Prophetic Word for September 2017 – 40 Days of Favor!

Prophetic Word September 2017 - ElulThis is the sixth month on the Hebraic Calendar and it is the month of Elul.  The dates are August 22 – September 22. This is the prophetic word for September 2017

This month is the month when preparation are made for the High Holidays which is Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, which is the Jewish New Year.  The current year is 5777 so on September 23rd we enter 5778.

This is important because 5 is the number of grace, 7 is the number for completion, and 8 is the number of new beginnings.  Since we are in a season of 5777 this can be interpreted as God’s grace to reach the fullness or completion of a cycle in your life.  You can’t get more completion than 777. This year should have been a year when you experienced the manifestation of many things that you prayed for.  Was this true for you?  It was also a year of intense warfare.  We had to war from month to month.  It was the year of the sword.  If you were warring then you should have seen the manifestation of blessings as a result of the battles you had to fight in the spirit this year. Next year will be different.  You’ll still need to fight BUT the focus won’t be the fight but rather the harvesting of the “new crops” that will spring up in the new year.  The springing forth of the seeds you planted.  Whether they are good or bad depends on you.  Watch for our prophetic word on 5778/2018 where we’ll go into details on this.

We are approaching the end of a 10 year cycle and we’ll move into a new 10 year cycle.  So 5778 and then 5788. The question is, what kind of life were you living for the past 10 years?  Are you ready to move into a new cycle?  Are you ready for change?  Are you ready to see the turn around and breakthrough that you are looking for in your life?

You have 1 month to get it together before you move into a new cycle. ONE MONTH.

I’m going to send you back to the prophetic word in May, then read June, then July, then August.  If you followed the word of the Lord you are now ready to move into your new cycle.  If you did not you are about to experience 10 years of more of the same.  It’s your choice.

You can ask God to accelerate your process so that you are ready to step into this new cycle.  That means you’re going to be very busy this month cleaning things up, cutting people out of your life and getting delivered from the things you’ve been aware of for the last 10 years that are a  problem, hindrance and obstacle in your life.

It’s a good time to start that diet.  Get focused.

Are you tired of hearing prophetic words of blessings and then the following year you end up with more of the same heartache and hardship?  Well, that’s because God requires you to do some things in order to step into that blessing.  You can’t keep doing the same thing and expect to have a different result.

Also, the world could be experiencing famine but because you have a close relationship with the Lord, and you are obedient to Him you experience abundance in the midst of a famine.  You should never worry about the government or the economy because God WILL bless you regardless of what is happening in the world.  Keep your eyes focused on Jesus.

You have got to clear the clutter and distractions out of your life and focus on God so that you know when to shift, how to shift and walk in obedience into the new cycle you are about to enter

The significance of Elul

  1. Leading up to Rosh Hashanah there is Selicot which is a 3 day period of repentance in preparation for the new year.  During Selicot Exodus 34:6-7a is recited daily because it focuses on the attributes of God’s mercy and forgiveness of sin.

Exodus 34:6-7a New International Version (NIV) “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. ..”

Please don’t let it be lost on you that in order to enter the New Year (Rosh Hasanah) correctly you must repent.  How many people repent in preparation for the Gregorian calendar new year on January 1st?  Not many.  You see this is why it is very important to understand the things that God has ordained for His people.  Repentance leading up to the new year.

Rosh Hasanah is September 21 – 22, so how about starting a period of repentance starting on September 19th.  Can you commit to that?  See how different your life could be if you enter in the way that God requires.

I know some of you reading these prophetic words wonder why we focus so much on the Jewish Calendar.  Well, if Jesus were here today in the flesh which calendar do you think He would be following?  Do you think He would still be observing the High Holidays?  Do you think He would still keep all the feasts?  Of course He would!  He’s Jewish, remember? God never abolished that.  While we are no longer under the law it is very important for us to understand life from His calendar since He is a God of time and season. We’re not doing it to be religious or to work our way to salvation but rather to understand the things that God ordained from long ago which the modern day church seem to have thrown out the window.  God never abolished His calendar.

I don’t know about you but before studying and understanding the Hebraic Calendar, I always thought Jewish people only had one day of repentance and that was Yom Kippur.  I even remember wondering how they got by in life only repenting 1 day for the entire year.  After studying, I realize that this is false.  There is repentance and fasting happening month after month.  Orthodox and Hasidic Jews probably repent more than we do!!  This is a constant if you’ve been reading these prophetic words.

2. From the 1st of Elul to Yom Kippur it’s 40 days.  This period is known as the “Days of Favor”  HALLELUJAH! The favor came because Moses after discovering the Israelites with the golden calf destroyed it, and then went up the mountain again to repent on behalf of the people.  After this period of 40 days he came down with the tablets with the 10 commandments for the 2nd time.  This was an indication of God’s favor.  Again, the favor came after repentance.

