless the work of her hands, provide a door of opportunity she will be able to walk through, so that she can earn the money that she needs for her bills, and to care for her household. Lord I pray that it be pure hands that we’re lifting toward You right now, so please, forgive us our sins, even the ones we’re not aware of, and cleanse us of our iniquities. I believe that Your will is good, and perfect, and that You have a plan for Donna’s life. I pray, IJN, that Your will be done in her life from the moment of this prayer until she sees You face to face. Please, as You fight her battle, surround her with Your perfect peace.

Thank You for delivering Donna from all of her troubles (ps 34: 18-19). Please, glorify Your name in her life.

