Reply To: Prayer for healing of pinched nervein my neck and stenosis of the spine

Home Forums Prayer Requests Prayer for healing of pinched nervein my neck and stenosis of the spine Reply To: Prayer for healing of pinched nervein my neck and stenosis of the spine

Kaylan Russell

Francis D., my neighbor is diagnosed w/ spinal stenosis. It will cause her pain, but also experience financial hardship. He is 64. Help w/ prayer in the following: Jesus, thank you for the kindness you share w/ your daughter & thank you for her life. Forgive her sins. Care for her only like you do and continue to do.
We request the following on behalf of Francis. Jesus create the Restoration of healthy tissue; complete healing – no pain; wholeness of her body; lastly, no expenses beyond her control.
Thank you Lord for hearing our request. Through the blood of Jesus and his mighty name – amen.