We want to share with you these points for repentance which will help to usher you into the place of repentance.  It is also a good time to repent for the sins and iniquity upon your own country.  Wherever you live in the world you should take this time to repent on behalf of the people of the land and those in government authority.  We see that we can pray repentance for others through the example of Nehemiah who repented for the Israelites (Nehemiah 1) even though he was not with them as they sinned and the wall was destroyed he interceded on their behalf.

3. “Elul” is an acronym for the biblical phrase ani ledodi vedodi li—“I am my Beloved’s, and my Beloved is mine.”  This refers to the love that God has for His people.  And relates to these verses:

Song of Songs 2:16 (NIV)My beloved is mine and I am his; he browses among the lilies.”

Song of Songs 6:3  (NIV) “I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine; he browses among the lilies.”

We see that as God has an intense love for us and as such we should reciprocate and have an intense love for Him. Remember that we loved Him because He first loved us (1 John 4:19)

Can you take a few minutes everyday this month to reflect on the love of God?  Think about how much He loves you and then think about how much you love Him.  Just let your heart burst with love for Him.

It is said that the “King is in the field”  This is the month when God is near to everyone “Seek the Lord when He is found, call Him when He is near” (Isaiah 55:6).

Normally the King is in His palace but during this month the King goes out to the field to meet with His people.  What does this mean to you?  Well, God is easily accessible this month by EVERYONE!  He is coming to meet with you, so make time to meet with Him everyday.  The King is in your work field, your school field, your business field, wherever you are He is waiting for you.

That means you should see great answers to your prayers this month.  This is after all the month of favor!

You should make time this month to have daily prayer time.  If it is only for 5 minutes take the time to communicate with God.  If you have to get up earlier or stay awake later or pray in your car as you are driving to work or in the shower as you are getting ready for work.  If you are single with no children, then you shouldn’t have an excuse.  Just make time.

He is waiting to meet with you!!  When you have access to this month of favor why not go for it.  PRAY BIG.  ASK BIG.  BELIEVE BIG!!

4.  It was on 17th Elul that the 10 spies who gave the negative report died from a plague.  Yes, old negative things will pass away.  Break off those strongholds and negative mindsets in the name of Jesus.

5.  On the 25th Elul the wall got rebuilt after Nehemiah interceded. RESTORATION!!!

Also, please don’t let it be lost on you that the full solar eclipse occurred as we were “crossing over from Av to Elul”  This is not a coincidence.  God is saying that there was a divine exchange that happened on that day.  We moved from one place in the spirit to another.

Here’s a prayer for the month of Elul:

I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine.  Thank you God for calling us your Beloved that your love is so great towards us that you would come out to meet us in the field this month to give us access to You, even those who don’t know You.  Lord with this accessibility I want to pray for the salvation of _______, _________, ______… that everyone of my friends and family members would come to know you as Lord, Savior, King and Redeemer.  Thank you for bringing them from death to life.  Thank you for the divine exchange of eternal life where there was eternal death.  I pray this month they would get a full revelation of who you are.  Lover of my soul, I pray this month that I would make the time to repent, daily.  That I would meet with you every day this month of Elul to ask the impossible.  To believe for the impossible and to receive your favor.  Grant me favor with You and with men.  Bless my hands so what I touch this month will produce a harvest beyond measure.  Wherever I have fallen short accelerate my process so that I can enter the Rosh Hashanah prepared for my next cycle of blessings.  Grant me wisdom in all that I do this month. I bind every distracting spirit.  I bind the spirit of confusion.  I loose clarity and focus to accomplish all that you have for me and what is pleasing in your sight.  I repent for the sins of my country.  May all those in authority turn to you.  Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.  Take your rightful place in this nation turn the hearts of all towards you.  Do the miraculous this month, in Jesus Name, Amen!

We hope that you are blessed by this word and we praise God with you for the favor and love He will shower upon you this month!

Here is an exercise for you to try, think about how much God loves you.  Let Him pour His love over, in and through you. Then with your entire being – heart, mind, body and soul think about how much you love God.  Imagine this as staring at the love of your life and feeling all the emotions associated with that love.  Think of God in this way.  With no words.  Just imagine love pouring out of your spirit back unto God.  With no words but your soul, spirit and your entire being.  This is not the same as praise but rather focusing your love on the Almighty.  Directing your love towards God. Here’s what will happen because you are showering your love on God and not asking for anything, you will receive refreshing, a renewal, and a download of revelation on things that you have been waiting to have an answer on.  You will be very happy you did this. If you have never done this before, tell us what you think after you’ve done it.  Then try to do this everyday this month

God Bless!

4 thoughts on “Prophetic Word for September 2017 – 40 Days of Favor!”

  1. Very encouraging word for those of us going thru spirit warfare! My husband and I have had big prayers answered but with serious warfare!

  2. This is good to understand the fold of events of God nature dealing with man on personal relationship.i am happy to begin to know the gregorian calender.cheers!

  3. Amen. I receive this prophetic word in Jesus’ Name.
    Thank you MOP for releasing this word. I am now looking forward to the word for the new year.

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